I'm still mad.
I'm still mad
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I know, it was a goldmine for some quality cringe.
I miss the jokes in the Deliverance message board.
95% of the posts were shit-tier trolling, but the other 5% were really good background info or plot discussion.
>tfw still catch myself scrolling all the way to the bottom of a page to see the discussions for said page
>Father - Joss
it was the only place i could talk about unknown movie and smart memes
I used to watch kino and then get angry at all the people on there who didn't understand it
he's right desu senpai
>I have an IQ over 135
>leave the SAW Boards
You owe me new sides you fuck.
moviechat.org has a shitload of discussion archived, but not all of them.
I remember a thread on the Red Cliff page about how the film used actual horses for a stunt where they were tripped and possibly injured and some brave guy was defending himself vs a horde of angry SJW animal rights activists. good times.
American Psyhco was also a shitposting board years before there was a 4chin meme about it. it wasn't about dubs of course, but literally everyone quoting lines instead of discussing the movie. new visitors were always in for a surprise after starting a thread.
>not wanting animals injured for a film
Geez... you faggots really are deluded.
if you're not a woman you should off yourself
I miss that feel. Seriously, seeing plebs rambling about kino really enhanced my appreciation for good stuff.
>tfw Harry_Skywalker will never call you a retard who's wrong, declare his bullshit opinion an "undisputed fact" and then doublepost it because he knows mods will remove only one of the reported replies again
Did anyone used to shitpost on the big lebowski board? Some good guys there
Wait so what was the reason for them taking the message boards off?
They didn't want people discussing movies on a movie site?
Dunno probably something about drumpf and racist alt-right trolls
People weren't saying nice things about the shitty movies the site was paid to shill.
political shitposts and people pointing out obvious shills.
they really, really, really should have left the decade old archived discussions up there, even if further posting was disabled. terrible loss.
who else /Godzilla 2014 board/ here?
Fuck that place if these things are true. What's another site that has easily navigate-able movie info that I can go on instead of imdb to spite them?
dozens of sites like that, man, the boards were their only value.
Remember that Brendan Fraser guy?He was something like chumchum or something.
end your life, thank you.
So, where did IMDb users migrate to?
Advertisers complaining
Ad men ruin everything. Why can't they stay out of my internet?
Let's be honest, IMDb was better at discussing television & film than Sup Forums ever did. I miss it very dearly.
themoviedb.org is probably the best
>snowflakes cant handle the bantz
>lets close it down for everyone
I miss the days of the internet being for geeks and nerds only.
it was the only good thing about iMDB
Thanks user!
It's the same shit everywhere.
Youtube and Facebook's recent censorship crusades were both because advertisers threatened to stop using the sites when they were finding that their ads showed up next to user content that they didn't like
Then they try to spin it as a moral responsibility
Well, at the time I laughed but now I'm crying, you can really see how bad film discussion here on Sup Forums has become, Sup Forums,Sup Forums,/r9k/, redit and IMDB are the reason why Sup Forums is in the state that it is now.
Why? All it was was 40-something fat loser "film buffs" who gave their unwanted opinions on movies. Anyway it's not like they're not all on RT now.
snowflake is literally from that era, though. not archiving the boards meant killing decade old movie talk data, that's the real reason to be mad about.
you're either retarded or someone who confuses user reviews with the boards, and is retarded
i remember discovering an actor's imdb profile and reading his posts
the archiving part sucks, especially the Weinstein boards because I remember there being a ton of discussion going way way back about him being a creepy fuck
Petition to bring it back when? Those were old stomping grounds before I came here. Felt like an old friend dying when they shut down.
>petition outweighing advertisement money
This had to crush their visitor count.
>people who watch tv and movies are cancerous pieces of shit and we can't even let you assholes post about a movies and tv show because you're making us look bad. Amazon bought or site and they want you autistic faggots out by five.
i keep forgetting IMDB shutting down is what cause such an intense increase in shittiness this last year
yeah the autistic capeshit war has only increased since then
There's no doubt about it.
It's only gonna get worse. NeoGaf is already here.
If it was about advertisement money, they'd get more money from the traffic the boards brought in. This just seems like an attempt to do away with something they probably consider antiquated that discredits their reputation as an "authoritative" site, when all people do on their site now is look up ratings.
amazon bought the site, they don't need your pathetic ad money, they'd rather have regular people use the site than be a home base for autism.
