After Justice League, which let's face it looks godawful, will their movies be changed tonally?
Is there hope for the DCEU?
They just announced the actor for Shazam. The DCEU is going to be around for years and it's already changed tonally from what we saw from Wonder Woman and the JL trailers. But this really needed it's own thread didn't it?
It already did. The tone of Suicide Squad was nothing like that of MoS and BvS. The only one that were tonally consistent with each other were the two directed by Snyder and even Justice League seems like it's gonna be nothing like those.
Why do you guys think that every DC movie has to have the same tone? Shouldn’t it depend on the character?
Wonder Woman beat fucking Avengers Civil War. If I was Disney I would be worried now.
Not really but Suicide Squad was absutely awful and Justice League looks pretty terrible too.
And BvS was amazing according to you?
It's called concern trolling. Pretend you're deeply worried about DCEU while ignoring what a financial success it has been for WB.
Yes, I think it's pretty fantastic.
This is what I don't get about Sup Forums. Sure the DCEU isn't as successful as the MCU but it is successful. Fox has been making movies for longer than both and never hit the same marks as the DCEU, doesn't get any of that sweet sweet merch money, they also have critical failures and also commercial failures unlike the DCEU
But they're still going. Why is there never any talk about FOX giving up?
imagine being so brainwashed by Marvel that you think every movie from a franchise should have the same tone
There different tones because they're different stories and different directors
Tone isn’t really the problem. You can have grimdark capeshit if it’s done properly.
I don't think anything they've done is grimdark except Suicide Squad and that was more GrimDerp
Company wars lmao
Wonder Woman looked pretty bad and then it was the best capeshit of the last few years and a massive success. Aquaman, Shazam and Deathstroke are already in confirmed, and they'll be massive hits too.
>tl;dr mcuck gtfo
I don't even think JL looks bad and that the board is overreacting. Especially about the Elfman music. It's like this place enjoys getting BTFO
Justice League is Marvel formula. It will do alright.
Justice League DOES look terrible. And the problem that justice league has ALWAYS had (in every comic and television adaptation) is that it's NOT tonally consistent and the only way to really give it that consistency is to water it down until you get a very childish formula.
DC has NEVER had the type of tonal consistency that Marvel had. Marvel has always set up a cohesive universe where if one super hero cameos in another story he always feels plausible and at home.
For the most part, DC has been mostly standalone stories in very different universes (Batman has always felt like a completely different world than superman or wonder woman). Though they can and do cross-overs, it's much rarer than marvel and it always feels like they sort of have to re-invent the universe to find a tone that fits.
The movies have the same problem. They are super tonally inconsistent and it doesn't feel like these characters belong to the same world and should be interacting. Marvel has a pretty even tone throughout so it's only natural that these guys interact....
I do however have more faith in the DCEU now that Snyder has been removed. He did an amazing job with Watchmen and 300 but never again recaptured the lightning. One of those ultra mediocre directors who really performed really uncharacteristically excellent for his first couple of projects which led people to believe he was far more skilled than he was.
Bullshit. The X-men existing in the marvel universe is almost an entirely separate universe based on the way people act towards muties.
>And the problem that justice league has ALWAYS had (in every comic and television adaptation) is that it's NOT tonally consistent
You think anyone is going to buy this when Justice League Unlimited is the second best cape cartoon ever made?
The rest of your post is completely wrong
Fuck man if you're going to be this wrong why not go all out and say "DC heroes are Gods pretending to be people. Marvel heroes are people pretending to be gods"
>Justice League Unlimited
Not that guy, but that shit is great as fuck.
Anyway, he's correct at some point. JL CGI sucks dick. It looks so fucking cheap.
The only part I think looks really bad is the car the rest looks no worse to me than the other cape films