Who watched this and said it was a good idea they not even looking like anything 80's they just looking like edgy faggots
Who watched this and said it was a good idea they not even looking like anything 80's they just looking like edgy...
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I dropped the series after they showed up. Fucking Sup Forums and their bullshit recommendations. S1 wasn't even that good
what show is this
stranger things
>Punks didn't exist in the 80's
>Flock of seagulls didn't exist in the 80's
>Afros weren't a thing dating back to the 70's
They didn't look like this though. I was a kid in the 80s. The Indian one looks like a person from the 2010s.
It's because they're brown mate
The great thing about this though is that they looked like the types of characters that leftists would think are cool and empowering, but they turned out to be murderous villains representing the WRONG way El could go.
I feel that criticism for this will be transformed into a race debate. Currently people are hating on this because of how alt and diverse the case is even though that is a non issue.
The fact of the matter is that this was simply a shoehorned sideplot that either needed to have had a bigger buildup or just scrapped until next season
It was basically 'FORCED DIVERSITY"
That's why they made this episode as awful as possible and so disconnected from the main plot.
Netflix said "I'm sorry but you need a certain # of minorities in your show. You can't have such a white cast"
So in a brilliant stroke, the head writers got a women to write the episode (because they knew she'd make it awful) and filled the minority roles with awful horrible people and monsters. That was the entire point of Episode 7. It was an amazing subversion of forced tokenism meant to make you recoil and be disgusted.
This was the best episode. They went full superhero origin story and I loved it.
God what a terrible episode, i hope that they don't try this again. Also, that outfit they put eleven in was tacky too
>that paki sandnigger's face
terminator genisys
This but unironically
This, unironically.
Predator 2
name my band Sup Forums
> one AIDSy looking white male
>three black men dressed as hobos
What did they meant by this?
Who is this marketed to?
Is the pajeet boy or a girl?
I really, honestly can't tell.
Indian girl is pretty cute desu
The 2010s
Social Jusitice
The Discourse
>written by a women
>Justin Doble
Can this episode just be completely skipped?
they should never do an episode outside of the main setting. Period.
pretty much, all it establishes lorewise is Papa might be alive and that El is on her way back
Oh, it's bad.
It explains where Eleven was and how she got her new look, but can be skipped.
Did anyone else notice that during a montage in this episode, a song from Escape From New York was playing? I can’t find proof of it anywhere online but I am going to look up the song to check it.
I liked a couple things about the episode.
El visiting her mom was okay. And I liked the part when she took the bus out to the city and that Bon Jovi song played.
the episode would've been tolerable if it was just Eleven meeting 008 and learling more about her powers, the cyberpunk gang shit was inexcusable.
Maybe he identifies as a woman
You mean that second from the right dude with a mustache shade?
Okay I found it: youtu.be
fuck you queer
>anything 80's
>her hair style
>her jacket/clothes
What are some movies about Sup Forums posters who profess knowledge about things they don't have knowledge about?
>he just NOW realizes tv shows/film are full of anachronisms
really? have you been living under a rock or something
Only who doesn't look 80s is the sandnigger. That hairstyle didn't come out until recently
Yes, it definitely was, I noticed it right away. Just kind of pissed me off more that such a garbage episode would have the audacity to rip a great piece from a great soundtrack from a great movie.
As if this absolute abortion of an ep has any business even referencing a movie so out of its league.
>Afros weren't a thing dating back to the 70's
What kind of post is this? Did you think African americans just randomly as a race decided to change their hair in the 70's? You goober.
Why do people do this? Stranger things has no "lore".
well i meant story, sue me
>poo in loo
>grows up in the US
>only american "friends"
>british accent
this ironically
Found the castrated faggot
>episode 7 is the only one directed by a woman
Just watched episode 7, ask me anything
Right. Kali was what 11 could have been if 11 had fallen in with a bad crowd. Instead she fell in with great people and turned out good. The episode also boosted 11's power by teaching her one way to concentrate. It gave 11 emotional stability by coming to terms with her past by deciding to not seek vengence (something Kali couldnt let go of). And it set up Kali to be a major player in the next season. It wasnt a great episode, but it wasnt as terrible as people are saying.
