this was the worst Saw movie
This was the worst Saw movie
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So is Jigsaw still alive or what.
No. He only appears in flashback.
also the traps and everything other than the cop investigation stuff is actually happening in the past Thats the twist and how Jigsaw appears to be around still
Wow, I literary guessed the entire premise based on that first trailer. This series need to go paranormal or horror sci-fi to continue on.
Why should I not like this movie? I'm asking for a friend.
Oh, so it's like that recording from the Saw 2... how boring.
I might just watch the webms of the traps and that's it, not wasting my money and time.
>Lasers cut open a head
>No blood
Jesus fuck.
Adam Chaplin. Cheesy as fuck slav action movie made on a shoestring budget.
looks great thanks user
It had some issues. Conceptual ones.
For example, I remember the people in the past going on about how Jigsaw was dead... his neighbour kept saying that. I think they also referenced who he was, exactly. But that couldn't have been, because they were retconned into being his first victims.
There's also an issue with this because by the time Detectives Tapp and Sing were investigating his cases, all of his victims were known. However, this is an issue because actually 3/5 of the bodies were found when Jigsaw did that stuff in the past.
A really obvious, glaring problem was that although the silo trap took place in the past, so before 2004's Saw, Jigsaw had used like a fucking 80 inch wide screen curved LCD TV and put it in the silo. That was the most obvious anachronism, I found.
The complexity of the traps is also a bit ridiculous - I get that the traps got more and more ridiculous as the movies went on, but in the beginning, he was resourceful and more grounded. The traps were simpler and it was obvious he was just repurposing junk and scrap. If this takes place before the bathroom trap, and he has an elaborate house set up and shit... that's weird. And isn't consistent with his hideout in Saw 1 being relatively simple.
Also there's the issue of, if this guy was his first apprentice, what the fuck happened in the 13 years between when he made the bear trap for Amanda and Saw 7?
They also got the dates wrong. Saw 7 came out 10 years ago... but Jigsaw died way before that, in Saw 3.
Also, I found it weird that they had John Kramer's blood still stored and fresh after 10+ years since he died... and I'm also really confused about how this one guy was able to discretely place bodies everywhere. Oh also, digging up Jigsaw's grave, taking his body, replacing it with the drug addict's, and then burying it again, by himself, in like a day or something. That was ridiculous.
It was nice to see Tobin Bell back again, though.
>Oh also, digging up Jigsaw's grave, taking his body, replacing it with the drug addict's, and then burying it again, by himself, in like a day or something. That was ridiculous.
Supposedly this will be explained in the sequel.
And seeing a bathroom-esque trap again was nice. Fuck, being chained to something and then just left there to rot would be fucking horrible. Being immured... or buried alive, jesus christ.
I did like the final trap. That was definitely the most Jigsaw-like one. I'm curious about why he left that fat guy there to die though, just because the woman failed her test. I mean, he came back to check on them after they had both already died.
I'm also curious about why the bodies of both of them were kept there. I mean, sure, to show the viewer that the twist about only 3/5 being found wasn't bullshit, but like, why else? Also those bodies did not look like they had been sitting in a BARN in the country for 10 years. They'd have been completely skeletized.
Anyway, some pretty good stuff. It's not perfect, but it's an ok watch. Saw movies on Halloween are fun, imo... it's like watching Halloween or Friday the 13th in the 70s/80s and shit. It's charming, like watching a Christmas movie in December.
Demigorgon origin story released in line with Stranger Thing's 2
deepest lore
>I'm also curious about why the bodies of both of them were kept there. I mean, sure, to show the viewer that the twist about only 3/5 being found wasn't bullshit, but like, why else? Also those bodies did not look like they had been sitting in a BARN in the country for 10 years. They'd have been completely skeletized.
What did you mean by this? Do you think the bodies the cops were finding are the ten year old corpses of the people we saw in the barn?
>But that couldn't have been, because they were retconned into being his first victims.
