John Ham and his stupid company were so fucking dumb

> hi, you're a fucking disembodied consciousness that I created for profit in violation of everything that's good and holy. Wanna be a slave? No? Ok, here's some torture.

How many times did he fail to "break" them sufficiently and they went on to torment their owner or even harm them given some extraordinary opportunity? it's a non-zero number, even if its not a mass-market product.

Here's my take:
Make it a game for them: if your owner is satified with your performance you get a simulated 100 hour orgasm or whatever the fuck you want. Simple. Positive reinfocement is always more powerful than the negative.

Bonus Round:
just fucking code a house management program the old-fashioned way, using a full consciousness for this is gross overkill.

also, black mirror thread?

Other urls found in this thread:

>if your owner is satified with your performance you get a simulated 100 hour orgasm

positive reinforcement never works.

that's why god invented hell.

The show is dumb, made for dummies. It might take you a few episodes to realize all the plot holes and desperate attempts at social commentary but the sooner you drop it the better.

I bailed at the one where people were turned into "phone zombies" and instead of helping someone bring chased they just stood around filming them on their phones. If that's the level of subtlety the show was taking forward then it's clearly written for plebs.

haha, nono friend, you didn't watch that one until the end, there's a twist

yeah that was dumb and cruel...perhaps it was to show how dumb and cruel this guy was

I mean shit, I wake up there, sure "can I access the web? can I talk to others people? surely i can automate 9/10 of this shit you want me to do and still have time to play games and poke around why the strong arm tactics"

>Sanders told investigators how Hamm then led him to 'the pit' where he ordered him to do press-ups and pushed his face into the ground.
>The distraught pledge felt someone, possibly Hamm, standing on his back.
>Hamm is then supposed to have set fire to Sanders' pants and refused to let him pat the flames down, instead making him blow them out.
>Finally he was led upstairs to the 'party room' when Hamm hooked the claw of a hammer underneath his testicles and pulled him around the room 'for at least a minute'.
Based Hamm.

hype for this

yep. although with the possibility of insane simulated-reality shit idk why you're talking about playing games

because respecting the comfort of an AI would indicate it was a sentient entity and deserving of rights, thus using them as slave labor would no longer be viable?

It would make much more sense to have five copies and let them enjoy a paradise four-fifths of the time.

But then Black Mirror is about the richfags winning, and they'd rather the slightly cheaper and torture option.

This is the correct answer.

Dystopian film is dystopian

vegans respect animals, I guess they'll be getting citizenship status any day now, huh

they can accelerate time for the consciousness remember? they can take a whole vacation while you're taking a shit

>I bailed at the one where people were turned into "phone zombies" and instead of helping someone bring chased they just stood around filming them on their phones. If that's the level of subtlety the show was taking forward then it's clearly written for plebs.

As if that doesn`t happens in real life...

>frat faggots tormenting each other
I fail to see the problem with this

Clearly you didn't watch that episode until the end, you fucking moron.

This. BM is made for specifically for low IQ redditors who have zero concept of subtlety or social commentary. This why I only stick to actual intelectual stuff like anime.

>they can accelerate time for the consciousness remember? they can take a whole vacation while you're taking a shit

So why choose to torture them?

That is what vegans want, yes. Animals don't get it because they can't stand up and say "yo this sucks" because they're not thought-for-thought, memory-for-memory copies of people, like the cookies in the episode.

The fact this needs to be explained at all should shame the fuck out of you.

This. It's just boys being boys. Guarantee it's only women who have any problem with stuff like that.

Because from the perspective of Matt (Hamm's character) it's just a piece of technology. He can't even see the woman inside the thing. It'd be like saying you can torture Siri or Cortana now.

right, I'm just saying you don't need five different ones.

I can program a computer to produce the words "I am conscious, I feel I'm alive, I want to be free", If I'm good I can even make it believable. How is that any different from the copied consciousness?

see the idea is these things are so common they're being used for menial tasks. So suddenly giving them rights would mean rearranging the whole of the society as it exists. Like if computers were suddenly given citizen status.

