I already forgot what it sounds like and it's not even as background music during the film
Thanks Marvel
I already forgot what it sounds like and it's not even as background music during the film
Thanks Marvel
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when will posting capeshit be a bannable offense?
When every janitor and mod added after 2010 get fired so this website can go back to being good
Is Whedon deliberately sabotaging this film?
One day, hopefully.
It's not very memorable, but I guess it will do.
Not trying to wade into le comic warz but it's kind of crazy that in 20 films Marvel still doesn't have an iconic piece of music.
The 90's Batman theme is more famous than any Marvel score ffs
Name 1 (one) post-BvS track that is memorable
Protip: you can't
because 90% of the films are still using temp music. like the first thor movie, has like 15 minutes of original composition. the rest is temp.
Joss Whedon bringing in Danny Elfman instead of Zac Snyder using Junkie XL and Hans Zimmer for ambience with a few well placed covers of classic rock songs is probably going to be my biggest gripe with this movie.
It's a shame that they've ruined the DC movies by casting troglodytes like Gal Gadot and putting a faggot like Whedon in charge of anything.
Superior theme coming though:
Relevant Sup Forums reminder.
I'm more looking forward for the whole DCEU to crash and burn so that maybe we can get a proper adaptation of the comics.
I was hoping the hollywood sex stuff would of ended his career. Whedon is a hack.
What is temp music?
Using 70s rock because "le lyrics or maybe just the title fits what's happening on screen" is kinda bad, but using shitty covers instead is overkill
I don't like Snyder but I could admit his two previous capeshit flicks had some merits especially compared to MCU trash but everything about JL looked equally as trash from the start.
>Thanks Marvel
To be fair, the music in Batman v Superman was just as bland as the music that's in Marvel's flicks.
Snyder is the reason why they're in the shitter right now.
You need to go back...the last memorable soundtrack was the nolan Batman
It's ok, but the oingo boingo song I was listening to beforehand was way better.
I wonder if Danny has just gotten worse or if this is because of the time constraint
I wish we had more stuff like this.
They play a pre-made track over a scene as a placeholder so that they can come up with a new one later, but a lot of times they like the pre-made track so much they just make a rehash of that one.
What's wrong with Elfman? His Batman and Spider-Man scores are probably one of the most memorable soundtracks I've heard in a superhero movie.
Poor Danny Elfman.
One of the greatest composers forced to imitate the overrated Hans Zimmer.
This, we haven't gotten a good capeshit soundtrack since The Dark Knight Rises.
>memorable soundtrack
How badly would Justice League have to flop for Whedon's career to be over?
My man
Temp music is essentially already existing pieces of music (like tracks from other films, or cues from score library houses), that the director adds into the film during editing to grasp how they want the scene to feel.
Almost always they then forward the scenes/cut with temp to the composer, to give them the idea they are striving for with said scene.
In Marvel's case, almost all of MCU's first films are majority temp scores.
Nice callback to the original superman theme
Would never happen, Snyder would be the one most blamed
What the fuck happened Man of Steel had amazing music.
I don't know desu. They'd likely find a way to shift blame to Snyder anyway. He's the scape goat.
how do you go from this
to that
Justifiably so. MoS and BvS were dogshit.
You mean shitty callback that doesn't even fit
Oh yeah. I watched a video about that and how it irritates a lot of composers because they feel like they aren't being given room to be original or whatever.
>, when the man himself recently revealed that he intended to carry over John Williams' iconic Superman theme into Justice League, the hope that he would revisit his classic Batman theme was rekindled. And if Film Music Reporter, a fairly reliable source when it comes to news regarding film and TV music, is to be believed, then Elfman will indeed be revisiting his old theme for Justice League
>decent traditional orchestral Eflman score
>reeeee why doesn't everything sound like muh Zimmer jungle drumming shit
Wait till you hear his actual Justice league theme before making a judgement.
Was he really though? Neither of the two tracks released sound anything like Zimmer.
In fact they sound exactly like Marvel's Captain America, and first avengers flick.
So unless Ostinato runs = Zimmer. You're mistaken.
Fuck my ass ripe and clean I'm so tired of overblown orchestra pieces and ironic rock shite in soundtracks. Fuck them all any 90s John Woo movie has a better soundtrack than most action movies nowadays
>anything good about Nolan or his Batshit trio
>accuses others of being reddit
it's you who must go back.
It's not bad.
The Dark Knight trilogy has a lot of memorable music.
>bland, unappealing and mixed like shit
Hmm I wonder.
