Female character calls herself a rape "survivor"

>female character calls herself a rape "survivor"
>only 0.002% of rapes end up in the woman dying

If I drive through Detroit and make it out in one piece do I become a jungle survivor?

Other urls found in this thread:


Yes actually, you do.

It is better to be murdered than to live a life after rape. It is a wound of the soul that never heals and never numbs.

t. someone who has never been raped

1 out of 3 women are raped at some point in their life. Get some fucking perspective, you idiot.

Detroit is a Humid Continental Zone by the Koppen scale, and is primarily an urban area surrounded by deciduous forest, certainly not a jungle by any stretch

Rape is literally the most overrated crime there is,almost all of the """damage""" is psychological brought on by society's perception of what rape really is. In reality it's no worse than being robbed or mugged, and probably better because nothing physical is being taken from you

t. someone who has never been raped

>two drunk adults have sex with eachother

you need to go back to Sup Forums you stinking legbeard


>1 out of every 3 women are raped

he's right though

>Thinking that rape is real

Yeah that edge case anecdote really disproves statistics. Bravo, retard.

Rape is natural in the animal kingdom.
Woman are more likely to orgasm during rape and are more likely to conceive.
Most of them fantasize about it but wont admit it.
They only want to be raped by the finest Chads

Maybe when factoring barbaric third worlders. Good thing we're importing millions of them to raise the GDP!

Well then 1/3 women shouldn't have been asking for it by dressing like sluts. I've got no respect for rape """""victims""""".

No they aren't

t. someone who has never been raped

You really think psychological stability is less valuable than what's in your wallet? Just how fucking brainwashed are you?

9 out of 10 people enjoy gang rape

>It's not ok to hate wome-



But it's a psychological problem brought on by how society treats rape as the most heinous of crimes when in reality it really isn't you fucking spastic. NOTHING of value gets lost with rape in the vast majority of cases whereas robbery is many orders of magnitude more damaging to the victim and has a much higher fatality rate

I'm quite fond of the whole niqab thing and no womens rights in Islam, lads. Looks like the future might be bright after all.


what statistics? the only reliable statistics are cases where someone has been found guilty of rape, not your dumb anecdotal women's stories of how they regretted sex the night before.

Dumb fucking faggot

This is why it is impossible to argue with the alt-right. You can lay all the evidence in the world before them and they will sweep it aside for some perceived bias. They do not believe in science. They do not believe in mathematics. They are mentally unstable abominations of society and do not deserve your pity. Not all interpretations are valid; especially so when that interpretation does not agree to the factual principles upon which arguments are based.

>first gf says she was raped
>Second gf says she was raped
>Third gf says she was sexually assaulted
>Fourth gf says she was raped
>They all have rape fantasies

>self-reported cases of women claiming they have been raped rather than actual records of convictions

it's time you went back to Sup Forums

post proof that 1 in 3 women are raped in their lifetimes. We want convictions not women self-reporting rape that turns out to be stories of "I regretted it" ;)

>They do not believe in science

says the alt-left goon who thinks niggers are as intelligent as whites

Oh, I'm sorry. Can you quote me when I submitted "self-reported cases of women claiming they have been raped rather than actual records of convictions" as evidence of rape?

No? You can't? Sit the fuck down, sweetie.

>alt righters do not believe in science
Whatever helps you sleep at night, leftard

No, because you never posted evidence in the first place.


>“a 2012 study using data from the U. S. Census Bureau’s nationally representative National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions found in a sample of 43,000 adults little difference in the sex of self-reported sexual perpetrators. Of those who affirmed that they had ‘ever forced someone to have sex with you against their will,’ 43.6 percent were female and 56.4 percent were male.”

Female-on-male rape is extremely common and extremely underreported in the media, be it on film or newspapers. Society has built up an image of rape being exclusively a male-on-X thing when it really isn't.

you made up a number you alt-left neckbeard

>over 50% of americans are mentally unstable abominations


Why DO so many self-described male feminists turn out to be creepy rapists and perverts?

>sex isn't that big of a deal it's okay to have it all the time it's okay to fuck every guy it's totally just meaningless and not special
>rape is a big deal it's the worst crime ever rape is worse than murder rape is worse than genocide

These two ideas are contradictions and yet they're both espoused by the same people.

>over 50% of the US population is a mentally ill retard holding extremist values
Lmao, there's a reason real conservatives hate your guts.

Over compensation

>*ignores decades of sexual harassment claims against conservatives*
Never mind that you're on the business of shilling these allegations.

>real conservatives hate your guts

I'm a "rape survivor". I'm just kidding, I wasn't raped lol

>hang out with 5/10, socially-awkward woman for years
>play vidya, get drunk and laugh at shitty z-grade movies
>topic of sex is rarely, if ever, brought up and even then, only as something of a joke
>business as usual, we're drinking and watching Natural Born Killers
>Emma gets me another

(not long after...)

>"damn, thish Jagermeishter'sh making me shleepier than ushual..."
>feeling inexplicably horny
>look down to see my jeans being pulled off
>maximum bonergage
>arms heavy, palms are sweaty, Mom's fettuccine
>Emma starts going down on me
>not sure whether to push her away or let nature take its course
>too sluggish to do the former
>settle for the latter
>she gets on top and slowly starts riding
>I'm alternating between yawning and trying not to cum
>suddenly, WHOOSH
>she keeps riding anyway until she cums because, you know, that's how certain pharmaceuticals work - they don't care that your balls are spent becuase it's FUCK TIME
>I fall asleep not long after
>mfw Emma spiked my drink with Viagra and a sleeping tablet because she was sick of me "not making the first move"
>haven't talked to her in the four months, since


Just that.

