Does anyone know the name of this show?
Does anyone know the name of this show?
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This is going to be interesting, I mean everyone is ok with other people being gay but their own kids? what if you only have one and all he watches is this show?
The name of the show is right there on the picture you fucking idiot
Judging from tour picture the show is called Andi-Mack Sneak Peak.
ooh boy i can't wait to get it up the ass
haha fat cat
I woild toss my kid out for being gay
I'd shoot my kid if it ever became a mouthbreathing patron of that shit
>Andi Mack is turning 13 when her older sister Bex returns home. Andi works through her teenage life, with the help of her family and her friends Cyrus and Buffy, including coping with the revelation that Bex is actually her mother and that her mother Celia is actually her grandmother, and managing her crush on classmate Jonah Beck.
No diversity when it comes to fags, eh Jews?
good shit
Mack is the top
Andi is the bottom
They're both white latinos to appeal to the greatest swathe possible
Mack is the more daring one, always eager to try spicy new experiences within the boundaries of safety. The helmet and pads becomes a condom and swab test a couple of years into puberty.
Andi is more level-headed and reluctant, he closes his eyes when he's in the moment of biting pillows.
Nice getting the meme wrong.
Fedora tippers are atheists and it's a Christian belief to condemn gay people.
>Lesbians don't count
>Gay doesn't matter unless they are 10
>it doesn't matter unless the entire plot of the show is structured around their gayness.
Bad goy BAD
Why does this kids show have plot twists like a soap opera? Would kids even understand it?
poo poo on benis the show :DDD
Nah Christians are becoming edgy idiots now too. Ya'll are ASJW.
Why do they keep pushing this meme that gaykids aren't made through circumstance and environment, but born? Almost every gayfag I've ever known "acquired the taste" for buttfucking after some older pedo was at them at a young age.
>i'd shoot my kids if he consumed infowars
>i wouldn't shoot my kid if he was getting buttfucked by an adult, turning him gay. w ouldn't even shoot the adult
the priorities of the Left, ladies and gents. They'll SHOOT YOU if you read something they don't like, oh but it's cool if you buttfuck their children, because progress.
Pretty such condemning pillow biters isnt a recent development
It always amazes me how bad Sup Forums tards are at lying. It's like you're not smart enough to understand the basics of human interaction, so you just blurt out nonsense and hope someone believes it, which probably works most of the time on your containment board.
Seriously. How would the conversation even come up realistically between two pre-teens?
>"So, did you hear about sticking the peepee in the poopie place? I hear you're not full gay until you like it"
uh... guys he posted a reddit link>???
edit: thanks guys but I'm not gonna delete my comment. this is really bad.
I still can't believe the father from That's So Raven killed all those cops
Yeah this is why 9 out of every 10 homos and trannies have at least one blog post somewhere that starts out like "I was sexually abused when I was a child." No one is buying your brand anymore, faggot
Where did you even get that second sentence from
Holy shit he really did look like Dorner. Totally forgot about that guy. One of the best live happening threads I can remember.
Wow, this is truly some WOKE shit.
EDIT: Holy shit, reddit gold. And top comment. Whaaaat? I'm a goddamn rockstar now.
Nobody gave a shit with Sakura Card Capyors. Why the big deal now.
where else can I find archive with funny fat cats? You can hate the community, but you can't deny that it is a great source of content
edgy faggots are the best content drivers, this is a fact
my post was ironic haha!
>surely this ad hominem will convince others that people are born gay
Nice try shill.