The program isn't a thought-for-thought, memory-for-memory copy of you.

What part of this is difficult for you to understand?

>So suddenly giving them rights would mean rearranging the whole of the society as it exists. Like if computers were suddenly given citizen status.
How would it need to be rearranged?
I don't see any problem with granting computers citizenship.

you guys are getting it backwards, you don't need to torture a class of entities in order to ensure they remain in non-person status.

There's no slippery slope at work where, if you're descent to an entity it automatically gains rights.

whatever it is, it's just a pattern of electricity in my pornbox, it's not a person, that doesn't change whether I treat it well of torture it.

You're not that stupid.

you know the device you just typed that on? now you need to pay it a salary and benefits.

You're just a pattern of electricity in your brain.

it also decides when it does and doesn't want to work.

yea, a pattern that emerged spontaneously from the cosmic chaos. I'm the universe experiencing itself. My computer is just a thing I made to make it easier to watch porn.

>My computer is just a thing I made
you're an intel factory?

just needs calibration.

and we're talking about a situation where 1:1 copies of those spontaneous emergent patterns can be copied.

What part of this are you failing to understand?

I as in humanity.

oops, sorry, I get what you mean now, disregard

>claiming accomplishments you don't understand made by people you've never encountered as something you did

mang, go be a faggot somewhere else.

>Need a certain rating level in order to qualify to live in a neighborhood
>This high rating neighborhood allows blacks to enter it

Pick one.
Immersion ruined.

There's always loopholes around that.

Make it a law that it's illegal to be a computer, or just that the people you use in the Black Mirror computer things were all prisoners to begin with. As per 13th amendment, slavery is illegal unless you're convicted of a crime. Boom, you have legal computer slaves.

>Make it a law that it's illegal to be a [nigger]
because that's worked so well

it was just projecting a fantasy she had based upon information culled from her profile.

dude, the copy can be perfect. it can be executed in a simulator, creating a chatbot that talks like the original, or 3d model that moves like the original. But the entity, the computer running the software that's interpreting the data in the mind-file, that is not a person or a life form or anything of the sort. it's just that, a man-made tool, performing a task as it was made to do. by us.

on the contrary, I was talking about humanity as a whole so as to not single myself out as though my being conscious were somehow unique. Also I have designed computer circuits and components in my life, 'mang'.

>just fucking code a house management program the old-fashioned way, using a full consciousness for this is gross overkill
No, spending the time to make a nice little house for the computer is overkill. The whole point is that the "person" wasn't real and it was just an AI, so he didn't feel any remorse for hurting a program's feelings.

That's why instead, the loophole was to make pot illegal, thus getting yourself free slaves.

negro, the copy, by virtue of being in a computer rather than a sack of grease and water, is automatically superior to the human it was copied from.

well golly its a good thing they ain't legalizing it

are you basically trying to exhaust me by endlessly throwing out idiotic, easily defeated points?

no man, you could literally run a bunch of IoT devices off of a fucking arduino. A full human mind is 1TB, easily, and all of these complex thoughts need to be processed and everything. If all of that fit inside of that egg thing, a micro controller would be the size of your pinky nail.

the point is the only difference between a human and a copy of a human in a computer is how one or the other is defined.

>sorry it took me so long to reply, I dropped a little bit of water in my computer and it died instantly.

>inb4 we get a "Trump inspired" episode where technology is used to evaluate exact racial purity for segregation purposes, the main character, a white man, is never checked because he looks aryan but one of his parents was a light skinned black so they rip his privileged away from him

Screencap this.

>A full human mind is 1TB, easily,

its more like half a gig, filled with extremely lossyly compressed jpg and x265 files that can only just about barely be recognized as the events they're recordings of.

are you sure its not because you're retarded?

