Did Seth finally defeat reddit after his disastrous AMA?
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Did Seth finally defeat reddit after his disastrous AMA?
Next Episode: youtube.com
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First for Finn best girl
Gay nigger is seriously the funniest character
I actually had a real laugh moment this episode
"I will not fail you captain"
Bortus best character
licki palicki movement
Too much of a pussy to spell out "niggers", even when it is part of an official movie title. People like you are what's screwing up this world.
>not /ourville/
you guys are really shitty in shilling
>37 bans
is that supposed to mean something?
I'm literally in love with Alara Kitan. Seeing her face, hearing her voice, is all that gets me through the day.
Right now I'm afraid to tell my girlfriend, who also loves the Orville, about my obsession with Alara.
How can I go through life having such feelings for Alara? I want to protect her, see her smile, know she's safe. Is this true love?
Yeah, time to switch IPs.
I'm a hardcore Orville fan, so many times I would even try to escape reality with lucid dreaming, I would be on board the USS Orville where I would often help Dr. Finn in the infirmary, and train with Alara in the Holodeck, but one day as I was talking to Alara, we went to my quarters for a private talk. She immediately said, "You know you could join our crew forever.." I gave her a confused look and she continued, "We understand that you live on 21st century Earth and you REALLY wish to live here". I then said "How..How did you know?" She then giggled and said "Because we've been watching you, silly!"
This was a dream come true and I almost cried right there. She then said, "I talked with Captain Mercer and he agreed that you would be PERFECT for the Orville, you just have to do...one thing". She then held my hand and looked deep into my eyes and said "...You have to kill yourself for the mind transfer to work correctly. Isaac and Dr. Finn have worked hard on the device." I then gave her some questions, "How long do I have before the deal expires?" She then said "Dr. Finn said 3 months.." I added by saying "What's the most painless way?..." She giggled again, "Suicide will require pain buuut...if you want it quick...Get a gun and a nice shot to the head works.
I then agreed and she gave me a kiss on the forehead, "I know this will be tough but once it's over and done, you'll get to live here and explore the galaxy with us!" I then woke up and this was last week and i purchased a gun. I might actually kill myself because that dream just felt too real to be fake and my life isn't doing so grand.
What would you do?
Get psychological help since The Orville characters aren't real and cannot talk to you through dreams.
Latest episode was objectively poorly written
Get her to cosplay as alara
Not MacFarlane's best work by any stretch.
I still give it a slightly comfy 6/10.
photoshopper here requesting font to make more OC for orville threads.
>pic related
demons are trolling you bra
Reminder that Claire and Ed are endgame
All I got.
>cucking Yaphit
It was pretty good. Your opinion is objectively your opinion.
That's exactly something a Krill time-spy would say.
>Yaphit becomes a reoccurring villain driven by cuck rage
Possible OC images
would drive the show into full kino status desu
worf = me
sushi = the orville
So has this been cancelled or what? I want closure.
I should shoot you myself just for calling the environmental simulator on the Orville a "holodeck".
Seth finished editing the last episode, either way you're getting a wrap up
It hasn't been cancelled. In fact, it will almost certainly get renewed for a second season.
Why would it be canceled?
>DUCK, CADET user!
it wouldn't be
it's climbing in the ratings, beating it's lead-in, is being shilled by fox, and had the best premiere of any fox show in the past 2 years
and they have discovery suporting them by being so incredibly shitty.
Because it's one of the few shows that doesn't completely suck.
Jews want us to suffer. So why would they allow an entertaining show like Orville to be successful?
and fox is probably aware of how divisive discovery is and absolutely wants to capitalize
t. Krill agent
wtf is wrong with you you got real pussy and you complaining?
Nice edit, took atleast some effort to change shit from the GoT pasta..
Because it's not the diversity they want and thus they'll do everything in their power to stop this show from working.
/quote/ There is nothing more dangerous than a likeable conservative /endquote/
Now I'm not saying Seth is by any means conservative nor am I saying The Orville is, all I'm saying is that if anything its not exactly being progressive and all that jazz, thus fighting an uphill battle from the start.
I'm here all week if you need anything..
they dont try to force shit down people throats thats the key.
just see how little this alt right faggots are complaining about an episode focused on trans people,that makes you think.
