Other urls found in this thread:
>Main character admits to killing a bunch of women and children in cold blood
>Tone goes back to "fun space adventure" for the rest of the movie and we're supposed to root for him and laugh at wacky space hijinks
>Ike Hill Jamal
who was this unseen character?
Anyone who doesn't like the Star Wars prequel trilogy has been tainted by j*daism.
let me guess? Sup Forums doesn't think this scene and the plagues tale scene are the best in the entire saga, not just the prequels?
If he killed them all, why are there sand people in A New Hope? Talk about a continuity error! Way to drop the ball, Georgie.
Kek. Well, not really "in cold blood". But otherwise, very true.
And of course, Padme's reaction makes no sense.
Liking the prequels is a terrible meme.
Also, what's wrong with Judaism?
They probably reproduced
Why Padme reaction make no sense to you?
>confused during his rant
>try to justify him
>proceed to console him physically
A probably every female reaction in that situation-tier
He killed that tribe of sandmen who kidnapped his mother he did not hunted down all the sandmen of the planet.
You're a retard, kill yourself.
she doesn't care about sand people
she barely cares about gungans, she's a galactic elite
>I love JJ abrams, he revived Star Wars
>I hate niggers. They're loud, and rough, and they're everywhere. Not like here. Here, everything's white, and pure.
Man, Lucas got weird during the last few movies.
This, it's a shame that they didn't play with that dark tone some more. Nobody can say that Anakin's turn was organic or believeable, even with the Palpatine scene in ep3. That scene and killing tuskens are about the only pieces of the prequel that show the dark side both extreme and subtle, the rest is just angst about Padme and the Jedi.
Cause the movies don't depict her as weak or stupid in general. Based on how she's depicted in other scenes, I'd expect her to react by becoming extremely cautious around him, and I'd also expect her to tell other people about what happened. He's revealed himself to be mentally unstable. Padme is shown as someone who genuinely cares about politics enough to not want to endanger things by letting a mentally unhinged Jedi run around... she also seems like the type to want to protect herself by putting some distance between her and the obviously physically dangerous Anakin.
Keep in mind she was not depicted as some sort of crazy girl who sends fan mail to serial killers. She barely even seemed to like him... it seemed like she fucked him cause he was persistent and eventually she was like "fuck it, I'm horny".
She might not care about sand people, might even think of them as subhuman. But Anakin came to her and obviously he's disturbed by what he just did, and he considers them "women and children". Big difference between just being racist on the one hand and, on the other hand, seeing that the guy you're fucking is having a mental breakdown in front of you and is ranting about having slaughtered women and children... but basically acting like it never happened after that scene.
>the prequels are filled with jewish mysticism
>the force isn't just Alexandrian spritualist philosophy filtered through a humanistic jew lens
>jews and spirituality don't mix
>jews aren't the priestly race par excellence
>I did not kill them its not true its BULLSHIT I did naaaaaaaht...................oh hi ben
it's actually a super chad move to denounce democracy right in a senator's face
Yep. They mad to make Padme stupid so she could still be murdered by her murderer husband. Then George says 'love' a bunch of times and its supposed to explain it.
she actually cares about him really deeply my dudes
ever since seeing him as a slave boy, and meeting him again she is definitely interested in him, her being from royalty and being hopelessly romantic and naive. You're projecting what you want padme to be "realistically" instead of reading her character the way she appears on the screen.
To her, politics is not something to waste relationships on: see her being the trigger for the literal clone wars starting.
In fact, their relationship in all its tragedy is born from the conflict around them, rather than the peace of naboo (the kiss before the arena being the best example)
Exactly. So in the end George Lucas made a movie about the only person Darth Vader ever loved being an out of touch idiot, and the whole thing was a big exercise in nobody thinking straight. Really opened my eyes.
or it's a story about two different people beginning an uneven, forbidden relationship which ends in tragedy, set to the backdrop of a republic falling into tyranny.
George Lucas didn't make the movie you (and RLM) wanted him to make, and you're sore about it.
Yeah, it was so tragic. I'm crying over here, on account of the tragedy.
I care a lot about my friend. Means the world to me. If my friend had a mental breakdown in front of me in which he admitted to having killed women and children in a fit of revenge-rage, I'm not sure what I would do, but what I certainly wouldn't do is act like it never happened.