This is very weak bait. And it's not Sup Forums so I"m not going to expend the calories necessary to refute it.

Otherwise I'm on the Carolla bandwagon in that "survivor" being used to describe someone, rather than "victim," is nothing but the manipulation of language in order to control and exchange.



Why do men who claim to care so much about women's rights rape them?

>weak bait
>over 10 (You)s

Just how stupid are you?

It's weak bait on any board that isn't blue.

Don't get me wrong, I hate Islam. But if I had to choose between a secular slippery slope into rampant hedonism or Islam, I'd prefer Islam.

Oh, you mean boards devoid of any intellectual thought. Right. You're a total dumbass.

You see? Even now with your namecalling you're trying to get me to burn calories. It's not going to happen.

What third world shithole do you live in that you have to ration out your caloric usage to have any sort of brain function?

Big fan here of how the text in that thumbnail looks like a mountain or waterfall

This is a political board now, mods ban this fuck and delete this thread

Delicious! You're still not stopping. I love you and I'd prop you up and joyfully perform analingus if we ever met!

With all those calories you're saving you just might have enough energy to please me.

I honestly didn't realise harvey weinstein, woody allen and roman polanski were conservatives

I was raped and it was terrible and I still think about it from time to time but I don't let it define me. Being murdered would be worse.

Greentext that shit

Thanks for sharing. Your opinion means a lot. Really. (not really)

go back to your /STD/ containment general, triggered libcuck

Oh I'd please you alright. I'd please you like you haven't been pleased since summer camp.

Then I guess we should just execute rape victims. It's the moral thing to do, yeah?

i bet it wasn't even bad enough for you to report to the police! (i.e. it didn't happen)


>40 year old cherry picked study

it is psychic trauma for almost everyone. calling themselves survivor, shows that they have overcome said trauma and can look forward. it is not about physically surviving, but living in a way that it is not dictated anymore by fears and harm done by the rape.

>it's only science when I like it

>cherry picked

At least it's not cotton picked

what harm was done by the rape? there is no lasting physical damage. It's 100% psychological damage brought on by feminist hysteria

Ummmmmm sorry but its actually five ninths. Get some perspective

yes it is a psychological trauma. But feminism has nothing to do with this, why do you bring it up user?

because women are told that rape is literally the worst thing that can happen to them, when really it isn't even close and is no worse than being mugged


so if you got gay raped it would be the same as getting your phone stolen?

its not the worst thing, thats true. but for almost all woman, it is far worse than being mugged user.

why should it be?

that's because you have been told it is by society you fucking retard

>omggggg a guy that wasn't chad tried to hit on me I WAS RAPED

reminder that most women have rape fantasies

show me a single study that can actually produce a similar mean for black and white iq by isolating it

All I ever see is walls of text about some vague systemic internalized racism, never actual evidence. Hell, can you explain what empirical reason we have for assuming all human populations should have the same mean IQ? Because all I have ever seen are political, philosophical arguments and appeals to authority.

So do men.

I also have fantasies about going to Mars but I'm pretty sure I'll never do that but the point is that it is a FANTASY that is completely controlled by your imagination. If someone strapped me into a chair and sent me to Mars it would still be a crime.

>why should it be?
as you already said, it is a psychological trauma (plus often physical harm) and the impact is hard to measure.

For most woman rape is worse than being mugged, even when you are not able to understand that user.

jesus christ never change you fucking loser


>For most woman rape is worse than being mugged

because they've been conditioned to believe it is

well said m'sir. we must stick up for m'ladies on the misogynistic shithole known at the internet and increase our chances of losing our virginity!

no this has nothing to do with it.
please don't spread lies user.

when were they conditioned?

>no this has nothing to do with it.

Why not. You haven't actually explained why rape is worse than being mugged yet. What do women lose from rape that is any way more tangible or real than the possessions they would lose from being mugged?

It's psychological conditioning from a very early age that rape is one of the worst things that can happen to them that makes it a big deal

if you get mugged and dont die, yes

if I get mugged I lose some of my money and possessions. What does a woman lose if she gets raped?

i already told you, (and you recognized it), that rape is more about psychological harm. it is hard to measure it compared to a mugged purse. but this doesn't make the impact any less real for the victims.
if you are interested in how to help victims of rape crimes by learning about the effects of it, there are many sites online where you can read about it.

but please stop spreading lies about things you are not able to understand user.

b--b--ughhh--uh fear that she will be raped again!!! uhh umm her dignity!!! bu--b-erm--uhh...something else intangible just so I can pander to the feminist hysteria about rape!!!

>that rape is more about psychological harm

Why is it psychological. What causes it to be. Is the psychological harm based in real, substantiated fears or hysteria?

You aren't giving me any reason to conclude that rape is worse than being mugged

her hymen
sexual health

But user, i've already given you reasons. You are just not able to understand them:
>What causes it to be. Is the psychological harm based in real, substantiated fears or hysteria?

Your case is quite hard, and i am afraid i cant help you here. But please take my advice, and talk (in person) with your teacher about it. He or She should be able to help you.