I challenge you to find a earlier example of BRAP posting than this.
I propose to you that Hop On threads (not to be confused with Hop IN noobs) spawned the world wide meme
I challenge you to find a earlier example of BRAP posting than this.
I propose to you that Hop On threads (not to be confused with Hop IN noobs) spawned the world wide meme
Other urls found in this thread:
Brat posting took off because of fat fucks spamming the thick meme you stupid fuck
Nice source, dumb fuck.
Come back when you finish grade school.
>sad loser wants to be the origin of bratp posting
>I dont have a source because im a dumb retard
get rekt son, like I said come back when you have a direct link to proof earlier than this not in a hop on thread.
Make sure to post this on Reddit so you receive all the credit you deserve big boy
Keep crying bitchboy
BRap posting originated on /fit/ because low-test sucks got butthurt that high test threads were being posted
You need proof. All boards are archived.
>Brat posting took off because of fat fucks spamming
pretty much every meme on Sup Forums
Brapposting is from Sup Forums
i'm too tired and lazy to do that right now. get someone else to do it.
Should be easy to source then my man
Sure thing, I'll try to keep this bumped for a while
This, that shit came from fart threads on Sup Forums awhile ago
Discussing memes. 'Tis a wonderful thing to see. As a redditor, I can confirm that the original BRRAAAP made the front page, circa 2015. It was a pleasure educating you on memes, fine sirs! G'day.
might have a winner here -OP
have to search a little more
brap is one of my favorite memes because it works on no level other than farting
It's just so nakedly vapid
Op here, Sup Forums is currently holding the crown for sure, I concede to you with your source (anyone else claiming shit without sources is wrong until proven otherwise.
HOWEVER, I still say that particular thread I posted is what made it mainstream
I agree with OP. I distinctly remember braap catching on in its current form via that matrix thread.
it was shortly after when it morphed via the sniiiiiiif pasta, but that was in THICC ass spamming threads
>check it
>actually real
So you're trying to tell me that Matt Furie basically runs Sup Forums's culture? woah
well, it's not braap related, but I just found out tonight my post from 2014 has been repeated as a minor pasta for the past 3 years.
;_; so proud. my 2nd most popular post
>you will never be a rich saudi prince with enough money to literally buy christina hendricks
Life is suffering