h-haha what a stupid concept haha....40 years o-old virgin hahaha
H-haha what a stupid concept haha....40 years o-old virgin hahaha
dude fucking imagine if this was real
Yeah, that's so unrealistic.
haha he is so lame
25 yo virgin here
never touched a female
9 years to go..
Join teh clewb.
28yo here. What's sad and scary isn't that I'm hopeless because no woman would look at me or touch me, but I know for sure I'm headed there because I've had plenty of chances and didn't take them. I wouldn't be able to lose my virginity if even I slept in the same bed with a naked girl who wanted to fuck me for a month.
>birthday was two days ago
2 years til I get wizard powers...
Lost mine at 22. Sex itself is fine but one thing I haven't gotten is the connection with a girl that I truly love and care about. Sex doesn't mean as much without that imo
if you never had a connection than how would you know its going to be different?
Some of it depends on the girl, not the emotional connection or whatever, but how they move in bed.
>Turn 26 next month
>Never been remotely interested in hooking up with anyone
I still find the idea of sex really gross
I'm 23 and will die a virgin. Shy guys who aren't extremely muscular hardly ever get laid.
>40 years old
>in great shape and health
>has a kick ass apartment
>has a great job
>has great friends
>still jerks off a lot
>gets girlfriend
>loses his virginity
>has to sell all his shit to pay for a women's failing business
what was the moral of this story?
Stealth MGTOW propaganda.
>I wouldn't be able to lose my virginity if even I slept in the same bed with a naked girl who wanted to fuck me for a month.
Uh... why?
That film was too painful to watch once. Then I got married and realized my life wasn't that bad.
How about a 40 year old surgeon?
Sex is way overrated. Haven't had any since 2001 and no plans to change that.
He didn't have a great job. I doubt he even made $50,000.
Or a 40 year old sturgeon?
are they virgins?
>Kate is about to graduate. Her biggest dream is to have sex with Ryan Lambert. The only problem is that Ryan refuses to have sex with a virgin. This leads to a hunt for another man to lose her virginity to so she finally can have her dream prince.
>turn 46 in two months
>haven't dated anyone since 2009
I make $15 an hour and live comfortably.
are you happy though?
i make 2.5 euro per hour.
And to think, 39 years ago I thought this was funny.
I don't know, but now I'm reading about sturgeons. Apparently a sturgeon can mass over a ton and live to be over 100 years old.
Technically all of our penises touched and were inside our mothers. Does that mean none of us are virgins?
>never touched a female
what, not even in a non sexual way?
same here buddy.
t. 25 khv
Accidentaly I did, but never on purpose
I was in your exact position a few years ago and now I'm rawdogging qt3.14 puss all day every day. It gets better.
>Tfw I'm about to fuck a qt 3.14 trap today
I won't be a virgin after today lads
I don't think being gay counts as losing your virginity
I'm 46... only sex I had is when I was asleep in a sketchy place and a crackwhore climbed on my dick until I pushed her off and told her to fuck off. She then cried and asked for money. I told her to fuck off.
Does that count?
Lost mine at 20. It was nice but it's not some badge of honor. Take care of yourself, not only appearance wise but mentally. If you feel like you're not worth anything, it rubs off and shows.
There are good people out there user, of both genders. Make sure you're a good person too, that's all you can do.
>Implying he'll put out after realizing what a socially disabled sperg you are
Lol stay mad virgins
if sticking it in an ass counts as losing your virginity then so does taking a shit
>be yourself bro xd
I'm a 3/10 maybe a 4/10 on a good day. There's no hope. I find solace in masturbation, movies, anime, toys, video games, and other shit that is all slowly being ruined by normalfags.
Stay strong, user. You should get over that by 30, if not your mid-20s.
>is all slowly being ruined by normalfags.
fucking this
they fucking ruin everything I used to love
it's like they are trying to make me kill myself
Yea thats right give up. And dont blame yourself blame girls and your genes
>this virgin logic
Have fun being alone forever
At least it's SOMEWHAT believable that this nerdy jew can't get a woman.
Pic related on the other hand...
what was his name?
The burden of being a 40 year old virgin sturgeon surgeon
t. normalfag roastie
>just get a better face, man
>be yourself!
Where did he blame women you retarded normi whiteknight faggot?
That's why i said apperance helps too. Dressing and taking care of your skin helps a ton.
Unless you look like fucking quasimodo you're not beyond help. Do you think it was this guy's banging physique that helped him get a wife?
Haha losers
I never said anything about relationships, stop projecting fag
mirin those arms
he's probably rich
Dennis, 38 year old bodybuilding virgin that still lives with his mom.
Had to go to Thailand for some punani.
>they fucking ruin everything I used to love
They suck too much at competitive geeky shit to really make a dent, so there's that.
wtf, what country? 10€ is pretty much the standard minimum here
>tfw normies ruin masturbation
Yeah what, why not? Are you gay?
>wtf, what country?
suicide central in eu
Sweden? Estonia? Latvia?
You're the fucking problem faggot
>tfw haven't had sex in 1.5 years
When the fuck will this pain end bros
You better conjure the waifu age and Joi into reality when you are blessed with wizardry. Don't mess it up!
what's with the high suicide rates over there? it's high even for ex-Soviet states
>what's with the high suicide rates over there?
it's that shitty living here.
If you're experiencing pain, you should go to a doc and get checked out.
sorry to hear man. can't you move to Estonia or some other place
>can't you move to Estonia or some other place
and be second-class citizen and work shitty job for the rest of my life? Gee, i dont know.
I'm pretty sure as long as you are aware of how you look it doesn't matter how good looking you are, bros.
confidence is literally everything
Are you actively trying to get some or just waiting for it to come to you?
>j-just bee confident
fuck off norman
What did you improve to get a girl??
Could you imagine?
I'll turn 20 in 1 week
Halfway there
it does work though
20's nothing buddy. I believe in you.
do you guys speak russian over there?
it does not
don't reply
lost my virginity when i was 31
the wizard powers you hear about are a lie
If you don't have a GF living on 30k/y is very comfortable. You'd be surprised how much of a money drain a woman in your life is.
I had sex after 3-years of not having it and it didn't feel anything special. Just like tobacco, you have to do it for a while to really get into it.
>do you guys speak russian over there?
majority of older people (+30) do because they were raised in USSR.
It's obvious you just had all memory of them stripped from you after you had sex. You fell from grace, of course they would take any memory of how to use magic from you.
I'd skip sex forever if I could have a comfy life/career
I see, Wikipedia didn't really list anything other than the official language. I know some ex-USSR states still have Russian as the main spoken language.
You guys seem to have a high HDI from what I can see though
28 here.
Could have lost it first time around 15, fucked it up.
Then again at 17, fucked it up.
Never bothered again after that.
tfw comfy life/career but no sex whatsoever
>You guys seem to have a high HDI from what I can see though
Yeah but the rest of here is shit. Do not recommend to ever visiting here yet alone living.
What even is in lithuania? Is latvia better? I went there and it seemed like Estonia 10 years ago. Riga was suprisingly big. I'm a finn btw.
what do you do?
Easy, He's white