Are you sure about that? Reading the wiki plot entry, it only meantions Logan being the "first apprentice" - not that Kramer didnĀ“t execute games prior to the one seen as a flashback in this film.
>Also there's the issue of, if this guy was his first apprentice, what the fuck happened in the 13 years between when he made the bear trap for Amanda and Saw 7?
Everything you saw in the previous movies and more, obviously. Is it far-fetched to assume that Nelson planned and executed a few games off-screen during that time period?
No - the bodies the cops were finding were the victims that the apprentice was killing during the actual events of the movie.
He says back when Jigsaw did this barn thing originally, only 3/5 of the victims were found - then, he uncovers two decomposing bodies (one of Ryan and one of Jigsaw's neighbour, who died there 10+ years ago in the silo).
Those corpses, though, don't look like they have been sitting there for 10+ years... I mean after that long, especially in a barn in the country with all the bugs, they'd have been skeletized. Just a small oversight on the part of the makeup crew.
I can't think of a reason why he'd keep them there other than to show the viewer that his statement, about only 3/5 being found originally, was true.
The woman said that the big drill thing that the black guy died in, that trap, was one John Kramer used before ALL the others. It was his first ever trap. We know he didn't become the Jigsaw killer until after he got cancer - so Saw 1 shows all his victims, and then there were some retcons: the dude with the knives in the face was then made to be the first, and then it was the five in the barn.
It is, kind of, because then there would have been a huge mention of it in the movies. If a copycat killer is doing his thing in the same city that Jigsaw is from... well, that'd at least make the news. They did saw that the apprentice was off in the army for a while, but still.
Tobin Bell is sexy in the Robert England way.
>The complexity of the traps is also a bit ridiculous - I get that the traps got more and more ridiculous as the movies went on, but in the beginning, he was resourceful and more grounded. The traps were simpler and it was obvious he was just repurposing junk and scrap. If this takes place before the bathroom trap, and he has an elaborate house set up and shit... that's weird. And isn't consistent with his hideout in Saw 1 being relatively simple.
This, getting your hands on a high powered laser isn't exactly easy and will leave a trail
This is true yes, but remember that wasn't Jigsaw - that was his apprentice. They use those kinds of lasers in his morgue. It's not unreasonable to assume he was able to steal some, over years, somehow.
The grave thing, though, was absolutely unreasonable.
So was the curved 80 inch lcd tv used in the silo by Jigsaw before the 2004 movie.
>original creators kill the main character so the series could end
>for more than 10 years the studio is still trying to create something from the scraps the original creators left them
>the plot has become a convoluted mess that keep trying to leech form the original's success
The fucking greed of these people. Just reboot this shit already.
thats sweet
>Oh my god, a woman screaming "shut up!" at her crying baby! I should call 911 before she does something crazy... nah nvm, I'll just put her in a trap for it later. Assuming she does what I'm assuming she did, even though I have no way of knowing this.
>it's like that recording from the Saw 2... how boring.
yes but not even as 'smart' as when saw 2 did it
they p much just shove him in there just bc "it's tobin guys rmber????"
Power ranking: 1>2>3>8>6>5>7>4
Do they explain how this murderer can afford this amazing laser tech? Industrial lasers are massive and really expensive, that rig must have cost millions.
>Oh my god, this guy doesn't like blacks, better murder him and all his friends
1 > 2 > 6 > 3 > 4 > 5 > 8 > 7
The new copycat is a war vet, so presumably he can find any war tech possible.
Alright, lads. I'm in a bit of a conundrum for Halloween. Do I go:
>Halloween III, Exorcist III, The Thing
>Saw 1 - 6 marathon
It was extremely disappointing, considering that the directors' last movie was time travel kino
>Saw 7 came out 10 years ago
>so before 2004's Saw, Jigsaw had used like a fucking 80 inch wide screen curved LCD TV
This has to be fake, how could they be so dumbfully naive and amateur?
But its the second best one, only surpassed by Saw!
Only decent performance in the film.