I didn't think the outcome was bad, but it didn't need to devote nearly 10% of the show to it.
ya'll are getting too mad. It was just a single episode. The only episode written by a woman, probably so they can reach the diversity standard of netflix
They also added a whole episode so that it doesn't actually take away time from the main story line. S1 had 8, S2 has 9. Either netflix made them add more episodes and that's why they "wasted" one on a side story or they added it themselves because they wanted to tell that story and give us a break from the main story.
I'm mad that standard exists in the first place. I'm glad they were able to execute it without harming the series as a whole though.
Is that Kai Greene lmao??
The Diversity Squad
You can have her.
I'm 7 minutes in the first episode and its already unbearable. I've counted 20 80's references and stopped. What the fuck were the writers thinking?
waaaaaahh there are people who dont look like me on tv waaaaaaaaaah
they tone it down after the first episode
I thought they might have been going for a "This is England '86" vibe but that wouldn't be nostalgia pandering since that came out in in like 2010.
So out of place tonally and characters didn't fit at all. What a weird late season episode.
Hey guys do you remember REAGAN? Do you guys remember DRAGONQUEST? Do you guys remember DIO?
Fuck this show.
The liberal establishment liked it, meaning you already lost OP.
Ign sung its praises like it was fucking for survival.
This episode has literally nothing to do with the rest of the plot of the season.
It's like Eleven left the show for one episode and wound up in a bad adaptation of the X-Men and then at the end of the episode she realizes she's in the wrong show and goes home.
It has maybe 2% baring on what happens in the finally and ultimately feels like a waist of time.
Goth Eleven is pretty kino though, i'll give it that.
I am on tv.
What were they trying to convey with this episode?
Barely relevant to this season, might be important for the next one.
Just ice for Barb
>show set in the 80's features popular things from the 80's.
Fuck this normies shit amiright bros?
KYS you nitpicking arse
99% of 11's plotline felt like they didn't intend for her to return until some last minute decision and Max was supposed to replace her.
>every single torrent fails to play on PS4's shitty media player
I fucking hate the PS4's media player so much. I don't want to have to haul my entire PC over to a relatives house just so we can all watch this.
>Goth Eleven is pretty kino though, i'll give it that.
Hick Eleven is better desu.
It's hamfisted gas all hell. It's bad writing and it's bad directing.
>Max was supposed to replace her
God i would drop this show SO hard
Just started episode 8 after skipping 7. It blends seemlessly with the end of episode 6. Talk about filler.
Star Trek Discovery
Diversity quota aside, they were god awful actors
What would you use the Indian girls powers for?
I would use it to get passed the no singles policy in movies and to make whitebois think they were going to be raped by a bunch of niggers
They weren't bad actors save for the Paki, but the characters were just unlikeable
Pretty much. People are just pissed that they bothered to have a black (?) chick as a major character even though they were portrayed as a crazy thief and a murderer. /
Not a black chick, but one who is a horrible actress and was terribly written and designed. There are evil characters who are likeable and whose scenes you can enjoy, but Kali is not one of them.
Yeah noticed that too. Might have been the arrives or bank robbery
>they not even looking like
>they just looking like
Learn English, nigger.
Poo and The Crew.
>loo girl had the blandest personality out of every outcast
>only time she expressed any emotion is when El decided not to be her personal army
>even the mohawk fag had more personality
N-next season will be better??? Right guys????
>>Punks didn't exist in the 80's
It will probably be great and have one outlier episode just like this one.
Anyone else get Hotline Miami vibes?
The Poonies aren't coming back next season, are they?
If they do, I'm not going to watch this show anymore.
So the first scene of S2? Lol
they remind me of the punks that arnie beat up in terminator
nice night for a walk eh?
>And it set up Kali to be a major player in the next season.
Yikes. No. - Droppped!
>"You're insured, we're stealing from the capitalist war criminals who own this place."
Did they think this would make Kali sympathetic?