RWBY/RT General #1177: "Girls Can't Ejaculate" Edition

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Why do you fags like this shitty series so much, it's pretty clearly a shameless rip-off of Soul Eater and Fairy Tale.

Reminder that Salem cannot be trusted and is pure evil.

Execute those who say otherwise

Most of v4 is stuff that could have been stuffed in an LN or webcomic

The shorts suck now because as the latest season finale for RvB showed, it was apparently Matt who was able to perfect the style loved in the OG Shorts.

Chris and Marshall did ok when they first took over, but since like 2011 they've just all been really forgettable, can't name a single one that stands out.

There are two factors that attract people to the show.

Fighting and Waifus

They should drop the RT shorts. They haven't been good in years

Get off the internet, Ozpin.

>RvB thread

Because actual anime scares and confuses me.

Cooking with Geoff was an absolute classic.

Wouldn't RWBY live action movie still be in the realm of stuff which doesn't purely because of the medium used?
Animation and games have a benefit having an inherit seperation from reality, which results in being able to stretch suspension of dissbelief way further. The entirety of stylistic choices for RWBY would inevitably clash with live action.

Does May have long hair

Looks like we found one. STRING EM UP LADS!

Arkos yo!

That's a cute May!

Exactly. If they have put the first half of V4 on a LN (adding more backstory), then only animate since Blake got discovered and Tyrian.
We would have better stuff animated and the series would be more popular.


>which doesn't work purely because of the medium used
Fuck me, I need to stop drinking.

Judge for yourself.

>Fairy Tale
You are not even trying user, git gud

You should drink more. That was a very good post that got to the core of the issue.

It'll just feel weird and wrong.




How is it a rip off of those series?

Oh god, she is back. Stand fast brothers! Don't let her wicked words reach you! Stand Proud

Don't.....take...the bait

But user, people don't die for any significant length of time in Fairy Tale

It's too late. The die has been cast. It's too late for him

Why won't they let the Japanese make a game already

M&K, I know you are listening, will you listen to my prayers, oh tell me great lords of bad pace and awful schedule planning.
Will we get cannon?

Fuck everything, we need a Red versus Blue movie with the VA

>We’re super-excited about RvB 15,” Burns said. “We have a new writer-director, he’s a really talented guy.”

Wait, has Miles stepped down from RvB? If so great, I like the guy, but with RvB, RWBY, Camp Camp and being one of the heads of animation, he had way too much on his plate to make the projects shine.

Also Felix was just too much of an edgy self-insert for my liking.

Because burine and the higher ups and Gus don't understand otaku shit so that why we don't get body pillows and games

Shut up

Soul Eater
>Protag with scythe
>Takes place at a school
and for Fairy Tale
>Character who is blonde with huge boobs

Shameless rip-off I'm amazed that RT can even get away with it, fucking scum bags.


>body pillows
there's a whole lot more reason why we wont get those

I'm sorry buddy, but it isn't happening. Lancaster has won, and there is nothing anyone can do about it.

It's probably Kyle Taylor or Josh Ornelas

>Kerry letting Miles' self-insert win his real laifu waifus character over his own self-insert

Good jest user.

>Character who is blonde with huge boobs
We are reaching new levels of autism. The bait is too strong

By your dubs may your wish come true

Because RT is retarded with their franchise.
They won't let the creator go back and make team RWBY fun to play in GE, won't let anyone else make a game, the only mercy they make is shit quality and they miss out on all the total weeb bucks with good plushies and pillows.

> Takes place at a school
Yeah, this is the obvious sign that RWBY is a Soul Eater rip-off. Using a school as a setting is very rare in Japanese media, so you know straight away that RWBY lifted that from Soul Eater.

lancaster hasnt had shit in canon wtf you talkin about


Blondes with big tits are everywhere. And everything has been ripped off or revised since the beginning of time

Honestly, if Kerry wanted to get into Kara's good graces he'd make White Knight happen.

You got your canon which was gutted early on.

IF M&K were competent in anyway, they'd actually work on that, start over Weiss and Jaune's shitty relationship to one where Weiss can respect him and Jaune her. If only to justify adding that plot point to the show that it had no use for. They could salvage it and turn it into something better.

Instead they do not as Weiss doesn't look like she cares about her team or even Pyrrha. You'd think she'd be beating herself up for it or something.

>Those reasons

By the power of those dubs,
I shall commend my luck
and we'll become cannon
As Phyrra got doomed

>YFW Neptune is killed right in front of Weiss and Jaune saves her

I'll laugh when he gets with Yang


Can't forget Full Metal Alchemist

I like where this is going, go on...

they also ripped off Food Wars

Reminder that he's Cinder's brother who has gone crazy thanks to Salem.

Or sailor moon


>IF M&K were competent in anyway
they wouldn't waste screentime on developing relations between two characters who have nothing to do with each other.

>Also Felix was just too much of an edgy self-insert for my liking.
For me, his breakdown in the finale was honestly worth every time he was being edgy.

