Sup Forums has been shitting on this all day

>Sup Forums has been shitting on this all day
>Start to watch expecting the worst, on episode 3 now
>It's still as good, if not better than the first season
I don't know why I listen to you people, just a bunch of hipster faggots

It's cause reddit likes it.

Wait until Ep. 7 becomes "The Warriors" and throws all the sci-fi and horror vibe out the window.

I agree. Liked season 2 more than 1. Just a warning though, you should probably skip episode 7. It's awful.

bob dies

And how would Sup Forums know what Reddit likes?

Episode 7 is shit is all I hear.
Looks promising so far where I'm at.

Episode 7 would be ok as its own thing. The problem is that it comes right after a big cliffhanger and its completely different in tone from the rest of the series. They obviously just put it in to set up future seasons.

All I hear is that Sup Forums hates it because the leader of the group is a "poo in the loo" whatever the fuck that means

Because Sup Forums and Reddit are the same fucking thing

Nah the poo in loo is irrelevant. She's barely even in it.

Indians don't poo in the loo.

I watched the first 3 episodes
Then I was really tired of the melodrama
started fast forwarding parts
by episode 6 was fast forwarding 50% of it
by episode 9 I only watched about 3 minutes of it

Episode 7 wreaks its aesthetic and is the reason for most of this hate, literally felt like something from a different series.

We want small town comfy not big city punk. It just felt really out of place.

it goes to complete shit at episode 7, I actually dropped it 30+ minutes in, dont care about the remaining 2 episodes.

the 80s

My big problem with thjs series is that all of the main characters split up and don't talk to each other or interact until the end when everyone is brought back together... only to immediately split up again.
For as bad as episode 7 is, the rest of the season just doesn't have the charm of the original, and the threat just isn't as good as the original demigorgon. It's fine as it is, but the first season was much better.

S2 (-ep7) > S1 > S2 (whole)

I liked the buildup of the mystery and the tension they kept by keeping 11 away from the gang. The season fell apart ep 7 with the xmen nonsense and the climax.

/tv collectively hates everything, unless it is new and hot, but of course newness will fade and that too will become shit.

How long until Sup Forums hates the new Blade Runner?

>Yfw Dustin lets the monster kill his fucking cat


Yeah. You're basically missing nothing by coming here.

There will probably be a handful of threads in December proposing that it was one of, if not the worst movie of the year, some of which will probably be completely unironic.

>friend gets stolen by monster
>you see the monster
>you help fight the monster
>find weird looking thing in your trashcan that you can't explain
It was too fucking retarded for me, that's when I started getting mad at this season.

so why did the alien things eat Bob when they werent eating the other people they killed???

It was never explained where it came from either actually. It just somehow got in his trash can.

It went from the sink's drain from Will's house to Dustin's trash can, what's there to understand?

It really is. The season is pretty much exactly the same feel as the first. One episode 5 right now. Do the New guy and girl become relevant at some point
Why does Sean Astin die in everything now. I wish he lived

>on episode 5
Sure it's similar.. for now..

Bar episode 7, I'm sure it stays that way

skip episode 7, trust me

so who was the russian spy?

Is it awful awful, or like a so bad it's good type of thing

Drains connect to trash cans? Cool.

also episode 7 might be a good idea. one episode so extremely garbage and out of place all other episode flaws forgiven because at least its not that shit. focus the shitposting

I thought it was decent, but a definite step back from the first season.

Awful awful. Like totally retarded.

but that film took place in NYC where subways and ghettos are

they're in a fucking white suburb of indiana....

which by the way is why the contrived nigger boy is bullshit

also the fact that hes wearing a fucking venkman jumpsuit rather than zeddemore

if this is supposed to be nostalgic what fucking black did wasnt wanting to be winston and wishing his role was larger in the movie

and they already gave the other kid a venkman outfit

Glad I'm not the only one who hated episode 7. Everything Eleven did up until the last two episodes was completely uninteresting.

Coming from somebody who loved season 2, its really, really bad.

>a character that doesnt talk was uninteresting
>waiting 1 full season + 80% of the 2nd to reach this point

Because of its placement it really puts the breaks on the momentum of the whole show. It might as well be called The Filled Episode. Pretty much a shoe in for a spin off series

I felt bad for his mom.

Never, because BR2049 will never be popular enough among the public for Sup Forums's patented "contrarian effect" to kick in.

This was my problem with season 1 and I see they're doing the exact same thing in season 2. You'd think these people would have learned their lesson and not be doing this counterproductive shit again.

When does the crazy Billy and Max become interesting/relevent?
And is Bob wasted in the season?

El shoes up to save the day, and it doesn't even really matter because she's hardly challenged in her abilities.
And since when the fuck is using your anger a good thing when using mental powers? I was expecting the flayer to start to overpower her despite her angry thoughts, and she'd start to think about Mike and Hopper and want to save them, and she pushes extra hard.
I dunno, it's cliche, but I don't mind it.

I actually liked it, but it's incredibly jarring. The problems are that it feels like the 2000s, not the 80s, and that it shouldn't occupy an entire episode. It should have been an episode's subplot.
It's an important part of Eleven's story. It just should have been shorter.