If it was a girlfriend instead of a friend, the same logic would apply... except there would be the added factor that I certainly wouldn't keep fucking her. Not only is there nothing sexy about someone who psychotically slaughtered women and children while sobbing... but the last thing I'd want is to accidentally have a kid with such a person.
Now add on top of that the fact that this person has superpowers which mean any fit of rage they go through in the future could mean potentially thousands or even more dead people... and that this person is somewhat important in galactic politics and their insanity obviously poses a potential danger to literally everything I've worked for my entire life.
you're retarded they are a different species, there is literally no reason for them to not consider them subhuman. They shoot at children pod racing for fun.
well argumented, dipshit
Anakin calls them "women and children" himself. Obviously the Jedi Council would be horrified if they learned of what he had done. They'd strip him of all his positions immediately and probably keep him under watch. It's simply not believable to me that Padme would pretend nothing had happened and help him keep it a secret.
he did take revenge on the savages who killed his mother. Him being strong, proactive and different than anyone else is part of why she feels attraction to him. Combine this with his vulnerability and it's really not strange she takes on a nurturing role, and doesn't leave him.
Do i really need to remind this thread that women really like criminals and bad boys? like jeez even fascism can be a turn on, as long as you're not a fucking dweeb about it
Not him, but... this has nothing to do with what I wanted Lucas to make, and it has nothing to do with RLM. I thought the prequels were crap long before I ever saw the RLM reviews.
I'm sore because the character development of Anakin and Padme makes no sense. Their love affair makes no sense. Her reaction to his mental breakdown makes no sense. Etc.
they shot first
And the children? Take me now Anakin, ravage me.
God damn Lucas sucks cock at writing.
it makes sense if you actually look at the characters as they appear in the movies and as they are written.
>logically she should be like this
is not an argument
was that line really necessary
well its true... from a certain point of view
He's not strong or proactive... he has a mental breakdown and kills a bunch of sandpeople, including women and children, in a fit of rage, while sobbing... obviously not in control of himself, and he himself hates what he has done.
Sure, some (not all) women like criminals. They usually don't like sobbing unhinged men, though. And most women who I know are smart enough that they wouldn't stay with an obviously extremely dangerous boyfriend like Anakin.
At the very very least, she would have told someone about what had happened - maybe Yoda or Obi-Wan.
>it has nothing to do with RLM. I thought the prequels were crap long before I ever saw the RLM reviews.
I will never understand why people like to lie on the internet.
>implying that sand people are people and not just animals
He molested, murdered and mutilated her!
I don't feel the need to convince you that these characters were in incapable bundle of stress that didn't make for a good or meaningful trilogy. It would have been nice if the characters didn't just stand around unable to communicate all the time.
Please tell me you're just trolling....
Anakin obviously didn't think they were just animals.
he just lost his family. to be angry is to be human, wouldn't you agree?
Note that their actual coupling comes later, when they fight together. Both she and Anakin take to action with more vim and vigor than they do committee and procedure. The whole arena fight is a big freudian sex-play. Padme was always depicted this way, as a woman of action. Of course she would be drawn to the most proactive, impulsive and dashing jedi of them all who actually enables her to live out her action-fantasies. AND he's forbidden love too.
Were you alive when the prequels came out? There were people who didn't enjoy them.
>They're like animals, and I slaughtered them like animals. I hate them!
check'd and kek'd, thanks user
Sure, but he also referred to some of them as women and children, which means he didn't really think of them as animals.
the arena fight is literally surrounded by stone vulvas
semantics from a man with a weak argument
or maybe he was a hormonal teenager still trying to figure out right from wrong
Please tell me you're just trolling....
the only people who didn't enjoy them are the same ones who enjoyed episode 7.
No one cares about their opinion
>galactic elite
I like that
To be angry is just human... to slaughter women and children in a fit of rage is psychotic.
However much she might be drawn to him sexually, she's not set up by what comes previously in the series as being the kind of person who is stupid enough to stay with him after he clearly reveals himself to be dangerous and unstable.
In real life, from what I've seen and heard of/read about, women who stay with men like Anakin are usually meek, submissive, and/or mentally damaged themselves. Padme is not presented as meek, submissive, or mentally damaged.
Oh my god... I'm... convinced! My body is changing! I... love the prequels now!
Pls show padme pusy
as i said here she enjoys action far too much to be a simple politician. And has been stated before, she really doesn't consider the death of a couple of backwoods savages to be anything truly wrong.