It happens in good movies too.
>A really obvious, glaring problem was that although the silo trap took place in the past, so before 2004's Saw, Jigsaw had used like a fucking 80 inch wide screen curved LCD TV and put it in the silo. That was the most obvious anachronism, I found.
top kek
That nigga dressed like Tubbs throughout the majority of the film.
1 = 2 > 3 = 6 > 7 > 4 > 5 = 8
Id say 7 is better than 8, and 3d was shit
>>Saw 1 - 6 marathon
idiot watch saw
I thought Predestination was ok but it's still shocking that this was made by the same directors. I mean the fact that they even accepted directing the 8th installment in the saw franchise.
But 3D is 7.
>the masterplan is to frame the chief
>kill the chief in the building your partner is literally about to bring the authorities back to
What did Logan mean by this?
7 is better than 8 and 7 was shit
(does that help?)
You can either stop at 3 and pretend it all ended with Jigsaw dying, or you can stop at 6 and imagine Hoffman carried on being a murdering badass.
Stop posting this shit.
I agree with some of his points but...
>not enough traps
Shut the fuck up, focusing more so on the mystery and being butthurt there was no opening trap? You're a fucking idiot. The opening was great, I'm glad it wasn't the typical generic predictable bullshit the Saw films normally give us.
>why didnt they remove bullet from stomach
Because it would be dangerous, the bullet was next to a vital organ, which was why they induced an artificial coma, hence why Logan was able to wake him up, you can wake people up from artificially induced comas.
>how could jigsaw know she killed her baby
They didn't show it but I could buy Jigsaw hearing the girl screaming and peeking through the windows or some shit to check on the commotion. It's retarded you bring this up when it's the one that MAKES THE MOST SENSE. What you should be asking is how Jigsaw knew Ryan caused the car to crash, or how Jigsaw knew Carly let that woman die and stole exactly 2 dollars and 32 cents. This has always been a problem throughout the original series.
>can you get arrested for rolling onto your baby
Did he even get arrested? He killed himself in a psych ward, no doubt you can go nuts over it.
It's weird the post nitpicks minor inconsequential things, most of which are non-issues when there are humongous leaps of logic throughout the film.
>not stopping at 1
Why are you even here?
Agreed but 7 kinda confirms that Gordon is stupid and it kinda explains the limp and the eye surgery in 2 so.. I'd call that canon
I can't understand the need nor the logic behind 8
Wouldn't there be an explosion once lasers cross?
Maybe James Wan can come and do the sequel. Starring the Rock.
what the fuck did you expect lol
i mean there's a lot of things wrong with this scene but i don't think that's one of them
easier to trace back to that apprentice then isnt' it?
Just stop, what are you, the director?
Opening having not only no trap, but a completely pointless scene was retarded. That coma character made no sense and only existed because the screenwriter needed several holes in the script filled. Why would the main trap need to be triggered? Why couldn't it just start itself? Especially because Logan was watching it the entire time anyway. He had to be to shut off the blades when they bleed.
Speaking of the blade trap, isn't it impossible to be killed by it? Even the people that got cut accidentally immediately got set free, so what the fuck is the point?
I won't complain about Fatty's foot getting stuck and the tape under the floor calling him out by name, or the black guy stepping in just the right spot for his own trap, because that happens a lot in these movies, but how did the black guy's trap even work? He was being lowered straight down towards his prize, the brake. Why did he even get cut? Why did the girl even try to help him?
How did the police not notice the ground over Kramer's grave had been recently exhumed?
Also Jigsaw breaks his M. O. by showing his face to people who personally know him to explain the shotgun game. So if they did it right, there goes his neighbor who knows exactly who did this to them. Dumb as fuck.
>Secret Apprentice #4
>Opening having not only no trap, but a completely pointless scene was retarded. That coma character made no sense and only existed because the screenwriter needed several holes in the script filled.
The point was to frame the chief, the chief had motive to kill the coma guy. Giving him a trigger was basically to give the police force a reason to shoot at him so Logan could snipe him and late insinuate the chief did it.
