Is he a pansy or a badass? I can’t decide.
Luke Skywalker
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he’s a cuck that jerks off to the image of han solo pounding his sister
He starts out as a whiny pansy
>but I have to go to Toshi Station and pick up some power converters!
May be one of the most nasally whiny childish lines ever said by an adult character in cinema
But then he becomes not a badass but more mature and less whiny.
Star Wars is not really that great if you look at it without a nostalgic lens. The acting is very stilted, the dialogue is lame, and cliches are everywhere. But the action is cool and the universe is well designed.
Luke will never be a badass simply because he never got laid.
He's a badass Jedi like his father before him. But in the new Disney Wars they turned him into a cuck who hide on an forgotten island because Emo Kid killed all his padawans.
Luckly nu-Luke is non canon.
Starts off as a whiny pussy in New Hope, transitions to a capable, but naive and headstrong protagonist in Empire, before finally becoming the cold as fuck badass hero we see in Return.
He's, at least before TLJ, incorruptably good. Which being a goodytwoshoes all the time makes it difficult to appear 'badass'. We don't get to see Luke kick that much ass. It's one reason everyone loves when he goes berserker on Vader at the end.
he's a bad actor
This movie wasn’t made for military/cop/sports types, it wasn’t made for the kind of person who filters every single man they see through a “is he a pussy/is he gay” filter. I don’t know why your type even bothers with the internet
Were they really cliches yet tho?
Its like watching cinderella and calling it cliche
That scene is fucking Kino
>Vader talks shit about Luke's sister and his mentor
>implies if Luke don't turn, Vader will corrupt his sister
>the calm, logical Luke loses control
He’s a loser. His only real solo claim to fame was destroying the Death Star. Everything else? Failed at his training, failed to save his friends because Han got turned to stone, failed to beat Vader, lost his hand and lightsaber. He may have beat a weakened Vader but let’s not forget that his ass would have been electrocuted to death if daddy didn’t change his mind at the last minute and killed the Emperor. If Vader spent more than ten minutes with his son, he probably would have just let him fry. Luke was lucky.
>Luke was the last bastion of Hope for the Galaxy, resisting the temptation of evil and succeeding where his father failed
>LOL JK he's evil now give shekels
Fuck Disney
>He’s a loser.
>His only real claim to fame was blowing up a superweapon that was about to end the Rebellion that ended up destroying the Empire
Wew boy. I'll actually go as far to say that you're right, but it also wasn't a solo feat. If Luke had flown at the Death Star by himself he would have been shot down by Vader. His success stood on the corpses of many of his fellow pilots.
>Jabba this is your last chance: free us...or die.
C'mon this was more badass than any souless character in the nu-Star Wars universe will ever reach.
He’s not evil though. Just defeated.
Even Luke knew that pussyfooting around an intergalatic gangster wouldn't work. He still gave Jabba an honest chance.
Then again, I'm not sure how trading R2 and 3po would have worked, since now they would have to rescue them?
Nothing about that plan makes any sense. They were lucky that everything that went wrong happened to be right.
Infiltrate the two robots (well r2d2 with the lightsaber) inside Jabba hideout was his B plan.
He failed the main plan when he force pulled the blaster from Jabba's guards but failed to shoot at him bc he opened up the trap under his feet.
He's pretty bad ass at the end.
He force choked those pigs at jabbas palace, thats badass.
Badass. He swings over an impossibly huge chasm with a girl on his arm before just showing up and fitting in immediately in a fighter jet squadron.
Then he fought the arch deathwizard.
Hardly. He was always just a dude who did a couple of flips to beat Jabba, then let himself get tortured by the Emperor to make a clever point to guilt his dad into getting the job done.
apparently hes circumcised, which doesnt sound very badass to me
He's a bit of a pansy but he was also a talented jedi so he was able to do badass things without actually being that badass.
Yep. That's the point. True strength isn't about being a black armored mean fucker. The entire trilogy was almost entirely about that looks are deceiving.
Did you know that Mark Hamill thinks Luke likes dick?
Overrated as hell. Never completed his training with Yoda, and the only reason that he beat Vader is because he and Sheev were trying to make him bring out the Dark Side, not kill him. If Vader had been fully unleashed, Luke would have been dead as shit.
And yet both the Emperor and Vader both were defeated.
Luke did it regardless.
Would Sheev have killed Vader if Luke did turn to the Dark Side
Actually the whole Padme - Anakin last dialog should have explained you how FAST and BAD you can fall into the dark side. Luke throw away his weapon probably to never ever have the chance to turn on again because he felt the power trip of the dark side while kicking Vader ass.
>hehehe good *merchant pose* your hate has make you a powerfull goy...hehehe
Luke would have killed Vader, that was the point. Sheev just wanted the strongest apprentice
Yes, because Luke would have been stronger *After Training*
>not knowing about bigger luke
fuck off faggot
that is seriously the background image on my Xbox
Rule of two.
Yes. The only reason the Emperor kept Vader alive as long as he did was because even with all the injuries he recieved in Mustafar, he was still more powerful than pretty much every other force user in the galaxy. Then comes Luke, who's still fairly young and has as much potential in the force as his dad did, Sheev definitely would have disposed of Vader the first chance he got.
Yep. Luke beat the Empire and redeemed his literally Hitler father by speaking to his heart. Pretty cool, right?
I've never understood the whole rule of two thing. If it's pretty much guaranteed that the Sith apprentice is going to eventually betray and murder his master, then why do they even bother taking on an apprentice?
It's a tryhard EU exrapolation of what was already obvious about how dumb the Dark Side was. They said 'hey, remember how Sheev was planning to kill Vader if Luke joined him? What if we just made up some stupid law that made that the status quo. You know, so the kids can keep up.'
if the master is over thrown by the apprentice, then the master did not deserve the mantle of master. this insures that there will always be a better sith lord. its also about focusing all the dark side of the force into only two people.
>your friendly bookfag
EU luke was a turbo chad
disney luke is cuckboy
I didn’t like either desu. Luke was ridiculous in ways that didn’t fit his character in the old EU. Like, as awesome as Mara Jade was, she was way out of his league and he never could have gotten her. But now he’s a virgin for life so..