>beautiful Christmas atmosphere that gives the movie a lot of spirit and personality, as with other Burton movies serves multiple purposes to make the movie more memorable (aesthetically snow in darkness looks amazing, thematically his movies are often about the darkness hiding behind a pretty surface, but also the opposite, emotionally movies set during Christmas seem to have deeper impact because we all share a connection and it brings up a lot of personal memories, etc)
>Bruce is just as scary and schizophrenic as the villains he's chasing, but it's shown through subtle moments, not spoonfed through dialogues like with Nolan's
>Gotham actually looks like a dark and unique city, just gorgeous art design and architecture work all around ('Fascist architecture meets World's fair architecture')
>All people involved at the top of their game: Elfman's iconic and poetic score, Czapsky's cinematography who brought the best out of Burton at that time (see also Edward Scissorhands and Ed Wood), Waters's batshit insane script
>actually takes a lot creative risks and mixes many different influences and styles, from German expressionist horror and grotesque to satirical comedy about politics (Shreck and Cobblepot) or feminism (Selina), supposed to be a kid's movie but ends up being a completely crazy movie about crazy people
>superb cast, Pfeiffer's disturbing and erotic Catwoman (compare to how bland Hathaway's was), Chris Walken, DeVito's hilariously gross yet really tragic Penguin (probably the most interesting capeshit villain in cinema), Keaton who may not have been the best Batman but is a really interesting Wayne
Unironically, the Citizen Kane of capeshit
wow so unique
shouldn't one be hired to begin with?
Total shlock. I'd rather listen to the orchestral version of Joker/Harley's song Gangsta has more soul.
>tfw we will never have a HGW capeshit OST
Aesthetically pleasing underscore cues
Lavish 60 piece movements
just kill me right now senpai
I love this little faggot with his t-rex arms.
fuck joss whedon for firing junkie xl for this shit...
Was looking forward to what the guy that gave us mad max fury road soundtrack was going to create with the mentoring he had under hans zimmer, instead we get this mundane easily forgettable shit.
Joe Hisaishi is above all of those. And John Barry. And Ennio Morricone. Who the fuck even made that?
Is it a coincidence that Elfman and Whedon are soulless gingers?
But Elfman is better than Zimmer...
>all those underages in this thread hating on based Danny
>literally the same plot as the Avengers
>literally stealing the director of the Avengers
>now taking the composer of the Avengers
DC's not trying anymore
They're also forgetting that Danny created what is arguably the most famous, influetial and revolutionary opening theme for a cartoon ever made
Yeah. It's great how Zimmer gave Harry his start, and then Harry did the same for his brother.
You can hear Harry's influence on him in a lot of his string progressions.
Still, feelsbadman.. that HGW will never grace us with a capeshit score.
I think a more grounded superhero flick, like street leveler would fit perfect with his percussion/underscore driven cues.
>amazing composer
>amazing singer
>headliner of one of the greatest rock bands ever
how can one man be so based?
If you can't beat them...
It's alright. It's definitely more tolerable than that garbage they were trying to hock in BVS.
>that transition at like 2:40 for spidey
Gets me every time. ;-;
Next you're gonna praise Family Guy's theme.
Is that fascist-era bowie?
Steven Price is best up and comer.
Elfman is overrated.
Shirley Walker (god rest her soul) gave us a better orchestrated batman OST with 1/100th the budget.
>god rest her soul
The first 5 notes of Elfman's Batman theme say more than most entire film scores.
He does ambiance very well.
>Faggots forgetting bases James Horner
Make way plebs. Real OST Kino coming through.
I remember user.
God, Nicole Kidman was so hot in Forever. anyways, snyder already used smashing pumpkins, albeit in a pure kino trailer.
>people hating on marvel music
I loved Ragnaroks music desu.
What's their best song and why is is dead mans party?
James Horner only did a few really good scores, though.
How awesome would it be if they did a soft reboot of the DCU and started using updated versions of Williams' Superman theme and Elfman's Batman theme? Really awesome, that's how.
what is this type of genre called?
People wouldn't go for it, though. They might accept Elfman's Batman theme because it's dark but since the Williams Superman theme is bright and inspiring they would think it was hokey and campy.
This one was great
God that movie sucked.
name a better cartoon opening theme then
It's a damn shame they ruined that score with some obnoxious licensed soundtrack choices being placed at odd fucking times.
I personally love the James Bondesque theme of Iron Man 3 and Thor Ragnarok synthy score is pretty good.
objectively wrong
BvS had great music, very memorable
Well they can go fuck themselves.
Underscore / Ambiance
It favors a lot of textures and synth ostinatos.
Some more good Horner
Now you see why we call them DCucks.
Guardians of the Galaxy 2