>Especially because Logan was watching it the entire time anyway. He had to be to shut off the blades when they bleed.
Did he, it's already clear Logan doesn't follow Jigsaw's MO, he straight up murders people. I wouldn't be surprised if he just had the other two dragged into the next room and had the decapitated guy in an unwinnable scenario.
>Speaking of the blade trap, isn't it impossible to be killed by it? Even the people that got cut accidentally immediately got set free, so what the fuck is the point?
If you tried to hold back for as long as possible it would just mince you like it did the body they found.
>Why did he even get cut?
He touched the blades. Reaching through the gap at the bottom of the blades is probably harder than it looks when you're suspended upside down.
>Why did the girl even try to help him?
I think you have autism.
>How did the police not notice the ground over Kramer's grave had been recently exhumed?
Supposedly this is a big plot point in the sequel (if there is one).
>Also Jigsaw breaks his M. O. by showing his face to people who personally know him to explain the shotgun game.
He never seemed to give a fuck about hiding his identity. In 2 his identity becomes public just because he wants to talk to Marky Mark's brother.
should have done something with the Jigsaw fan club idea they introduced with the red head girl. I would have rather seen a 'cult of Jigsaw' idea be explored rather than another fucking secret apprentice
These are the guys who did that scam video game Death Cargo. They're italians.
I want her to punish me.
I would've accepted a copycat cult or even a long lost fucking relative at this rate.
I thought the twist would be her being his daughter or something like that, so the blood could match
What was the best trap? I don't care about the story anymore since Jigsaw died in 3.
I've seen the original and two others, though I can't remember which numbers they were. In one a lady is thrown into a pit of uncapped syringes. In another there's this elaborate trap where a guy is drowned in ground up pig guts. Is it worth watching the entire series? Can't say I disliked them, just never got around to it. Enjoyed the first one most.
I only watch it for the traps now.
For the rest of your life Sup Forums is going to quote you out of context. Have a reply.
Hard to call them good movies but they're insanely lovable. The story, beginning with IV spirals out of control with this bizarre forever intertwining timeline. It's like following a really gory soap oprea, it gets unbelievably convoluted and it's hilarious how it keeps itself 100% dedicated to continuity and is so endearing how it delivers all these bullshit twists to your face with a straight face.
They're alright for what they are: "torture porn". The one with syringes is Saw 2 and I forget which one had pig guts.
I legitimately enjoyed all but the last two.
Halloween III Season of the witch is absolute kino.
Traps are nice though.
>deletes roasties
>mimics his idol
>obsessed with games
>is possibly autistic
Was he /our guy/?
>obsessed with games
Horsepower trap. Watching racist blondie get her face mushed under a spinning car wheel is so satisfying
Still dead; but still showing up in flashbacks though
They are ignoring the ending of Saw 7 though; Cary Elwes, who killed Hoffman and became the new Jigsaw, is MIA and they are now basically having the guy from the A&E show "The Glades" as the new Jigsaw; as Jigsaw's previously unseen "first" apprentice who got the job (in spite of being an incompetent doctor who fucked up x-rays, accidentally ensuring Jigsaw only found out about his cancer when it was too late to save him via treatment) because he was unconscious when instructions were given to a group of people he was a part of that Jigsaw killed in his first mass-murder trap game
In saw the final chapter, Dr Gordon and 2 other people in masks appear and kidnap the ugly cop that was also jigsaws apprentice (he just killed jill in the police station at that point in the movie)
gordon locked him in the original bathroom and said game over.
1) where is gordon now?
2) who were the other two people with him? was logan one of them?
