Well that was rude, is this how you always treat guests? I guess the French really are worthless people

>Well that was rude, is this how you always treat guests? I guess the French really are worthless people
Done and dusted, she literally could not recover

Other urls found in this thread:


Way too childish

>youre fat, lol

>insult entire country because of one joke
no better way to show how assblasted you are

>You want to know my fantasy bitch? It's your face under my huge swampy ass. In fact, get under there right now. You won't be giggling with my smelly ass cheeks wrapped around your head. *BRAAAAAP* ha ha, sorry I couldn't keep that one in. Heh, you must have got the full blast of it with your nose pressed right up against my asshole. Footlong B.M.T with Sweet Onion sauce. Eat Fresh. Only I guess it's not so fresh anymore, ha ha. Hey you're a weather girl, right... did you predict these winds? *BRAAAAAP* Ooh another stinker! Surely you're used to it, living in this stinky country? *BRRRRAAAP* *PLFFFFTHT* You're a shitty interviewer, Ornella, but you make a decent chair. Guess we finally found a use for you. *BRAP*

>At the rate your career is going soon most French people will be worth more than you

The one some user posted awhile back was the best I've seen. Somewhere along the lines of "Come on, I'm pretty sure I could afford you"

"Are you sure? All these subs must be quite expensive."


"DiCaprio could play more. "

>That's not what my harem master said when he paid for me with 1300 dinars
Cheque m8 rapist

And "lol you're fat and ugly" isn't?

you're on a comedy panel, you are supposed to make the audience laugh, Sheldon.

>one cunt insults me so I'm going to respond by insulting the rest of France

American """"""""""""""""""""""" banter """""""""""""""

>waaaaaaa that was uncalled for Jonah!

Are you not Americhad user?

The reason these threads are always a failure is because the entire premise is wrong. The premise that he should have any comeback at all.

He's a fat Jewish neckbeard, if he had any self awareness at all he'd know of course she wouldn't sleep with him and would just chuckle when she made her joke and never think on it again.

The second you attempt a comeback you have already lost.

woah, be careful you dont injure anbody with that razor sharp wit.

spot the frog

>Now why would you say that? Why would you say that? Come here, *grabs hand* come here, why would you say that? Why would you say that? Hang on, its ok, wait,wait a second. What so funny about that? That's ridiculous. Do you like making less of people, is that it? Thats, thats really - no no, don't run away, don't run away; no, no i don't care. That is incredibly rude. I'm here giving you an interview, and answering your questions, and you say something really nasty. You're a jerk! You're .....You're a jerk! You know what, you're a jerk! You should be ashamed of yourself! Amazing..

French think you're boring if you can't repartee. So now he's a fat kike neckbeard with also no personality or fire. Just like you, user.

Been saying this all along.
If Gosling was in this situation, nothing would happen. He'd even say something spergy and she'd just laugh it off.
When youre a fat ugly Jew with nothing but nepotism going for you, you literally can't win.

>t. American sized poster

>grabbing a womans hand

actions speak louder than words

go to bed Tom

We've done it

Now he's a droopy ugly Jew who still can't win

>Ornella STILL couldn't figure out a comeback
we won folks

>I have a lot of respect for Leo, I really do. He's a terrific actor, one of the greats. But even he couldn't give a convincing performance in a sex scene with a low-grade bottom of the barrel French swamp troll such as yourself.

Her name is female egg?

I thought his weather girl remark was pretty appropriate, desu. He kind of ruined it by actually being assblasted, but the movie star / weather girl thing was the way to go.

He actually looks worse thin, desu. Now he looks like a god awful manlet. At least with the fat you didn;t realize he was such a small guy.

Feminine egg, yes

>I didnt have to suck any dicks to get my job, what about you?

>if it wasn't for us you'd be speaking german
>we could nuke your shitty europoor country

>confessing that the only way he is superior to her is being a fucking nepotistic movie star
Come on, user

What could've happened if it was a male bulling on a fat actress?

A cuck falls in love with a girl.

Unable to confess, he is gifted by a deus ex machina with the girl's Skype details. Never minding the strange circumstances, he immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well.

But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day's confessions to the girl, she only looks at him with a perplexed expression, leading him to get cucked as she goes after hotter hunks while she treats him as her best friend.

After some investigation, he finds out that the girl he called is not the same girl he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn't exist in this universe at all. She is the girl's alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with the MC's own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush.

Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets by going to his image board for that very purpose in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of KEKS.

No, he just got it through Jewish nepotism. At least she had to work for her break.

I hate this meme, please delete your post.

>>I didnt have to suck any dicks to get my job

He might have had to though...

this could work

>fuck you bitch, the beach at OMAHA are still red by american BLOOD and this is how you show your respect?

That was uncalled for. I feel disrespected. It's inappropriate to talk to a guest like that. Apologise or I am leaving.

>lol u mad

>gets up and leaves
>journalist is forced to apologise or be fired

>entire audience is french
>instead of being sympathetic towards you just getting insulted by a roastie they get defensive because you insulted their country
This is a retarded response that could only be seen as a "win" in the mind of a Sup Forumstard

any flagtard starting with Sup Forumsubators actually

He's a rich Jew, she's a Eurocucked goy with a Muslim husband. He wins regardless of anything that gets said in that interview.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Keit-Ai. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of multiverse theory most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also the MC's deterministic outlook as he longs for the AU version of his crush instead of his crush, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Philisophical Taoism literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE.

