Was Lil' Z gay?

Was Lil' Z gay?

Do you need him to be?

why do you ask?

he was a manlet, that's why he was so angry all the time. manlet hue rage

He could've gained about 3 inches if he fixed his posture

No. He raped a woman.

it was really heavily implied that he was ugly and dark as fuck and the other characters were whiter and handsome. He was just an angry bad specimen. Sad

he looks like andre3000

>it was really heavily implied that he was ugly and dark as fuck
By implied you mean showing his fucking face?

No he was an ugly virgin. Until he raped that woman. Remember, virgins are not rapists.

Remember, Benny is considered white in Brazil.

lmao someone make a mashup of this and that neon demon screenshot



he raped the girl wearing that necklace which he was not suppose to do

All I was wondering throughout was why a pasty Jew like Thiago was hanging out with niggers from a slum

>Lil z

This can't be real. Amerisharts can't be this retarded.


for drugs

It's Zé Pequeno faggoto americano



>hyper oats
>psych-pass aired 4 years ago
where did that time go?

Bravo Refn