Speaking of which, were Felix, Locus, Sharkface supposed to be a step in for what Meta was, but as a trio?
Felix as a backtabber part
Locus as a silent professional part
Shark as a unstopable soldier part

Am I seeing things, or does everyone in council of evil has yellow\gold eyes?

>he's Cinder's brother
This could be interesting but I can't see it happening at all.

>Blake and Sun regroup with RNJR
>Jaune hits Blake
>Says "Take THAT Arryn!"
>Ren, Neptune and Roman appear applauding
>Pat him on the back and say "Monty would be proud of you"

>Am I seeing things, or does everyone in council of evil has yellow\gold eyes?
Watts and Hazel do not.

Why did you reply to me? Fuck off Jauneshitter

>tyrain has black hair and yellow eyes
>Cinder has black hair and yellow eyes
>Ghira has it too. So does Blake and Kali

Lancaster will happen, God wills it.

>Speaking of which, were Felix, Locus, Sharkface supposed to be a step in for what Meta was, but as a trio?

Locus could have filled that role on his own if the writers wanted to be honest, although not to the level of the Meta obviously.

The Metas theme song alone puts him above those three by miles.

no it wont

If MnK were competent they could develop their relationship as foils to each other complete with funny banter, explore the weight of their family Legacy's and how it affects them and show them bonding over it.

But MnK aren't competent and in the same way we're told and not shown that RWBY and JNPR are friends with each other it's just another 'what could have been'.

But they already do. They already made this stupid ass thing where Jaune cucks himself to Neptune and then Weiss looks at him in what I can only assume is what wives do before they get bulled.

I'm not saying it was good but it was there and ignoring it just wastes it. They're already sort of doing that in volume 3 with Weiss saying he sorta got better and Jaune choosing to call Weiss.

They're both the ones who also probably gave a damn about Pyrrha no matter how much the show tries to make it seem like Ruby gave fuck all about a girl she may talked less with than Blake.

>Ghira is a faunus
>Tyrian is also a faunus

God wills Ruby remain pure and chaste you heathen.

Ruby and Weiss were foils to each other

I thought I was the only one who saw that.
I'm pretty sure it maybe all started as shitposting and alibi, but as they write volumes by year, I can see it happening.

>Blondes with big boobs are everywhere
that is objectively wrong


And all those shows ripped off Fairy Tale and Soul Eater, your point?

>Weiss looks at him in what I can only assume is what wives do before they get bulled.
You're projecting
>Jaune choosing to call Weiss.
Ruby's scroll was broken and the plot demanded that she saw Pyrrha die
>Giving a shit about Pyrrha
She was blatantly only interested in her for shallow reasons

bear faunus when?
tfw you will never get thicc bear milf

Wh-what are you saying

the bear faunus was junior all along

not the same dude but, I think it could go either way
He chosed to call Weiss instead of Glynda, and if the show demanded it, they could have seen something in the tower or recieve a call from other teammate that they needed backup at the tower.

Rewatched earlier season of RvB recently.
Did they nerf the shit out of freelancers during 11-13 or it is just that even mooks under Felix and Locus were supposed to be considerably better than average?

So does Tukson

Harry Potter came out before soul eater and fairy tale dumbass

Is it time to panic?


Yes, unless Burnie is going to buy a cutting edge special effects house and also shovel out shitloads of money for sets, and wire work and actresses who can do stunts - keeping in mind that as of right now all our protagonists need to be believable as late high school/early college age and cosplay is pretty good but it's not built to look "real" and if you're okay with looking stylized WHY THE FUCK NOT JUST MAKE A CG MOVIE?

I'm seeing it as

>Monty's end game with Weiss is to have her die or something so he doesn't care about who she ends up with.

>Lol funny adlib let's have Jaune be into her
>Fuck we can actually make Pyrrha jealous of her
>What, Kerry? You want your self-insert to be with Weiss? Fuck why not?
>Wait, we can't have her hate Winter. Let's go against an established scene in vol 2 and just make a new sibling
>Also, we clearly don't know her personality so we're going to make her as flat as her own chest

At least in volume 4, they tried to do something. It wasn't executed well but there was intent.

It really does feel like they don't care about Weiss that much.

So how long would Travis last in Remnant?

Would he be able to defeat the salem crew?


>Did they nerf the shit out of freelancers during 11-13 or it is just that even mooks under Felix and Locus were supposed to be considerably better than average?
They wanted them to look better than average but to do that they had to nerf Wash and Carolina, yes. Plus they lost Monty and basically every fight animator in the company to RWBY during those seasons so the only animators they had left were wonky with fights anyway

It's always time to panic.

No, the creator of both those series had those ideas in his mind when he was born, people just stole their ideas when they were a baby.

Miles actually said working on 14 he had a lot more fun helping coordinate other people write/direct than writing himself, so I'm not surprised.

>Family Belladona gathered around the air conditioning because the island is hot as fuck
>*Ding Dong*
>Kali open the door
>Blake see Cinder and Tyrian enter the house
>Gambol Shroud read to combat
>"Blake, my daughter, come here to say hi to Aunt Cinder and Aunt Ty"
>Despair Happens