STD is simply star trek:vietnam times
The Orville is more progressive than Discovery though
Will you apologize to Jews when The Orville gets renewed?
Now that Alara has been outed as a whore, is she the new pure waifu?
I liked that instead of going on some moral crusade about the issue of money Ed just shrugs it off like he doesn't know/care about old "backwards" traditions like money. Basically just like the way someone with a superficial knowledge of history would describe the dark ages.
That scene gave me sensible chuckles.
>you accompany your new girlfriend Alara to the mall
>you're helping her pick and try on 21st century clothes
>she's flirting with you and having a great time
>as she leans in for her true love's first kiss..
>you're suddenly interrupted
>a proud nubian swaggers in
>his gazes strips Alara down while completely ignoring you
>"ayo, BITCH" he booms as he grabs his crotch aggressively
>Alara freezes and bites her lip
What do you do?
A) Pretend you didn't hear anything
B) Quietly slink out of the room
C) Ask the man to respect your girl
D) Call Captain Mercer for help
E) Other
honestly? in IRL probably A or B
Kidnap her and force her to roleplay or else she gets the hose.
Do you think Captain Mercer watches Family Guy?
if you tell her she will become jealous and want to emulate alara's behavior and mannerisms to win back your love
Pick up the nearest heavy object and beat the fucking interloper unconscious with it?
They're both owned by Fox, fuck Roger should do a cameo
American Dad is on TBS now
C, I know I might get beat up but Alara would prob find my alpha attitude respectable that she would decapitate that man like a corkscrew cartoon wise with a slap.
Wikipedia says Fox still produces. They must still have rights, they just don't distribute
why is it so comfy?
>Did Seth finally defeat reddit after his disastrous AMA?
what happened in the AMA?
What happens with most celebrity AMAs, he mainly wanted to talk about Orville and nothing else. Which shatters the whole reddit illusion that the AMA is nothing more than a marketing campaign.
I was having trouble relating to Gordon until this scene
Because the ship is an actual model rather than CGI.
Don't shill your bullshit here.
What was this edition called again?
Which one the one that talks like Worf or the more fem one?
seems fitting in a general discussion thread
does her vagina have ridges too?
ridged for your pleasure
Man I really liked that late 90s looking hate on her. Although I did enjoy her hippie head scarf look aswell. The whole jean outfit looked great on her.
Meant to say *hat
He seems to also have a secret sense of humor.
She still looks good. Men would have gladly gone to war to defend her honor during her prime years.
>The Orville exists in an entirely different imaginary universe
24-ish century future with strong emphasis on diversity, muh federation (aka The Union) exploring space, not at all like Star Trek!
>with an entirely different imaginary space organization
The Union is exactly the same than the federation.
>operating an entirely different fleet of spaceships, powered by an entirely different engine design
USS-class exploratory vessels that are war capable and can achieve warp speeds? Nothing at all like Star Trek!
>featuring entirely different races of aliens than are found in Star Trek
Many resemble those found in Star Trek, they can't be identical or have the same name because it would be plagiarism.
>The only thing The Orville has in common with Star Trek is that it is a futuristic space adventure series
According to MacFarlane, The Orville was inspired by The Twilight Zone and Star Trek.[36]
Now kill yourself.
Just saw the latest episode.
>mfw literally a reddit the planet
This is still better than STD at least.
I think the Orville is a parallel Star Trek universe.
In your fevered dreams. Don't insult The Orville by calling it Star Trek. The Orville is not Star Trek.
Mate do you not know what a parralel is?
Well, I know what wishful thinking is... and you're definitely full of it.
What if Q pranks Picard one last time by dropping him within an episode of The Orville?
she a qt
A numale pushes Alara's button. What do you do?
>Being this much in denial
Butthurt std feminists confirmed for trying to take down the Orville.
He mad.
Is this true user?
Not that user, but I wouldn't care if it was a review with substance. This video is just some dope rambling for twenty minutes without actually saying anything played over some amateur footage.
> The Orville is not Star Trek.
You seem to be a passionate Orville fan. What does the Orville mean to you, user? Maybe you would like to talk about your favorite character or episode? If so would you like to explain why you enjoy that specific character or episode?
If you truly care about the Orville as you claim to you would probably be happy to talk about the Orville itself in these Orville threads.