>finally got to see it due to friends delaying with their real life bullshit
>missed the genuine discussion threads
>missed the Joi threads
>only get to see the disingenuine meme threads
Finally got to see it due to friends delaying with their real life bullshit
What would you like to discuss?
Same here, just got back and fucking loved it.
need holowaifu now
>he fell for the kinoplex with friends meme
Going with friends is shit, you always have that one jackass who thinks he's funny doing some meme commentary
I'm not good at discussing stuff myself, unfortunately. I just like reading threads. I'm afraid most people on Sup Forums have already talked enough about it, and now only the memers will be left.
Her performance was great. So warm and gentle.
I saw that scene a lot before watching the movie, but now it is really sad to look at that pic. When she calls him 'joe' just kills.....
The only worthwhile threads were the Luvposting threads desu
>finally got to see it due to friends delaying with their real life bullshit
Should've watched without friends famalam, motherfuckers couldn't stop fidgeting in their fucking seats or whispering cos there wasn't enough explosions.
They ruined the experience especially the moment when the somalian guy was on the screen, they burst out laughing because "black man with funny language". Even the racists among would find that rude ruining the movie going experience.
Had the nerve to tell me it was trash and that we should've watch american assassain.
I watched it solo and can confirm, wish I was completely alone in the theatre but was glad that I at least didn't bring in more plebs (aka friends).
Lots of sighing and yawning as well as fidgeting. Some people being confused and couldn't keep up with what was happening and therefore whispered from time to time. Laughter at the black man, almost every joi scene no matter how depressing they were supposed to be etc. They were aching for stimulus and their response when they got it was to laugh instead of appreciating the moment and characters.
I watched it again by myself in a different cinema where I knew there'd only a handful of people in the theatre. It was brilliant and went by a lot faster than the first time and I was able to appreciate the atmosphere.
My friends are plebs and half of them are self-proclaimed "geeks".
>that "slightly longer than it should be" look of disillusionment
>those words replaying in his head
>that immediate reaction of cocking his gun with new resolution
I'll probably try to watch it again sometime this week since it will be cheaper and almost guaranteed to be empty. I'll look forward to appreciating it more and looking out for things I missed the first time through.
Always go alone unless it's a dumb action flick. You will probably get angry otherwise.
>half of them are self-proclaimed "geeks".
very cool
This is capeshit for psueds, be lucky you even get meme responses at all because this flick sucked a fat one.
how lame are u going to the movies with friends pleb faggot who have a normal life and friends KYS
>very cool
Went to watch Thor:Ragnarock today funnily enough with the plebs. The self-proclaimed "geeks" would every now and then chime in with a factoid they've learnt from their current fav youtuber. I was so glad that Ragnarock was relatively sparse on cameos and references and the fact that it was a perfectly self-contained film.
My friends suck, I would drop them in an instant if I had replacements.
>Not having a kinopal who knows to shut the fuck up and discuss later
Truly epic post user
>not waiting until 1080p torrents come out and all the poorfags will discuss it on Sup Forums
>discussing it with all the losers who didn't experience 3D IMAX JOI
>normies being excited about a referrence to a comic they never read, learned from another yt normie that knows of it only because he saw a reddit post
"nerd culture" in a nutshell
Honestly, IMAX was worth it. Glad I went.
Not if that's me doing it
>that one jackass who thinks he's funny doing some meme commentary
Or who looks at you to see what your reaction is like, "Woah Dude! DID YOU SEE THAT?"
The Joi threads have been so comfy. I'll miss them when they're gone.
Yes and no.
Nerd culture is dead to me anyway. It's been hollowed out anyway.
(I was secretly hoping to bump into like-minded people in the second viewing and become friends. It didn't happen.)
Does anyone have the OP's image in super high resolution for desktop background purposes?
First two weeks were the best.
Now the contrarians saw that Sup Forums likes it too much so they're shitting up the threads
I'm a povertyfag and I went twice already, gonna scrounge up a few shekels and see it one last time next week. It needs to be seen on a big screen, Fuckers are going to bitch and moan about how everyone was overhyping the visuals/sound when they finally bother watching it on their shitty dell laptop
>missed kids' first waifu threads
just look at the riverdale threads or whatever they call them for the same experience.
They don't have any criticism other than "IT'S BORING". The real problem is retards giving them (You)s anyway.
She looked much better in the movie, black bangs suit her much better. Reminded me of bunnyfu from last star wars
>you look like a good joe
fuck off viral marketer
>They don't have any criticism other than "IT'S BORING"
Literally the same reason that normies didn't like it cos of their short attention spans.
Never seen so many people leave during a movie.
>I'm a povertyfag and I went twice already, gonna scrounge up a few shekels and see it one last time next week.
You faggots don't have cinema passes in the US? I can watch any shitty film at any time and not feel short changed.
just got around to watch the original film, so many questions.
also rachael a cute
>also rachael a cute
I agree
Not a burger and yes we do. It won't be worth it for me though, most of the stuff in the cinema nowadays is garbage that I have zero interest in seeing.
Oh right I forgot to ask about this. How did they make Rachel look so convincing in 2049?
Very good CGI for the face and a real actress for the body.
instead of a CGI monster they looked for cosplayers and impersonators
she's actually in the film, they just de-aged her with CGI.
I stared at her face trying to look for a hint of uncanny valley CGI but it looked incredibly real.
she really looks like MEW desu
Fuck, you bastards just keep pouring salt on my wounds.