I Loved the first season

Watched the first episode of season 2 and thought it was absolute dogchit. I feel like im watching a completely different show, and i dont like it.

The cinematography is shit tier compared to the first season, scenes are so fucking jumpy/fast paced and the music is out of place aswell.
After realising how successful the first season was the jew producers are going to drag this one out and run it into the ground.

I remember the duffers said they only wanted it to be 1 or two seasons. Now apparently its going to be 4+ LOL

Life uh... finds a way

Also, the thing was mobile

This entire post is false
And it's 4 max

Where have people been watching this it's not on Netflix

First episodes are great, the ending half is lackluster, with Episode 7 being not only pointless but insultingly bad.

"Poo in the loo" is an catch all term for Indians, who have a notorious problem with sanitation, especially with using toilets. The classic rebuttal any time an Indian said anything on Sup Forums or Sup Forums was "Why don't you learn how to poo in the loo?" Which just got shortened and turned into a funny maymay "POO IN LOO"

How does Will even get bullied? He's ripped as fuck

sure, its only going to be 4. Just like they said originally it was only going to be 1-2 seasons

>as good, if not better than the first season

AIDS is a lot better than ebola these days, i tell you what

The remaining two episodes have nothing to do with episode 7

It literally doesn't affect the plot.
The only thing it does is explain why Eleven is dressed weird in Episode 8


+silent hill aesthetic
Winning formulary lmao

So original

It’s finger licking good user.

Oh fuck I forgot about that

imagine if after one of the big cliffhangers halfway through the last season of Breaking Bad, the next episode was about a completely different storyline and introduced all new characters where the only character who wasn't new was like Walt Jr. And then at the end of the episode everything is wrapped up and Walt Jr goes on his way. Then the next episode starts right where the cliffhanger from two episodes prior left off, almost as if nothing happened in the episode between it.

Regardless of whether or not the episode itself was good, it was a fucking retarded decision on the writers part and killed all of the momentum that was built up in the previous 6 episodes.

reminder that she didnt go to the restroom to cry, she went to throw up the 3 peas she ate.

Why do they call everything such gay names

"The upside down"
"My now-memories"

Would be so much better without this faggotry.

Episode 7 is fine. It just takes some getting used to. Also, I loved how creative they got with 008's powers. Simply phenomenal.

seems okay if you skip the poonies
definitely dropping the show if they continue with that garbage

>>It's still as good, if not better than the first season

The first season was garbage dude. And why the fuck are you fucking whinging about other people's opinions of Sup Forums shows?

"Now-memories" was pretty dumb, but "the upside-down" is great. I was so thankful when they stopped calling the thing possessing Will "the shadow monster" and started calling it the Mindflayer.

Just finished it, now what do I do?

Brett Gelman is a fucking mess. How so many people can be involved in a show and think that casting and performance weren't an issue is mind boggling. Complete and utter dogshit.

Because it's middle schoolers using sci-fi and fantasy media to analogize what's happening to them. The adults don't have any better answers so they participate since those terms are understood by everyone in the group.

How much of brainlet do you have to be to think this? Eleven's character arc reaches its climax when she throws purple sidecut's gun out the window. Right there, she chooses who she wants to be as well as who she wants her friends and family to be.


I grew up in the 80s and noone would have called anything such a gay name.

Really? When did you fight inter-dimensional monsters and meet a psychic girl?

>living in a secluded cabin on the run authorities with your daughterfu

well they wouldn't call you gay names to your face obviously

>the butterfly
>where she makes the doctor see her and Eleven as little kids
>the really cool scene where she cloaks them from the police
>the big wall

The only cliche bit was the spiders, everything else was a great use of that power. Absolutely Magnificent.

>the butterfly
Oh user

I'm sure your parents called you a gay name all the time.

in the 80's? Of course they would. Being a gay wasn't trendy back then. It was still considered degenerate.

>It was still considered degenerate.
and it still is today.

That would have actually been a lot better than
>one hand extended angry stare
>angry thoughts
>TWO hands extended angry stare

The upside down is a colloquialism for Hades (the location).

Checked, but it was a good way to show the beauty of a power that's inherently deceptive. The butterfly bit was the type of person 008 could have been if she wasn't so angry at THE MAN.

Just started episode 9 and holy shit Finn Wolfhard is an awful actor. I can barely make it through the scene between him and Hopper.


He literally did nothing wrong

>I have shit taste
>Hence I like shitty show
Why did you even make this thread.

He looks odd. I get they were trying to get that Elliot look like from E.T. or something.

But he just looks odd.

You know he's going to grow up and be a male feminist.

Who else is relieved that all the boys are straight? I was worried they were going to have a "Dustin and Will discover they're gay for each other" subplot or something to that effect

He always looked like he was wearing lipstick

It was the 80's man. Boys hadn't yet been pussified by drinking from plastic bottles and eating soy in everything.

>demogorgons are hiveminded to the mindflayer
>dart somehow letting the kids go because it remembers the nougat

He was listening to Def Leopard at one point, I think. If he's into hair metal he probably is wearing lip gloss at least.

He was wearing eye liner so that wouldn’t be too much of a surprise

>Will coughs up slug
>A year passes, nothing happens
>Dustin finds it
>It grows to a full demogorgon in the span of a week