It doesn't have anything to do with that. The imdb message boards were cancer and needed to die.
There needs to be more autism on the internet, it's where all the good content comes from.
Yeah but it was a specific and unique brand of cancer. Like a rare and colourful species of bird, but one with a very annoying song. It was our cancer, a relic of Web1.0. The Internet is a poorer and less interesting place because it's gone. When only Facebook is left you'll miss them.
blockbuster, cape and vidya boards were cancer, the rest was full of gold for movie fags, especially the main forum's "I Need To Know" segment. huge loss.
Unironically. There was a graphic posted here a while ago showing the correlation between Reddit's uprise and the 'death of internet forums'.
Basically, Reddit's subreddits are now typically the most popular 'forums' of any given subject matter.
it has a lot of threads archived, plus you can still comment on them or make new threads.
No YOU are a retarded idiot with autism. You have just been owned at toilet levels kiddo [cheers]
shindlers list
the pianist
always had lots of great holocaust debate there
No YOU are a retarded idiot with autism. You have just been owned at toilet levels kiddo [cheers]
>posting controversial opinion on movie discussion forum
why are normans so pathetic
What will ChamCham do!?
Yup. Reddit is where most of the old topical BB board crowd ended up. It's like a gazillion shitty one-topic bb boards.
I wasn't the first to mention ad money, some other guy I replied to did. I don't think ad money had any influence on their decision to dump the discussion boards. Regular people always use IMDB, they just looked at the ratings and occasionally the charts. Now that the boards are gone that's all there is left to do anyway. The boards were also more like YouTube comment sections than this place, and made up a healthy mix of clueless normies asking stupid questions and autists shitting on everything.
IMDB boards were hardly moderated by a person, it mostly only used scripts and algorithms. They were wildly exploitable by having multiple accounts to report people.
So the lack of any moderation beyond sending reports ment that entire boards could fly off the walls and become hotbeds of shitposting. The GoT boards is a good example. Only newfags actually posted about anything GoT related in the off season.
Basically it was an alt-right breeding ground, or would have been if it wasnt for the pre-emptive strike.
What the fuck kind of name is Joss anyways?
all that classic trolling lost like tears in the rain
why is neogaf being mentioned again? Its been dead for years.
It's just brave to defend it in front of a mob, that's all.
wait, so what you be sayin is da reason imdb shut down they message boards was cuz the cost of moderating them was higher dan da benefits? meanin da reason deys wuz shut down wuz cuz the userbase ruined them beyond repair?
shiet, its almost like IMDB was commonly regarded as the worst messageboard/forum on the internet
>places with limited or no moderation and oversight customarily turn hardcore right wing
really massages the melon
Low education also tends to result in a lot of right-wing thinking.
Is that really brave though? Do these people think the KKK are about to come after them on horseback?
Because it is actually unironically dead this time as of a few days ago
lefties are delusional retards who live in a fantasy land.
I wish that wasn't the natural conclusion to draw. I just wonder if they think a few angry replies is really all that awful.
So why do niggers and spics vote democrat, you fucking retard?
more like anonymity and teenage angst
its been figuratively dead for years, probably a decade at this point.
the shills who came to completely control it are already here.
free shit. they don't vote with their heads they vote with their wallets.
because they appeal to them, do you even know anything about politics
black people are very conservative and tribalistic
welfare. same reason why muslims who are super conservative will vote leftie parties for free shit.
Yeah, people vote for their own self interest. That low educated white people vote right wing, and low educated niggers vote left speaks to the different mentallity they have. White people want work so they can work, niggers are afraid the Republicans will take away their benefits and make they get a job.
>low educated niggers
as opposed to...?
IMDB was a mistake.
just yesterday the pirate bay founder literally said the internet is lost for good and called zuckerber the world's biggest dictator.
if he becomes president we riot
>the absolute flood of shit tier IMDB refugees that shit up an already bad place
I'm still mad too.
>implying anything of worth was lost with Sup Forums
>why don't minorities and immigrants vote for a party that hates immigrants and minorities
You seem very intelligent.
it was better than tumblrboxd, that's for sure.
W-when does she think Pulp Fiction and Shawshank came out?
it's after the 1990s, not 1990, you insufferable retard
>this is what it's like with neogaf and imdb out of commission
Imagine what it'd be like if Reddit went under too.