I wanted to watch in IMAX so bad, but the only theater with it in my city was completely packed on a weekend, so I decided to wait and try a week after, but scumbag owners hearing the news about the film bombing in box office evidently chickened out to replace it with some dumb shit. Goddamn it. I felt that life would fuck me over that way, why fucking not.
So I watched in standard 2D on pretty big screen, loved it. But I still feel that IMAX would've have been completely different, once in a lifetime experience. That I missed forever. FUCK.
It's a stand-in actually, Sean Young visited the set but didn't act in it
Sorry user. At least you got to see it in theaters. I almost didn't go at all.
IMAX is for plebs, movies were meant to be watched in 2D. You missed out on nothing.
Dude you need to get laid or something it's a movie lol
It's a meme, calm down, watching flicks is fine in a movie theater but films are best taken in when you're at home, whether it's on a monitor or TV doesn't matter.
>Sup Forums - Television & Film
>could have casted MEW in this role for meme points
>uses original actress instead
Denis is truly /ourguy/
Saw it both in usual 2D and Imax 3D, Imax is way better, mainly for the sound.
>being this new
This, the first sign that a movie is shit is when 90% of the praise comes from "the theater experience" of seeing it.
Do you watch movies on your phone too?
>most of the stuff in the cinema nowadays is garbage that I have zero interest in seeing.
I guess, I usually watch a film before I go to my wageslave work so I don't kill myself.
>Dude you need to get laid or something
If all of Sup Forums got laid, Sup Forums wouldn't exist.
getting laid is not something you will be able to do for only 2 specific weeks in your life. also stop being so shallow.
>muh 3D
IMAX 2D is the patrician choice anyway.
It saddens me that they will probably not release this movie in 1.90:1 aspect ratio and it will likely just be mastered in standard, even though it is only a tiny bit wider than regular old 16:9
That's just dumb. Watching on a computer is the best possible way. Watching a movie on TV from a couch can be just as good but it really depends on the position of the couch (distance), size of TV, lighting, etc. It's much easier to "adjust" when watching on a computer.
Oh shit, now I want to see it in IMAX.
What's the difference between IMAX and Superscreen?
body double, but it's her face.
>I was there in Budapest for about three days. But it was kind of strange – it did end up making me feel a little like a dinosaur, because I got there and it really ended up that my job was to sit next to Denis Villeneuve, the director, and watch as the shoot was going on. And then I worked about an hour in front of the camera... doing facial expressions so that they could CGI it later.
For any other movie I would agree with you, but I feel like Blade Runner is a rare exception that must be experienced in a particular way. All the glorious landscapes and scenes, and graphics and natural sets. Shit man...
And this line especially hit me
>who didn't experience 3D IMAX JOI
I find it's hard to get comfy sat at a desk.
Problem is it's almost impossible to find an IMAX cinema in 2d if there is a 3d version of it.
At least in my country it was impossible.
it only gets worse
soon the movie will hit the torrents and we'll see a wave of contrarian plebs shitting on it
it's the inevitable Sup Forums cycle
Unfortunately, this.
Otherwise, I would totally see it in IMAX. But I fucking hate 3D with all my soul.
The first time I saw a movie in 3D in a theatre I thought I was being memed. Shit's so fucking flickery.
People say that all the time about all kinds of movies. I've never watched a film in a theater that made me feel more engrossed than when I was at home watching on my computer.
>I find it's hard to get comfy sat at a desk.
Buy a good chair and/or desk?
Learn something new about this film everyday
this, and it's really sad
I figured it was just a CGI rendering entirely, but then I saw her name was in the end credits, which led me to do some digging around online and find a bunch of articles on it. Seems she wasn't a big fan of the movie, unfortunately.
She was so absolutely terrible, I couldn't tell if it was on purpose or not
I'd say Blade Runner is the film to experience at home.
Not so much the chair itself, but sitting at a desk for 2 hours is tiresome.
>It saddens me that they will probably not release this movie in 1.90:1 aspect ratio
They might. Dawn of the planet of the apes was released in 1.85:1 aspect ratio in 2D, so there was almost no letterboxing on my 1080p TV when watching the blu-ray.
>but sitting at a desk for 2 hours is tiresome
You're kidding, right? How long have you been here?
It was fucking terrible how shit could your taste be?
>not lying in bed
Sup Forums contrarians can shit on it as much as they like, it's the normies who made this a box office bomb we should be concerned about.
Thanks to the normies we'll get more shit like kingmans 2, american assassin, annabelle etc etc etc.
Blade Runner 2049 was a film.
>not joining the recliner master race
Not as shit as yours apparently.
We should really blame Asia, Hollywood's new primary market, for snubbing it. Somehow their audiences are even plebbiers than NA/European ones. I just hope indie theaters are able to keep it in circulation for a while.
I was talking about Sup Forums there aren't many normies here
The writing was saturday morning cartoon tier.
>there aren't many normies here
>aren't many normies here
the real discussion will happen once the hd rip comes out
only redditors have discussed it
It was better than in the original.
Who do you think posts in the generals, or makes the capeshit threads?
sure, reddit
>the real discussion will happen once the hd rip comes out
I think you mean yify rip
> reddit spacing
>Thanks to the normies we'll get more shit like kingmans 2, american assassin, annabelle etc etc etc.
It has always been that way, are you an infant?
You have to be over 18 to post on this site