on Thor - Memequiparock
Joss "cuck" Whedon
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>you don't get praise much higher than this
Is there rape in it or something?
He can't even stop being a hack on twitter where a character limit is enforced.
To be fair, the hilarity is hilariously hilarious.
>capeshitter praises capeshitter
epic and hilarious
This has got to be a meme... someone wake me up
so hilarious XD
>Light skin black girl
Always. Always. Hollywood hate real black women.
DCuck detected. DUDE no fun allowed lmao!
>movie is described as hilarious TWICE
>this is considered a good thing
Its a shitfest with lowbrow quips non-stop.
How can he be a cuck when he cheated on his wife repeatedly for a decade, all the while pretending to be a feminist. Seems like a proto-chad.
At least Waititi is actually funny and has good quips, contrary to Whedon or whoever wrote Suicide Squad.
>what is 2x the fun factor
DCucks in charge of understanding humor
But mcu produce only kindergarten-tier fun
Mfw it grosses more than JUSTice league
dc and marvel suck, there are no sides worth taking
it's a meme you dip
>did i mention it was hilarious?
I actually liked Ragnarok. It's entertaining. Was just having a goof on Josh.
Because it was raped by your redbearded molester
>Mfw it grosses more than JUSTice league
There's no way this won't happen.
>defending capeshit at all
It was a great movie desu.
Does westworld chick show some skin
Daily dose
That's it DCuck make your excuses now
He's going fuck with Snyder's vision isn't he?
Thanks, Disney shill
meanwhile in the land of the sad trombone
All of them should just say closeted faggot
now this is kino music
It's time for action.
Raunchy Lity comedy > Funny Fun hilarious comedy
Literally you can't disprove this
Yeah the movie has a really killer soundtrack. Only downside is they play Immigrant Song twice, which is a bit lazy. Plus it's all over the ads.
the negress doesnt have an afro.they changed it up
It’s like it was written by a bot. A bot designed specifically for advertising Disney products.
It's a good thing unlike his previous movies Waititi has no writing credits in this flick.
I thought you liked Whedon you DCcuck.
Look at that thing on the right. Why is its head shaped like that? Why is its hairline shaped like a peanut?
>Character loses everything, lots of people they know die terribly
>They immediately recover and go on a silly, quippy journey full of quirky characters
I cannot imagine worse possible writing.
Just wait a couple weeks
I think he's trying to show that the movie is actually bad without saying it. He was either bribed or threatened.
t. enlightened rick and morty fans
sounds like passive aggressiveness to me.
>is funny
>is not funny
...Hey user, kill yourself.
So DC fan?
its so depressing
That's Justice League director Joss "Cuck" Whedon, to you
Fastman looks like such a faggot.
Only waterman looks like a super hero.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty :^)
Wow they replaced fun with hilarious now
What will Disney PR management will think of next
>Banner prepares to sacrifice his entire consciousness and give his body over to Hulk forever
>Really dramatic, hearfelt moment, pretty much the only one in the film
>Jumps from the ship
Can't the post-modernists put at least a single sublime, elevated, heartfelt scene in their movies?
Fuckkkk! Zack made bruce look worn out yet fucking badass. Zack brings out the Chadd in everyone he works with
>scene is getting very serious
>but the tone of the movie is light-hearted
>to prevent the scene from becoming too serious and ruining the overall tone of the film, they introduce a little comedy in a clever way
Childhood is thinking the movie you helped make is best
Adulthood is realizing Thor: Ragnarok is better
That moment was actually gold.
This. It was hella fun
Im sick of 'fun'
you mean Hela fun?
impossible unless your some pathetic loser with no friends
A light-hearted movie can have serious scenes, just as a serious movie can have funny scenes. It's all about the pacing and context.
Well, to each his own. I've felt it was very awkward, just like that funny insert of the Night Nurse getting angry at Strange inbetween The Ancient One getting seriously hurt and her surgery.
Also, the reuse of Immigrant's Song felt really lazy. If they were dead-set on using classic rock for the final battle, I would have loved if they used Thunderstruck. But overall, it was still the best Marvel movie in years. It really felt like there was lots of genuine love for ridiculous superheroes behind the scenes with none of that ''''ironic'''' bullshit.
Yes, a light-hearted movie can have serious scenes. A serious scene can also have comedic elements to it, especially when you want the overall tone of your movie to be light-hearted and you don't want the scene is getting too serious. There's really nothing wrong with what they did there.
Haha look at that loser. He doesn't even hate fun.
Dot watch it ?
>A light-hearted movie can have serious scenes, just as a serious movie can have funny scenes. It's all about the pacing and context.
The reason the joke works is because they build it up to be serious but then switch it up on you, subverting your expectations. It wouldn't have been nearly as funny if they had Bruce joking around with Valkyrie and then he jumps off the ship and lands on his face.
No. NO! I have to watch EVERY SINGLE MARVEL MOVIE even though I HATE ALL OF THEM just so I can participate in Sup Forums GODDAMNIT!
>>Banner prepares to sacrifice his entire consciousness and give his body over to Hulk forever
uh, I never got this from his actions
it's not like he hasn't done the "jump from really tall point and turn into Hulk" thing before
Underaged spics use DCuck as a buzzword
What's so bad about this? Sup Forums only hates R&M because of its reddit fanbase, the show is actually pretty decent since it named the Jew
Earlier in the movie he says that if he ever transforms into Hulk again, he will most likely be unable to turn back.
>But overall, it was still the best Marvel movie in years. It really felt like there was lots of genuine love for ridiculous superheroes behind the scenes with none of that ''''ironic'''' bullshit.
Agreed I fucking loved it
One of the things that got me most hyped was seeing the Beta Ray Bill head
Wait, fuck, I didn't notice. Was it one of those giant champion heads on the arena building?
>via 9fag.com
checks out
Yeah it was
I notice there is no good father class
Jesus Ben get a better hair piece
They fucked Valkyria choosing a monkey
Valkyrie is pretty good in this one, though. The actress does a good job with what she's given.