How did Archie go from Troy Bolton from High School Musical to Travis Bickle?
/Riverdale/ General
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Currently watching the third episode.
Jesus Christ, the girls are so hot.
first season is like fucking high school musical, 2nd season is 10x better thank god
>mfw riverdale is basically handsome-town
the patrician waifu chart UPDATED
They could all get my sticky maple, if you know what I mean.
Step aside, Betty
>dead eyes fish face above anyone
Fuuuckkk, I need to hurry up and get to season 2.
It's pretty good
you fucking wish
>The Red Circle and The South Side Serpents
She's not gonna be so smug when Jughead chooses Toni over her
the fucking madman
wow archie calm down my guy
the floor is the perpetuation of the white race
I didn't realize he was a kiwi, that accent is hilarious
I'm actually stunned at how bad this show is. I couldn't make it past episode 4, and I tried.
after episode 4 is when it begins to drop the teen drama shit and gets good
>THat red circle
Holy shit, is Archie Red John now?!
Watch last two episodes of season 1 and skip to season 2
When did Archie turn into /ourguy/?
He always was.
giv betty gf
I bet Archie is capable of taking down all those Serpents just by using his baseball bat. I mean he almost took Reggie out when he played that retarded prank.
man why couldn't they have just made this slice of life like the comics? This shit is way too overboard, I mean what are they gonna do after s2? An alien invasion?
>Netflix are making The Punisher show
>they also have the international syndication rights to Riverdale
>there was a Archie/Punisher crossover comic
It's pretty obvious what they should do
Lmao next season we get Archie’s weird mysteries
season 2 episode 1
based giv poster fuck my boipucci pls
>I mean what are they gonna do after s2? An alien invasion?
Supernatural shit so they can tie into the Sabrina spin-off. Season 4 can be an adaptation of this
Post bit characters that are literally you
>Is it Me?