>coen brothers script
>excellent cast
>still a total shitfest
Why can't Clooney direct?
>coen brothers script
>excellent cast
>still a total shitfest
Why can't Clooney direct?
Maybe they shouldn't have casted sexual assault enabler Matt Damon. Just saying
yes, because boxoffice is the proper way to judge a movie's value
>forcing a plot about race relations into a Coen Brothers screenplay
He's a Liberal
nobody cares clooney is directing, it's just nobody wants to watch 50s-shit and matt damon is a rapist
Didn't know this existed.
the trailer looked retarded and was the 3rd trailer with matt damon I saw that day in the theatre
Coen Brothers movies are depressing as fuck.
It's ice cold outside. No one wants to go watch a movie like that and come out to weather that matches it.
Ides of March wasn't that bad. I don't think I've seen any of his other projects though. To be fair Hail Caesar and A Serious Man didn't do that well either, did they? Maybe people are tired of kookie historical Coens and want gritty thriller Coens.
both scums covered weinstein for years
Pretty much this. If they don't even bother to advertise, why would they expect viewers to know of their existence?
FUCK George Clooney. I hope that faggot gets hit by a truck.
I see commercials for this all the time.
>coen brothers script
It was originally but Clooney rewrote it
Looks interesting but I don't expect it to come out in my country.
I think I saw the movie mentioned once in the google news scroll. I don't know what it's about. I really only hear about things that people shill on Sup Forums
cuz Damon is a rapist.
The Weinstein age of Hollywood is coming to an end
None of the trailers I saw even hinted at a race relations aspect. They all made it out to be a mix of death wish and falling down in 1950's surburbia.
Even the people promoting the film new introducing a race element to this fucked it up.
Hope it bombs bigger than Nagasaki in August.
>oy vey why are the whites not seeing movies that tell them they are bad anymore
Clooney and Damon are two pieces of shit.
Fuck them. Fuck their movies.
i read a review that he injected a racial theme about a black family moving into a white suburb and then basically used them as props
And it really shows.