How did he know that by digging through that particular wall he'd find a way to escape?

How did he know that by digging through that particular wall he'd find a way to escape?

He was never going to get out he might as well try.

You're a big spoon

I imagine he managed to sneak a peek at some prison blueprints with his privileges for all that time he was there.

Were there no checks on his cell for 20 years?

No one cleaned it?

No random searches?

Was he obtuse?

He was already in prison for life

He only had a couple walls to choose from you retard.

He didn't choose. He etched his name on the wall and a piece broke off. Then spent 20 years digging.

It shown pretty obviously he was being treated better than the other prisoners because of how much money he was embezzling the warden and the guards. Still a prisoner though.

Yeah but he didn't start helping them embezzle things immediately, he started after he started digging.

Also he fell out with the guards at one point. They still left his privileges?

>white male is privileged

every time

The entire premise of Shawshank Redemption is similar to the alluded "Count of Monte Christo":


He didnt know he was going to get out, but he had HOPE. Its a tale about never giving up. Never letting anyone take away your hope. He got gang raped and a lesser man might have just killed himself. That did not stop Andy Dufrain.


The bigger question is how he got the poster back on the wall.

It was hinged at the top with tape

This. He was innocent, and his pure fucking determinism willed himself out of there.

10/10 protag.

honestly thought this was a reference to War of the Worlds. his character just started digging in his basement too.

The only thing that bugs me about this move is how he managed to break a gigantic metal pipe with a big rock--unless he softened it up beforehand or something (a detail they left out).

Still my most favourite movie of all time.

>Still my most favourite movie of all time.

Yes, his privileges remained. Why wouldn't they? The guards loved him (or at least they loved all of the money he kept making for them), and he was still on friendly terms with all of them (even the Warden somewhat acknowledged this when he talked to Andy while he was in solitary confinement). There was no reason to make Andy's life any worse.

He started digging because why not? He was in for life and at that point his life was already shitty. He endured repeated assaults and gang rapes and was never going to get out. He found some weak cement in a wall that led to somewhere else, so why not keep digging and see what happens?

He had access to the prison archives when he was working as a book keeper for the warden. Obviously read the blueprints. This is specifically pointed out.

Have you never seen an old water pipe?

Do you know how oxidation works?


Seek help, user

Do you have knowledge of metallurgy, are you a faggot?

Was it metal? Look like ceramics, likely was

So let me get this straight... You ask a retarded question and then claim superior knowledge?

>only focuses on 2 spelling mistakes
Get help user.

It wasn't a metal pipe. It was a clay pipe. In the book, we learn that the prison was going to be upgrading the draining system to something more modern (metal drain pipes, smaller diameter), which is what motivated him to escape. Had he waited a few more months, work crews would have discovered his tunnel and he would have been screwed.

Why do you think he did?

That was actually his third hole - first one went straight into the cell next door. Not too bright, that guy.

a glory hole?

Rock hammer you moron

4 u


I still hold that this film would've been better if Andy actually killed his wife and him escaping coincides with him coming to terms with what he did

The greatness of the movie would reside in the audience sympathizing with him by the end

>Thinking Andy is who is redeemed...

Biggest flaw is that Andy didn't get moved to a new cell at any point during those 19 years.

Imagine the look on his face if Byron and the lads reassigned him 10 years into his escapade and it was all for nothing.