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Ha what a meme.

he's one of the main reasons I'm antisemitic

>barely upload anymore
>latest LE VAPE vid was lazy as fuck

Why do all normalfags gather around and cherish this idiot?

what is the best h3 video and why is it "ethan joins a 90s boy band?"

Wait, he made a new one? Why? That shit's been dead for ages. Vaping isn't even a thing any more.

his content is not bad by youtube standards

Isn't he ironic though

No. His videos are shit even by Youtube standards.

>Vaping isn't even a thing any more.

Than why does my small town of 20,000 people have no less than 10 vape stores?

I kind of like h3h3, but I don't get the whole vape nashe thing at all. I can't make it more than a minute through those videos without full-body cringing and closing it from embarrassment I feel for him.

Zerosugar really is forcing his Sup Forumseddit culture on us today

i enjoyed "ethan spews maymays for little children and then tries to start garbage youtube drama like a woman"

Because your shit hick town is at least a year behind current trends.

Money laundering. Tobacco stores are primarily a cash business that makes a shit ton of profit, even in very poor areas.
You could open a vape store right next to another vape store in the middle of the desert to clean your ill-gotten gains, and the IRS wouldn't blink an eye.

He's the biggest leach on youtube
Im not even sure he can have sex with his wife

sadly this was h3h3 at his peak

Ummm.. no sweetie. Try Again. :)

This guy gets it.

he has no comedic chops at all. All of his "comedy" revolves around reacting to other people's shit. The shit he actually does on his own is all dancing and goofy faces and coughing. He is not fucking funny at all


Was he making fun of stoners or nicotine/tobacco vapers? seems like a different group of equally annoying people except nicotine vapers are dorks that stick with nicotine because they're afraid of the marijuana high.

Are you guys really this stupid. This was never supposed to be a meme in the fist place. The whole point of Vape Nation was to make fun of all the obnoxious assholes that think they're hot shit just because they vape. This is obviously because H3 like's vaping himself and hates how other people act like their cool special snowflakes.

Unfortunately for him, the joke went above the head of the shitloards he was trying to make fun of and it backfired into them cultivating it into a meme.

>abuses his wife
>is jewish

Seriously though, t all went down hill when he became literally the Jesus Christ of Youtube with winning that lawsuit and representing Youtubers in general with copyright infringement crap.

I can't watch his shit anymore. That smug frick.

>>abuses his wife
you can't be serious

What does this have to do with Sup Forums, liberals?

i'm not sure what you didn't understand in my post if you did in fact read it all and considered the link I provided for you in the post itself before you gave me a you

the video is obviously a joke skit uploaded by h3h3 himself

Ask your mods. We need another black cock worship thread. Go make one, champ.

>Makes decently funny reaction videos, few decent collab videos with New York youtubers
>Hits his peak with with a solid, yet carbon copy ripoff of Tim & Eric's "Jim & Derrick" skit
>Makes it big off the Tim & Eric ripoff
>Can't rely on reaction videos anymore, zero comedic chops solo
>Boring unfunny vlogs with his wife
>Stirs up youtube drama and acts holier than thou for views
>Zero comedy attempts being put out in favour of SJW beef and drama videos
>Godawful collab videos with the likes of Steve-O, etc.
>Pretty much exclusively podcasts now to let other popular youtube types carry his career

I used to be a fan, but Jesus, take away the reaction videos and Ethan's the unfunniest, most unoriginal fuck around. He completely lots any momentum directly after Vape Nayshe, and put one foot in the grave with the Hugh Mungus shit, and the other in the grave with that Steve-O trash as far as I'm concerned.

Don't get me started on the "I'm friends with pewdiepie" to "I'm disappointed in him dawg, n-word is unacceptable shit. How many times has he said it in early vids with Filthy Frank and when he's interviewing idubbbz?

i was joking dude

He ran out of ideas
Peak h3 is gone

there's a difference between saying nigger in a conversation about the word nigger / saying nigga jokingly and saying "what a fucking nigger."

I don't really think it matters either, it was just a slip of the tongue, but there are clear differences between those scenarios

I'm not a big fan of him i've only watched a bit but it seems more like
>Makes it big in the alternative comedy scene
>Makes somewhat surreal reaction vids where he points out tards
>Leafy drama happens
>Realises he will never make in the mainstream if he's alternative / youtube starts cracking down
>Becomes corporate and low risk as fuck
>Shits out low effort content commodifying his connections and audience.