She's more concerned about anakin in that moment. Losing anakin would probably hurt her more than turning him in anyway, not that it ever occurs to her.
Imagine someone saying the following while sobbing: "I killed them. I killed them all. They're dead, every single one of them. And not just the men, but the women and the children, too. They're like animals, and I slaughtered them like animals. I HATE THEM."
Do people say these kinds of things about killing entities that they don't actually consider to be people, or at least enough like people?
Would a farmer say "I went to the barn and I killed the pigs. I killed them all. They're dead, every single one of them. And not just the men, but the women and the children, too. They're like animals, and I slaughtered them like animals. I HATE THEM."
Not him, but... I enjoy the prequels in their cheesiness and visual splendor, but I don't think they're good movies. In fact, I think they're mediocre, some of the worst movies ever made relative to how much money was spent to make them.
I also think that Episode 7 is garbage.
no, it'd be like a guy slaughtering a village because they kidnapped, raped and killed his mother. His grief shows he is human, and in need of support from her, you donkey
How does he know he killed women and children sandpeople if nobody knows anything about them? For all he knows the women could have penis like hyena and have been soley responsible for the rape.
He doesn't need support from her, he needs to be in a fucking mental hospital.
he checked under the rags
Well it's not like he didn't later murder her and enable the uprising of a genocidal regime.
they have different clothing. Having grown up on tatooine he probably would know the distinction.
in her mind he needs her, more than ever.
He probably needed her to tell him it was a bad act, but since her affection towards him is a bit twisted, she comforts him instead, not understanding the gravity of what he's done.
How stupid is she that she sees the following:
And doesn't distance herself from him?
does she have a fucking time machine or something now? what are you even talking about
>not understanding the gravity of what he's done.
How is it possible for an adult to not understand the gravity of what Anakin has done?
>To be angry is to be human
I don't know what specific point either of you are trying to make, but the point of this scene was to be a psychotic outburst that's an early sign he's going to become a murderous evil enforcer.
After all, I am a supreme gentleman!
he's betrayed the jedi code, and has taken a few steps to the dark side. At the same time, what he did was an incredibly liberating and natural act of revenge done in passion.
Such acts can be forgiven, which Padme does, because she needs him as well, and she sees that he needs her.
In the end, it pushed him further down a bad path.
It's not psychotic at all, seeing as the weight of his actions have weighed heavily on him. He killed them all, out of love.
What was to come was not something anyone at that time could predict, least of all her.
this scene is kino
>Such acts can be forgiven
No, they cannot be forgiven. Murdering what he himself describes as women and children who had nothing to do with killing his mother cannot be forgiven. And it certainly cannot be forgotten. Unless Padme is an utter, complete, total imbecile.
He had these big internal problems that he became accustomed to responded to with violence. He later massacres a room of Jedi children in exactly the same way. It was definitely a stepping stone towards that, though you're right one thing doesn't always lead to the other.
The point you guys are ALL missing here.
The sand niggers DESERVED IT. Anakin is definitely at fault here and its not for killing them. Its for having this freak breakdown as though the women and children were innocent bystanders to the whole ordeal that they put his mother through. After she consoled him he went on with his life because if anything he did the planet a service.
How can disneywars even compete?
you're conflating your sense of justice with padme's
Padme's sense of justice allowed her to repeatedly ignore violent outbursts from the man who would eventually kill her.
i feel we agree
I'm not saying their reactions were perfect, just that they weren't in any sense out of character
The stupid thing is that they blew their load too early. What they should have done is show Anakin getting angry, maybe a little aggressive, but not slaughter an entire village. Something like that should have happened in the third movie, not the second.
people still complained that his turn was too sudden even with AOTC being a great look into his inner machinations
Why did he hate sand so much?
>nothing to do with killing his mother
>this is brainwashed liberals actually believe
every one of those sand nigger children would grow up to be another mother raping sand nigger adult
george is pretty spot on as usual with his metaphorical races
Sure. I just hate Padme and Anakin because they suck. The movie did exactly what it intended to do but I didn't really enjoy watching a trilogy about a bunch of wounded kids not learning anything, especially since it was really just supplementary material for the OT.
>assumes that his male interpretation of female disgust and selection is how it actually functions
>handsome princely anakin, godmode chosen one would be abandoned by his virginal bride to be
>muh control
>muh cold blooded murderer youth
lol at all this faggot posturing from someone whose never killed anyone or fought in a war worth mentioning. Jfc