Am I the only one who thought this was shit? To be fair, I only watched a small amount since I couldn't stand it. It's boring. None of the conversations are enlightening, and it feels so out of touch with how people actually are. It feels like everyone is supposed to be "real" but instead or in some weird uncanny valley of actual humans.
Horace and poop
Oh good for you.
boring at times but not bad overall
thought it was pretty insufferable with laughable melodrama and high-school level socio-political debates
I agree. I never finished the show because it's not clever or deep like it thinks it is so I would get nothing out of it except feeling slightly depressed. I watch shows that make me sad but usually it's cathartic or at least feels 'deep'.
>Am I the only one who thought this was shit?
probably not, there are lots of plebs on Sup Forums
It's extremely cringey--I dropped the show after a 25minute monologue of a menopausal woman describing her lust for an old handyman.
Cringed a new asshole.
>It feels like everyone is supposed to be "real" but instead or in some weird uncanny valley of actual humans.
it's a play you fucking morons
> It feels like everyone is supposed to be "real" but instead or in some weird uncanny valley of actual humans.
This is why America is in shambles
Just don't bother.
>I agree. I never finished the show because it's not clever or deep like it thinks it is so I would get nothing out of it except feeling slightly depressed.
Imagine being able to type all this out but lack the self awareness to just admit you're a pleb
Just because it's a play doesn't mean you have to slather it with lazy melodrama dude
What's your opinion on Birdman?
>Just because it's a play doesn't mean you have to slather it with lazy melodrama dude
Point out 1 (one) instance of that in this show
Nailed it pretty well I think
I thought Birdman was hyper realism since the events were being filtered through the main character who would twist them into fantasy. The scenes with Stone/Norton were pointless though and they tried to stuff too much shit into the movie.
>Brain Problems
>Estranged Father
>main character gets stabbed by the other main character because MENTAL ILLNESS IS BAD
like holy shit we get it
Only the last thing you listed is close to melodrama and it was the fucking climax of the entire series. The rest is just real shit real people deal with regularly
>birdman opinion
Interesting, you're consistent!
huh? This isn't calling out a musical because "real people don't break into choreographed song"
The point isn't that the characters are exaggerated/whatever, it's they're pointless and awkward. It's just people rambling about inane shit. But not in the way of "this is so real" like a I assume he intended. It feels like a hollywood perception of what someone of this demographic would be like. It's like he read a book about "regular people," one time. It is such a bizzare orientalist view of "the white commoner" or whatever he was trying to depict.
And you know this isn't that far off from what he actually did. He said in interviews he sat in bars during the day to listen to conversations etc.
It's like if I went to Japan for 3 weeks then wrote a book about Japan/Japanese people.
Everything was pointlessly piled on. Miserable things happen to miserable people and stupid people say stupid shit. The topics come from reality but everything felt either unrelatable or pointless.
>it's they're pointless and awkward. It's just people rambling about inane shit.
You could say that about literally any play. I can imagine a dipshit coming out of Hamlet and saying this.
If you had half a brain you'd be able to see how it builds into establishing dynamics and revealing more about the characters.
>Everything was pointlessly piled on
No it was gradually revealed and developed through each episode with every issue having its own arch. It was literally the opposite of piled on
I found it excruciatingly boring and nothing made me care the slightest bit about a single character, despite on having personally experiencing some of the issues that are in the play.
I am not a huge Shakespeare buff but I cannot say the same for Hamlet.
>orientalist view
*blocks your path*
*unsheaths penis*
Nothing personnel, kid.