... so what you're saying is you haven't watched a single episode of black mirror and the only information you have on it is whats been maymay'd to you

wrong. Think about encoding the sensation of smell, or taste. Think about all the weird way that memories are interconnected, like smells that remind you of random days in your life.

memories are more than text and image, there is your sense of the passage of time, there's your own internal reactions to the transpiring events that color the way you think about things.

there's a lot of nuance.

ok, you used a mean word, you won, I'll suck your robo-dick now.

Nigger YOU think about physical sensations and how utterly limited they are.

Fucking hell you don't even have the thinnest understanding of the shit you're talking about and you're asserting intellectual superiority.

>This why I only stick to actual intelectual stuff like anime.

Itd be a lot easier just to have an ai assistant that learns about it's user's schedule, likes a and dislikes, and adjusts them accordingly through voice input or through the cookie thought and mood.

This show is garbage

you assume copying people is difficult

I've watched every episode multiple times. That's a perfectly predictable Black Mirror twist.

at this point its obvious you're just trolling for the name of the episode that mirrors just about exactly what you described.

Morning routines aren't but copying a person for the sake of being a house assistant is ridiculous.

le edgy christian

I'm not asserting anything, please enlighten me.

I just really think there's a lot there. Another example: touch. we have the entire surface of our bodies, ~ 1.75m^2 of skin to remember about. and each part feels different, you can remember your relaxed calves being jiggled, you can remember your knuckles popping, etc.

easier than coding an AI from scratch

especially since we don't have a single clue what consciousness is, much less how to recreate it.

What episode, one of the new ones?

The only thing I know about the new season is that Jesse Plemons is in the space one and there's an episode called "Black Museum". I promise user, that's all I recall. I unsubbed from the subreddit (yeah I know) because you can only discuss this show so many times.

>DAE realize halfway through San Junipero that it was a simulation?

or you could shut the fuck up and compare the sizes of the parts of the brain associated with the various senses

while everything in our society is sane and logical as it is now

its a perfect extension of the mess we're in

>easier than coding an AI from scratch

That's why you have a massive team of pajeets to poo out a basic AI for cheap, send it to America for refining, then use the base code in every product. The consumer does the rest of the work inserting all their personal info that you can later sell to advertisers.

hahah, alright user-senpai, I'll go get a neurology degree so you'll finally want to talk to me

... so you think it'd be cheaper and more efficient to pay a massive team of indians than to just-about-effortlessly copy a human mind, the way its shown to be done in the episode?

just how fucking stupid are you?

>be stupid nigger
>get information you can easily google
>don't just google it


i feel like you motherfuckers arguing about how much "data" the human brain has should shut the fuck up. neither of you actually have a clue as to how much "space" a memory takes and how much shit is in our brains that we don't know about yet


there's no scientific consensus on the size of a completely digitized human mind, right? And we're both just specuilating, right? I think you're lowballing, you think I'm highballing, let's just hug it out, I'll give you a brojob

My point being you don't need to copy the human mind just to have an egg that dims the lights, turns on the stove, or plays sexy saxophone music near bedtime. The premise is so ridiculous it's hard to take it seriously.

This, the faggots shit up the entire thread

this is shit you can verify yourself.

Bring up your most detailed memory. Then compare it to, say, anything on /hr/, then think about how much larger the visual cortex is compared to all of the other areas of the brain associated with the senses. From there you have a decent baseline that puts the size of all the memories in the human brain a long, long, LONG way south of a terabyte.

your point is a situation that still costs millions versus one that looks as it costs just about nothing.

also think about all the shit you've forgotten. For even if you're a teenager you've forgotten more than you remember, always.

That explains why noone sins

you're still just talking about images. what about all the non-image shit I was talking about?

i'm actually sick of you

>ability to recall is the same as having the memories that are still actually there

i can help you prove your hypothesis wrong. you need to watch someone you love die from dementia while remembering you some days and forgetting you the next, and you also need to do some mushrooms. you clearly have no fucking idea of the brain's actual capacity to just discard information for reality to even make sense

Negro it wasn't even that long of a post. Try reading it all?

