Remember the time Adam Sandler made a movie about the Arab Israeli war
Remember the time Adam Sandler made a movie about the Arab Israeli war
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What the fuck was this movie
>jew admits none of his ancestors settled here
>Arabs and Jews have explosives smuggled in their stores
>film ends with Arab and Jews singing together to defeat a redneck
Oh jesus that movie sucked. I was like 14 when I saw that and still thought: "wait a minute, murricans are invading middle-east and helping israel and they still have audacity to make a movie that depicts muslims and jews beating up a common evil raycist redneck menace, all that while commencing new operations in afghanistan and sending more aid to help jews take more land in palestine"
And I still hope america gets annihilated.
This made me kek more than it should've.
Best sandler film by far
it a hit and miss tbqh some part are really funny like the racial stereotype, the terrorist guy etc etc
the first part was great, the second part when he goes to america is shit.
sandler could have made a jewish superhero if he stuck to it.
Best thing about the film
>Jews and Muslims would be best friends if not for evil whites pitting them against each other
What did he mean by this?
No really all these years later it's the most confusing fucking thing I've ever heard, it's like saying the Chinese caused the Great Irish Famine
Those slanty eyed yellow bastards have had it out for the Irish for millenia, it's even recorded in the Book of Kings I believe
The only funny moment I remember, and it isn't even particularly focused on, is John Turturro going into that burning and and literally trying to 'fight' the fire with everyone cheering him on.
it was the last bearable Sandler movie
I like Borat better, this one is good tho.
I unironically love this movie. I've seen it over 10 times.
I thought this was the girl from that vampire series at first glance.
Are you retarded?
So you're still 14?
Luckily they both went extinct.
they are all there in America to make money to follow the >>>American dream
They stereotype both sides so it's not preachy. Jews eat all that weird jew food and occupy land, Palestinians blow themselves up
>the tits on the clapping woman
Oy vey
>white tricks Palestinians and Arabs into fighting over real estate for profit
You know what it means
i mean the the Zohan rival terrorist guy is one of the most funny part, the goat terrorist guy is GOAT too
Is it bad that I really enjoy watching this?
how indie and fresh. did this win 22 oscars for jewish awards?
Nope. It was kino.
Looking back, it was pretty good. Any joke that had to do with arabs, their accents was truly kekworhty.
It's my guilty pleasure
>they put hummus on everything
Give it a watch, goy. It's honestly pretty good.
Remember the time Adam Sandler made a movie about a straight couple pretending to be gay that was so bad and offensive the original writers asked to not be credited because of how wildly different it was from their version?
I thought it was funny that all the Arabs were played by Jews or Italians.