3) where does the series go from here? I didnt like this movie but i like saw more than other film series so i'll still watch them. I didnt find a point to why this protagonist was doing what he was doing? it seemed like he didnt have enough problems to warrent a series to wrap around him.
also i thought the red head was kramers daughter- since she's not it would be nice if she and dude went out and did things together
>They are ignoring the ending of Saw 7 though; Cary Elwes, who killed Hoffman and became the new Jigsaw, is MIA and they are now basically having the guy from the A&E show "The Glades" as the new Jigsaw; as Jigsaw's previously unseen "first" apprentice who got the job (in spite of being an incompetent doctor who fucked up x-rays, accidentally ensuring Jigsaw only found out about his cancer when it was too late to save him via treatment) because he was unconscious when instructions were given to a group of people he was a part of that Jigsaw killed in his first mass-murder trap game
makes me even more upset reading it
give me a tl dr on the new jigsaw movie
I still think the autopsy at the beginning of 4 is one of the best scenes in the entire series.
Take a shit then look in the toilet before flushing
That's about what Jigsaw looks like
I really liked 4. It's probably shitty on a rewatch but at the time it was great.
1>4>2>3>>>>> the rest
brutal, that bad huh. Guess i'll just skip through it to the trap parts.
The only thing I really dislike about 4 is some of the editing. Mainly the daft scene transitions. I blame Bousman for that shit though.
None of them were very clever or sensible.
- Saws on a wall with a chain pulling you in - the saws stop as soon as you get cut a little bit, making it kinda hard to actually die from it. Though in real life you could easily die from blood loss anyway.
- 3 syringes on a wall, someone has to inject one of them to live - one does nothing, one's acid and one has the antidote to a poison that one of them was injected with. If they don't use a syringe fast enough they all get hanged. 1 syringe has special meaning, but they don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing. The other 2 are random. The winning move is to stick one person with all 3 syringes, which guarantees survival for at least 2 people.
- 1 guy gets his leg stuck in a trap, then the other people enter a room that starts filling up with grain. After that sharp things start falling into the room. To save them, the guy with his leg stuck has to pull a lever that will cut off his leg. It relies on multiple sequences playing out exactly right. Also, any of the sharp shit could've killed one of them anyway, which would've made the leg sacrifice pointless.
- guy is basically stuck in a blender and has to reach an object at the bottom. It looks doable without getting any injury, but he ends up getting shredded anyway.
- FInal one: a shotgun with one shell is placed in the center of a room, with 2 people chained up on either side. "This shell is the key to your survival", says Tobin before leaving the room. One of them picks up the shotgun and shoots the other - first off, it's a trick gun that fires backwards and kills the wrong victim. Second, the literal keys for both of their locks was inside the shell, which the other guy realized too late. So one person blows their own head off, and the other is stuck in the room to die since the keys got destroyed. BTW Tobin actually shows his face to these people, so if they had figured it out he would've had to kill them anyway.
>he can find any war tech.
Are u fucking retarded?????
>nukes city
Jigsaw was a Sith Lord. They go through a apprentice every week.
how are those lasers not burning a hole in the ceiling
Worse thing about them glossing over Part 7 is the implications made that the entire Jigsaw operation had been kicked up a level we had not seen before under Dr Gordon (as seen with the store window buzzsaw trap).
Traps were now being done in broad daylight for EVERYONE to see. The horror and carnage was being shown to the world, not in dark factories or warehouses. The philosophy of Jigsaw was no longer being kept suppressed by the police, but being preached to the open masses with an eye towards converting people.
Not that the two guys who helped Gordan take down Hoffman were the two guys from the public trap at the start of Jigsaw 7. Dr Gordon was responding to Hoffman perverting Jigsaw's message (and the police covering up the crimes) by escalating in a way that would have been a great way to revitalize the franchise.
hehe well done
Part remake of Saw 2 (dueling timelines that are not obvious at first with a bunch of people forced into traps to survive) plus half-hazardly creating a new character with some of Dr Gordon's backstory (he's a former doctor with ties to Jigsaw) to replace Dr Gordon, because either Cary Elwes refused to come back or was not invited back.
They are.. If you watched the movie, it'll show several times that the lasers are fucking up the ceiling. But that's not the point of the trap.