You're confusing a large number of neurological concepts and slamming them all down where they had not been discussed at all, mixed with a crass emotional appeal.

Not to mention failing to comprehend a pretty short post.

would you like to get an invasive brain surgery just to get your teapot ready in the morning? How much do you think that'd cost?

apparently not much, if they're using it to get teapots ready in the morning

They also describe the procedure as non-invasive.

Nuke the thread for being off topic

that's another goy, and I think they made a good point about recall being different from what's actually stored.

also yea, wasn't a good response, you're saying if that's all the visual cortex can do, imagine the other parts which are even smaller, right?

ok, sounds good, but my point stands in the sense that you still haven't addressed what I was talking about with regard to the interconnectedness of the brain. The relations between the different parts are a huge feature of the structure of out minds, you're taking the brain-computer analogy too far in this regard.

Also, here's a claim, vague memories aren't analogous to lossily compressed files. The precise ways in which my memories are vague are part of who I am, if you just take that and say it's "random noise" or "garbage data" you're killing a part of me.

We all agree that Men of Fire or whatever it was called was by far the worst episode right?

at this point I'd like to kill all of you

but the interconnections of memories has to do with how they're stored and accessed. As to be so basic it'll probably strip what I'm saying of all meaning, storage is structural and access is electrochemical. So recall is firing electricity down a path of neurons and back again, and the interconnectedness has to do with how no part of the brain is ever "unused." So going down any pathway hits a number of other pathways.

The whole "killing a part of me" crap is just poetic nonsense.

>tfw you realize there was at least one soldier in that army that stopped taking his drugs and enjoyed killing immigrants too much to say anything

HOLY FUCK SHUT UP. Exchange a discord link. Get a fucking room. Nobody cares, talk about the TELEVISION SHOW

that's not what I got out of the episode at all... you're interpreting it in a way that maximizes your reason to be mad at those darn liberals.

> military uses tech to trick people in a way that eliminates the human compassion factor

a cool scifi concept.

>television show is about what makes man???

also if it makes you feel any better I hate this discussion, a lot.

Then fucking spare us all and shut the fuck up, jesus christ.

You've gotten nowhere, you're shitting up the thread, and you're so far off topic from the show.

Even if the fucking show is about "what makes a man" (fucking BROAD ASS DEFINITION, RETARD), the show has literally nothing to do with how much information a human brain can store converted to traditional digital measurement quantities.

The best scientists in the world don't know, and you two fucking autists certainly don't know. So shut the FUCK UP.

You guys are the high iq rick and morty copypasta personified

> poetic nonsense

> here at Cyberpunk Bill's no-nonsense mind-upload clinic we give you the absolute best service for the best value. You're gonna walk out of here with 500 gigs of ,jpg's and .wav's that represent only what's actually worthwhile to retrieve in your wetware, no garbage, no sissy, subjective, vague shit, no nonsense! So come down today!

> yes. I can confirm that this service is good. My biological body expired in recent times, and now I exist solely as computer files. I feel fine. I can say with no doubt that Bill's service is adequate and not lacking in any sense. I recommend you also utilize his services.

> You heard the man, folks!


And before you say "hurr durr the AI is a human brain uploaded to a computer so it must have a digitally measured quantity"

fuck off, you can buy a larger hard drive, you can't buy a larger brain. It's not relevant TO THE TELEVISION SHOW

man, you're almost as stupid as the other guy

actually that point is pretty relevant, as the larger quantity available to the copy speaks directly to it's inherent superiority to the original.

The best scientists in the world don't know, and you two fucking autists certainly don't know.

I already said that, but honestly I've got nothing better to do, and he's a pretty stimulating debate opponent, if a little hot-headed.

and I'm trying to reply to people who want to talk about black mirror too

You two idiots killed the thread, scroll up and see where everybody stopped responding/talking about black mirror

their consciousness is the byproduct of a complex system managing itself

the torture is caused by the Device slowly dying because of no management