Are you excited for Deadpool 2?
Are you excited for Deadpool 2?
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Fdeadpoolk Trump?
FWK TRUMP. That'll show those no good redstaters.
That said, the first one was fun. I have a feeling there's gonna be politics in the second. Bad politics. Hollywood politics. Yawn.
Is the plot of the next deadpool movie he kills trump and becomes president?
I'd watch that.
Unless there's a sister fucking scene where my father suddenly becomes proud of me, I'm not interested.
fuck white people and FUCK donald trump
>Fspidermaninasuitk Trump
I don't get it
I like my superheroes to get pegged in the butthole with a strap on. Good family fun!
>alt right baby cries about literally everything
Watch the box office of this thing take a hot steamy load in its face.
It will be glorious.
Sort of.
At last, someone say it
Honestly I generally hate lowest-common-denominator politics but the Trumpkins are so easily triggered; I can't really fault the left for doing it all the time. Those faggots bring it on themselves by being pussies.
First DP was great, I am sure the second won't be as great but it might be good.
>how can we alleviate ourselves from being responsible for a dead black woman?
>mumble mumble drumpf
I hate what Deadpool has become, why did normalfags have to ruin him?
>believing that was a sincere post
you should go now
>the left
Because who else would want to trigger Trumpkins?
Half of America didn't want Trump or Clinton.
there is a trumpster behind some of these screens. take it easy guys. we only voted what we thought was best for America.
>Implying it wasn't shit since the beggining
How ironic
>their face when they wear this shirt
I blame cosplayers
To make T-shirts like these, do they have to get a license to use the character, or is this somehow fair use?
>against Trump
I'm sure that deadpool would love Trump.
I was at a nudist camp and some shitskin screamed this after doing Karaoke. I’m dead fucking serious.
BTW why do they have to replace every cape with an ugly nigger? Not looking forward to that.
Half of America didn't show up; that hardly means there's an actual third party in this country. 90% of people identify somewhere on the left-right spectrum.
that's what you would have thought about eminem
If they showed up, what could they have put on the ballot to indicate they didn't want Trump or Clinton?
And why would you think that anyone who is left or right must SUPPORT either Trump or Clinton?
>I was at a nudist camp
Nobody is triggered over this though.
Literally why?
>implying deadpool wouldn't love trump
> Sam esmail is so triggered he writes anti trump fan fic in mr robot
> last man on earth writers are so buttblasted they pretend Pence is president instead
> Southpark had to redub half an episode because they were so sure DRUMPHGFC couldn’t win
We aren’t the triggered ones you flaming faggot. All of TV for the next 8 years will be a monument to how assblasted libshits are by Trump.
yeah but why though?
This. When the fuck did Deadpool become a leftie beta lol.
>If they showed up, what could they have put on the ballot to indicate they didn't want Trump or Clinton?
You can write in candidates. You can write yourself in to be president. Doesn't mean the EC will vote but a substantial margin would be newsworthy.
>And why would you think that anyone who is left or right must SUPPORT either Trump or Clinton?
Because when it's crunch time all they care about is being on the winning side.
and yet you are the one replying by phone to tell me how triggered you aren't
It’s a men only faggot camp. If you do a google search there are a lot of them. It’s ok but I always leave hating gays for being so fucking degenerate.
>was at a nudist camp
Where there boys? Like
>alt right amerimongrels trying another outrage because someone had blind criticism to the president of USA
What the... no it’s 18+
That sounds really boring
wtf it was literally HER turn now!
At some point, you're going to recognize that you're not ironically a gay pedo, but actually one. At that point, kys.
Fskullpooplk Trump?
Seeing how most theaters serve liquor now, I can't wait to see all of the drunk moviegoers who'll take a drink everytime he says/does something "meta" in next one. It'll give a new meaning to the word "Deadpool."
hm yea guess I'll pass
Life is too short for labels
Boys are aesthetic; deal with it
Naw, they casted a nigger as Domino
yarg sbarrow
No, because Eminem is a faggot that takes kike dick in his ass
Because he doesn't give a fuck
Trumptards BTFO LOLZ
t. your opinion since 3 weeks ago
It's ok sweetie, let it out. Show me where the big bad drumpfy touched you
Is it not common knowledge that jews run the music industry and trade sex for success? And yes, the faggotry is huge in hiphop and rap as well
How is the alt-right going to ever recover
the way they always recover. shout louder and skirt the issue
Hollywoods top virtue signallers BTFO
Is that official?
fuck drumpf and fuck capeshit
He's a memelord
Fantastic, Clooney and Damon is a twofer. Can't wait to pirate it
Have sex with their Conservative Christian girlfriends
It's a gift that just keeps giving
You missed this one. Look at the last two episodes
Eminem was pro trump
>implying that he would give a fuck about politics