why did they made Ed Kemper based on Sup Forums users?
Why did they made Ed Kemper based on Sup Forums users?
4channers are worse
much worse
Sup Forums shitters are exponentially worse than Kemper
Man I just started watching this, not a terrible show.
Sup Forums people are harmless. look at that based guy. would he hurt anyone!?
Its pretty good
I like that the MC is basically a psychopath and fucks his way out of a great job, good relationship,and good friends by thinking just like the people he was interviewing.
I'm glad Kemper set him straight
>killing coeds implies that you leave your mom's basement.
serial killers aren't diabolical masterminds
they're incels
they always have been
>Sup Forums is a literal serial killer
Holy shit, talk about a boogey man.
Ed is the prophet of /r9k/.
Sup Forums would be the Unabomber.
They made Ed Kemper based on Ed Kemper.
The average 4 channer wishes they had Ed's charm and social skills. People actually kind of liked him.
Sup Forums users would post a neck-fuck webm on Sup Forums.
Keep projecting. Cops literally viewed him as a loser and used him like a cumrag.
gets better as it goes as well
the first episode is one of the weakest
Why did 4channers base their internet personality on a serial killer?
>Sup Forums user
>was able to get 150 young women to hitchhike in his car without pulling a gun on each one
that little crybaby guy in episode 5 who lived with his mother, had a chad brother-in-law and butchered his one and only girlfriend was Sup Forums.
Is he still 6'9" in the show?
they say he is in the dialogue but he doesn't actually look it. they should have given him lifts or something
Fincher Kino. Plebs complain that it's not enough like a detective show but listen naught for they are retarded. Can't wait for season 2.
no you stupid redditor
4chins is based
on him... SPOON!
I would guess the actor is around 6'4.
This. I am glad that the public is realizing that serial killer isn't some mythological superman who does it for a thrill of the chase. A serial killer is a loner with weird fetishes who is too weak to succeed in life so he has to kill people weaker than himself to feel like he has some control.
you're trying too hard
why is he so fat when he looked pretty lean in all of his mugshot and prison pics?
ted bundy was a chad.
Even some of the most well known serial killers disprove this. See John Wayne Gacy and Ted Bundy for example.
Psychopaths are adept at manipulating people which means they are NOT socially awkward types.
That line about getting young pussy before it turns into mom was weird as fuck but still intellectually sound in my opinion. The wall is real.
what wall?
egg salda 4 dayz nigga
Ever heard of Charles Manson?
You're confusing the Virgin Mass Shooter with the Chad Serial Killer.
You are giving me examples of oddities. If a guy said that basketball players are very tall,would you say to him that they are not,because of Isaiah Thomas and Nate Robinson exist?
charles manson isn't a serial killer tho
Google it. It's the point in women's lives, around 30 usually, when their sexual market value begins a state of permanent decline. This process cannot be stopped and is contrasted with men's sexual market value increasing with age.
This, his fucking whores did all the work for him. He's a fucking master.
Sup Forums here.
We're not that bad. Ed was much more /r9k/.
No, but I don't think a mass shooter who dies instantly should be classified as a serial killer. Maybe they technically are, I don't know.
Those words...they don't make sense.
I'll concur.
This. Sup Forumsacks are just anti-social dorks having a good time larping.
People freaked out and became hysterical because of a couple of accidents at larp rallies.
It's ridiculous.
The show specifically makes the distinction between serial and spree killers.
sevens confirm
Pre 2010 Sup Forums posted much worse than that hourly.
>things that weren't true
Ted Bundy and John Wayne Gacy were socially awkward though.
It's superficial interactions. People who didn't really know Ted, met him briefly, would say;
>What a lovely young man
People who knew Ted over a long span of time would refer to him as weird, troubled and awkward. He was fired from jobs for his performance and strange behavior.
Gacy was similar. They could mimic decent human interaction with police or normies on a small scale, but (probably owing to the extreme dysfunction and criminal activity in their private lives) they were unable to function normally for long periods around normies.
One famous exception being BTK, who is obviously a major focus of this show.
Some group killers too - Fred and Rosemary West, the Snowtown killers - Although they fit in socially more easily because they also inhabited really fucked up, dysfunctional societies.
Well...I'm sure it's relative, but I would say what they posted was worse.
OR...do you mean what Sup Forumstards created as OC?
Because obviously that's different.
I meant that things weren't that worse