That cheese we've tried, couldn't figure out what it was

That cheese we've tried, couldn't figure out what it was.

It was Swiss cheese.

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Yawn... Hyde is boring.

it's been pretty good night

Did he trip her?

You guys are all way smarter than me because I really don't get this comedy.

No, he clearly has some kind of muscle spasm.

the change in the color grade is kino af

never noticed that he smashes wine bottle on her head

question is, who the fuck is the bitch right of sam

Unironically would berry that fat bitch

She clearly fell.

The epitome of „not funny“

>she is a good cast



I watched you do it with my own two feet


This shit is fucking impenetrable. Is part of the joke how it's not really all that funny?

Do you really wanna sit here and go through the rigamaroo?

Is this the only good joke Sam Hyde ever wrote?

Nick, what's going on, big guy? You just tripped my wife

The funniest part is Sam's cheeky smile in the end

Just watched this for the first time, terribly unfunny. No wonder his show got canceled lol

Do you really wanna sit here and go through the rigamaroo?

Do we really have to go through the rigamaroo?

The funniest thing Sam Hyde has ever done

original version > aired blue color filter version

what's with nicks tattoos btw? they are so odd.

He fell for the irony meme

i-is that sam hyde?

what ever happened to that guy? he had a show?

It's a mix of sincere and ironic scene tattoos and dumb shit you get after you've gotten cucked by your fat irish ex and have been mainlining mexican pisswater and jameson for 12 hours

Nick has tattoos?


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand MDE. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Sam's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike MDE truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in MDE which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Hyde's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

college cunts for that shirtless nik

It's a mockery of how people only pretend to care about their SOs
Sam goes on and on about how he loves his wife and would do anything for her, then when she's on the ground bleeding from her FUCKIN EYE SOCKETS he's more concerned with arguing with Nick than he is with helping his wife. Then it keeps showing closeups of her suffering and bleeding while Sam is completely nonchalant about it all.
It's just absurdism.

That's Zarnubius, Nick's wife in the sketch

ah makes sense

Does sam shoop these to make them look more disgusting than they are in reality? I swear they look like they've been fucked with.

It just looks like fairly standard overexposure and lighting stuff.

And of course, viewing someone from that close is in itself unnatural.

>This is Nicks house
>Sam and Charls live in what seems to be poverty
Who did Nick suck off?

Nick and Sam both have disproportionately small legs, don't know about the rest of the boys.

as far as i know, nick is in his mid 30s (?) and has been employed for most of his adult life in addition to the show. in most cases you would afford a nice place by then.

works at an antique shop

only guess is they must make bank on restorations or someshit

Sam seems to be far more well off than his lifestyle might present initially, donating cash all the time, and Charls can afford a really nice straming set up out of nowhere, so I doubt either are in trouble.

Well spoken old chap.

Sam made bank off litecoin and bitcoin

w2c joggers?

charls is homeless

bruh im not memeing i actually believe sam has something close to 600k at his disposal.

why is this spamed for shit now? as i see on youtube dates, it's a year old skit


Its the funniest sketch ever made, it just doesnt get old.


hey, easy big guy

What was her fucking problem?

Don't know how that happened haha

The ghost of moot fucked with your shit.


looks like Sarah Jessica Parker, only more ghoulish

Whoa, I never noticed that

She fell. I don't get this whole tripping scenario people keeping claiming


Their best skit. MDE is best when paired up with Thanks Computer.

Wtf, why does she have glass eyes?

wow... so this is the epitome of alt right """""""""""""""""""""""""humour"""""""""""""""""""""""""....

No wonder nobody likes you, fags.

I'm A Alien is Sup Forums

Hyde is boring? It's sad that your comedic senses are so dull that you cannot grasp his genius. All the best comedians have some inner struggle they use to channel their material. In Sam's case, it's his repressed homosexuality.

Tell me, would a straight comedian come up with a hilarious bit like this?

And have so much inner turmoil that he uses transsexuals as an outlet to deal with his gay demons?

If only you could comprehend how much he suffers for his art, just to make people laugh. It's the least you could do you ungrateful cunt.