As a consequence people who dislike Keit-Ai truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in the copypasta's catchphrase “Keit-Ai finds a way,” which itself is a cryptic reference to the works of Alexander of Aphrodisias. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Sup Forums’s genius wit unfolds itself on the film version of Keit-Ai, which is Kimi no Na wa. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Keit-Ai t-shirt. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid.

This was resolved a couple of weeks back.

Some user came up with the following :

>I'm pretty sure I can afford you.

No one could make a come back.

It's over, Jonah won.

Should have just said "Okay?" Make her seem weird and fucked up.

Already a thing.



Makes him look bitter


This is was already a massive news story, if he got so buttblasted he walked out it would of made her even more famous. If she'd of got fired, which she wouldn't, she'd get a new job on more money quick enough.

Keit-ai is probably one of the worst "memes" Sup Forums has been graced with. I hate it because you can see how forced it is and posting it makes threads often derail from the topic at hand.

No one has suggested to go the Andy Kaufmann route and just cry and physically hurt themselves on-air as a response? You are all simpletons ruled by base emotions like shame and petty pride.

>If she'd of got fired, which she wouldn't, she'd get a new job on more money quick enough.

Everyone was on his side.

I don't know why, but just picturing Jonah being so bitchy that he just gets up and leave the interview, is hilarious

He should have had her fired and taken all her belongings for suspected anti-semitism.

>a low-grade bottom of the barrel French swamp troll such as yourself


Was wondering where this thread went..

would have, she'd have
you fucking cretan

holy shit she's not attractive at all lol, why would you even care. i guess from a social dominance perspective, he should have smiled and just talked about how gross her skull is


yeah. thats him.

looking good here

Terrible. Also Leo doesn’t put on a performance when he’s having sex, he vapes and listens to music and checks his phone. Like a man who has and has had everything would do.

>The French really are worthless people
Thats it. Just say that and she has no way of coming back.


But the fat neckbeard virgin autists on this board will never get this,so why bother.

Based Tom

Looks ugly, Turkey neck and all and his nips hang on belly button level.
He really showed her....

he can be a decent actor sometimes

he looks sick desu besides he gets thin and fat again for movies all the time, he's gonna kill himself doing this

Nothing he could say would change the fact that hes both ugly and fat, while she was attractive and slim.

He could have had the wittiest comeback of recorded history, but the fact is she could choose any prime dick she wanted to get slammed nightly, while he'd have to settle for star fuckers and gold diggers, because as well as being fuck ugly hes also a pretty shitty person.

She won, and will always win. Let it go Sup Forums.

She'll never fuck you

everyone is aware of the situation you little retard, that's why the threads keep appearing
you're literally too stupid to understand this

Yawn, how lame

Sure, buddy.

>if it wasn’t for my grandfather you’d be speaking german and wouldn’t be a member of the ECB!

Do you have any evidence that gaining and losing weight is somehow lethal? Humans pre-agriculture went through periods of feast and famine throughout their whole lives, that's what our bodies are optimally designed for.

>Ornella? More like secretly-a-fella!!


>oh thank goodness

>Now now Jonah, I know this might be a little difficult for you, but lighten up!!

He looks like Adam Sandler and Mel Gibson's love child

>insult the entire audience

>I am rubber you are glue, everything you say you say bounces off me and sticks to you

yes, ancient humans did that within the span of 1 day or 1 week. Jonah binges for an entire year and spends the next year not eating.

>>I am rubber you are glue, everything you say you say bounces off me and sticks to you
is that because you're fat?

Doesn’t work in french

>Millionaire Jew and the entirety of Sup Forums BTFO by a french roastie so hard that even months later not a single decent comeback has been written or said

>*pulls out glock*..."Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt. You were saying? No please, continue... I'd love to hear the rest of this fantasy of yours. EVERYONE ELSE SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP! What's the matter, frog got your tongue? You seemed so talkative before, what changed? Oh this? Yeah, this is normal to carry where I'm from, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's the first real one you've seen. No, don't look at anyone else, look at me. Look at me because I'm the one in control of your life right now. I'm in charge. No, don't cry, that's not going to help you. Not even a little. Wanna know why? Because at this very moment, here and now, as far as you're concerned I'm God and unless you play your cards right, I could very well be the last thing you ever see. So save your tears for someone who cares and choose your next words really fucking carefully now you stupid French bitch. You disgusting whore. Because this is my show now and your fifteen minutes are almost up. Now tell me what you are. Repeat what I just called you. And start taking off your clothes as you do it. Yeah that's right. One piece at a time. Right here and now on national television. Be thankful, I'm about to make you a star..."

He needs to start lifting now

>just lift bro

Ironic lol.

>are you sure?
Cringe. It also opens the doors to more insults about how cheap she is compared to a sub.

>DiCaprio could pay more
This makes her look like a whore.

The numale response.

lmao, deluded gym cucks btfo