Can we talk about thor? I thought it was extremely disappointing

Can we talk about thor? I thought it was extremely disappointing

I loved the first thor movie, there was a Shakespearean attempt at tackling the family fued aspect of asgard which was actually pretty great imo and unfairly lambasted by whedon. It had its lighter moments that never really detracted from the grandeur/ gravity of the plot

ragnarok failed its characters more than anything

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the first film is pretty bad tho. Loki's actor in the scene where he finds out he's adopted is the best part of the movie and that's it. His acting is genuinely great and gives some real father son relationship and the expected resentment an outsider could feel towards a figure like Odin

it's also just boring to do "true strength is in humility and self sacrifice" in a norse myth about fucking Thor, the pinacle of warrior pride and "toxic masculinity" (though of course the "black" god is still uber stoic badass). The plot is basically "check ur privilege", which doesnt really fit the whole valhallah thing

not to mention the plastic-looking Asgard with shitty design with no aesthetic relations to the myths (also dutch angles)

Everything that was not Asgard was pretty good.

I thought the first Thor movie was pretty bad. Especially ruined by that stupid robot fight at the end.

While Ragnarok was consistently good throughout. The plot was tense, the pacing was good, the ending surprised and visual porn.

Are you pretending that 90% of the first Thor wasn't just him having a wacky fish out of water adventure on Earth with Kat Dennings quipping about Facebook or some shit?

Americans dont understand the concepts behind Thor or Nazis. Just like arabs dont understand freedom.

I liked it. Was pretty much everything I expected it to be. Pretty predictable action movie, but still fun. Soundtrack was surprisingly good.
>implying first thor movie isn't waste of time

Whedon hated Thor 1?

I felt Branagh and Strazyncki got alot of shit right in terms of character and Richard Doyle's score is one of the best in the MCU.

The loki/ odin moments made the movie for me. ragnorok pisses on his character. The scene where thor is cast out is also fantastic and hopkins/hiddleston are both great in it

I thought everything non asgard was its weakest...

if you enjoyed it, thats fine... i watched it today and felt disgusted. Hence the thread.

Hardly, the quips are all contained to dennings and she's in it for less than 10 minutes

i dont know if he hated it but there was a quip about "Shakespeare in the park" and that whole scene that followed after

First act was kind of a jumbled mess. It felt cobbled together. The 2nd and 3rd act are much better. There were a couple obvious tropes and maybe a couple jokes that were misplaced, but apart from that it was one of the better Marvel movies.

I think the shift in tone was the right choice but they turned the dial from like a 2 on the fun-o-meter to an 11 when a 6 or so would have sufficed.

In a lot of places the humour felt forced.

It was still the best Thor movie by miles but with some restraint it could have been far better.

Not OP, but I totally agree. It started off with bad jokes which I didnt like. And then the movie proceeded to become increasingly good. I enjoyed everything after Hela appeared. And thought everything before Hela was a bit cheesy.

While most other super hero movies statt off well and fall flat as they go on.

Loki's fluidity (he has no plan as such, he just adapts and constantly evolves) is the best thing about it.

And I do wish we had Brian Blessed as Odin. He would have treated it as more than a paycheque.

They went too far, I get that the Thor movies were shit and they wanted the GotG audience, but it was too much of a quipfest. GotG2 was better I guess

Yeah. Dr. strange felt like a plot device. Loki being king felt bizarre. Hela showing up exactly where they are when their father died was convenient. All jokes, little plot binding the scenes together.

I also feel like it would've have been better if they didn't spam the Hulk in the marketing. Because they do a lot of buildup to the champion reveal but you already know it's the Hulk. To be honest I thought they were gonna pull a bait and switch. Like that's not him: he's just a warm up guy, this is our champion.

Except for the introduction of that black woman I guess. That was pretty unfunny.

We all know that they played safe due to being scared audiences would not buy the magical fantasy (hence the science is magic and Science People having a big role n the movie).

Ironically that early conservatism is what gave the MCU the solid footing it needed to become more ambitious.

I think they broke Hulk. Thor was always a braggard and it was always dealt with humorously. Thor basically played as usual but with wacky surroundings.

But the Hulk was a massive deviation of character. I wonder how he is going to snap back in the later movies.

>The plot was tense
Yeah tense with laughs. My favorite part of the movie was that one part where the serious moment was killed by quips.

I feel like Marvel has just been throwing around concepts in different movies. And they go with what sticks.

Which is a better approach than trying to force things like DC keeps doing. If you are trying to build a movie series.

I strongly suspect preview audiences did not like Odin dying as a hobo in an alleyway, so they moved all that shit to Norway/Windows XP/Elysian Fields.

Its very hard to make movies about an unwielding hulk. So I doubt he will snap back.

Impressive Visuals
Special effects
Funny/good laugh
good music from times to times

Shit story with a fast pacing
SJW push ""we are progresssive dude, see????"""
ending was abrupt

Remember when hulk was an unassuming tortured soul travelling from town to town searching for a cure?

>we'll never get a good movie with norse shit in it

They completely butchered Loki in sequels.

I loved the hulk movie desu. If they had left the other hulk villain out it then it would have been pretty good.

yes he's genuinely 'mercurial', he seems like a sneaky evil fucker AND looking to do good

that was alright

i've seen these "reviews" before on Sup Forums

also forgot to mention the soundtrack had some real good shit

>stop liking what I dont like

i mean it didnt need to be anything related to nazis except some jokes

>you're a jew, Jane? My brother is very jewy too, doesnt take after the allfather at all

> (You)
>>stop liking what I dont like

>Just got back from seeing RAGNORAK with my crew. We roll pretty deep and let me tell you, not a dry seat in the house. The piss was intense. Piss dripping out the seats, piss flowing down the aisles, piss in the popcorn. Piss jets in every direction. I actually shit myself three times, I told the door monkey and he was like "Aww here goes" and we fist bumped. It was all a good vibe. Great night out and if you roll with a chill crew and not a bunch of permavirgin goobers then you'll have a wicked sick time. SLAYED.
>Hell yeah bro I already bought my second ticket. This movie is an hilarious WINTER ROMP that isn't afraid to get a little RAUNCHY.
>Took a girl to the movie and she way literally PISSING herself, this time though we are prepared with our own adult diapers. That's how funny this is.
>Butthurt CRITICS who are disconnected from normal people wouldn't GET it!!!!

So literally a generation ago Asgardians were these warmongering monsters conquering the known universe, and now that Hela is back there is not a single Asgardian out there pining for the good old days and wanted to side with her? And the entire population of this galaxy conquering empire fits on a single spaceship?

> plastic-looking Asgard with shitty design with no aesthetic relations to the myths
seriously wtf was that

zero grayskull nightmarish aspects, or rocky icy shit, no dark parts or pleasant bavarian-esque fields

Valhallah is a pyramid in the prequels lmao

>ragnarok failed its characters more than anything

That's wrong though.

>Actually trying to understand that retarded plot
dumb forgposter

We have Whedon to thank for raping his character.

Still waiting for Loki to get his own movie.

>father dies
>literally a cosmic father
>is a cheery oaf

really great