so whats the verdict on this? (now that the dust has settled)
its also streaming at brettygood com in about 20 minutes
so whats the verdict on this? (now that the dust has settled)
its also streaming at brettygood com in about 20 minutes
Other urls found in this thread:
I think you know OP...
goddamn how is she so cute/hot
Does stranger things s02 have something similar? I heard its a lot like IT.
streaming at brettygood in about 3 minutes now
oh it isnt whoops
Mediocre, nothing special at all. The source material is no masterpiece either, but I feel like this director did not understand the main thing that DOES work about Stephen King's writing, which is the way he gives sinister presence to mundane, everyday things. Everything here is un-subtle and overtly "horror film," from Pennywise's character design, Bill Skarsgard's performance, to the production design and overall visual approach. In a counterintuitive way this completely destroyed everything that was unnerving and effective about the source material. 70% of this movie felt like a series of disconnected suspense set-pieces, but the execution was so formulaic and predictable that none of it was suspenseful at all.
I'd say that the cast of child actors did a pretty good job, the dialogue was well-written and their friendship felt believable and convincing. That was the saving grace of the film, but not enough to make it a good movie. As a coming-of-age film it's so-so, but as a horror film, it was a total flop for me.
It was fun
its on after the AVGN halloween episode so in 20 minutes
do you prefer it to the tv movie?
The kids just messing around was fun
Literally everything related to the clown was complete garbage
No, I'd say this was much better overall. But the first few appearances of Tim Curry's Pennywise freaked the hell out of me when I was a kid. If I saw this version at the same age, I don't think it would have the same effect
Can someone give me a (you) when it starts?
Do you like your qt redhead teens with shotgun included?
she hasnt got anything on the IT girl though (judging from the picture at least)
theres a timer on the current stream, when thats over IT starts
in about 5 mins now get your popcorn ready
Thanks bby
I got homemade cookies instead
Reddit shit that pedos love because some ugly Jewish dyke
>I got homemade cookies instead
sounds noice what are they made of?
Oatmeal chocolate chip
i wish i had some too now friend
IT IS ON @everyone
Tbf who can really measure up to Sophia?
In all seriousness I don't get the hate s2 has been receiving on Sup Forums. You shouldn't definitely check it out, not as good as s1 but still worth it. (just prepare yourself for ep7 it's quite cringe worthy)
i heard so much about ep 7 now. Cant wait to find out whats so different about it
is there a source that doesn't have permanent subs overlaid?
not yet
>implying you wouldn't
Also not everyone you dislike is a jew you know.
I guess Korean is better than Arabic on top of Korean.
It was good, nothing groundbreaking but it was good
Read her wikipedia page, especially about where she was born and grew up. She's a kike.
How do I get chat working on brettygood?
god damn sewer gooks
was beverly used good in the novel?
just click into the text field
>s-s-she's a fucking kike! disgusting roast-
Shut up virgin.
Sophia Lilis is fucking hot.
its a full on black box, nothing in it. It used to work during twinpeak days but not now.
>After the battle, the Losers get lost in the sewers until Beverly has sex with all the boys to bring unity back to the group.
>born in Brooklyn
>went to acting school founded by a jew
Is that literally it? Wow that's reaching.
Was okay. Some scenes were straight up retarded though, e.g. most of the scares involving Pennywise and the dumb rock fight everyone has a boner for.
Thankfully that's not in the movie. I didn't want 50 virgin neckbeards cumming in their pants and forcing the theater to smell like garbage
>bill gets sloppy sixths
You didn't seriously think that would be in the movie did you?
americans are still not ready to learn that their children having orgies when they are not around
>one of only two guys (along with Ben) to make her cum.
Every cloud user.... Every cloud
how'd the movie get leaked? I'm always curious why this doesn't happen for every movie.
>Everything here is un-subtle
Would you perhaps like to see more subtle material like... Fight with giant ass fucking spider?
not leaked, korsub'd
After IT I can't bring myself to care about Stranger Things S2. The kids don't have the same chemistry and how can I compare Sophia with shit Millie?
So could like an IT dude for a Korean hotel feasibly leak the video without the stl hardcoded?
still shit
The scene wasn't in any region
what episode of boku no piko is this?
Good story, but monsters were stupid and not scary at all. Bully kid frightened the shit out of me though.
The only great thing about the movie is Sophia Lillis. That's it.
Was disappointed because the movie wasn't scary. The things it copies are comically bad. The "head thing" was over done.
I didn't understand why it ate drain boy without scaring him but the others it fucks around with them. The kids never feel like they're in any danger.
I liked how he bullied and ridiculed the hypochondriac in the house. Good shit.
Rewatched it and everything got worse. When he charges billy in the basement shaking and crashes into the wall and gets dragged off was the point at which I couldn't bother sitting through the whole thing and I just ff to the action scenes.
No clue how they'll save Chapter 2 with those shit scares and a mediocre Penniwise.
unban kartmin
Is there a periscope of the fat kid sniffing shoes?
I was referring to making a movie that's rewatchable. Good on the first viewing.
I don't use how much its earned to judge wether it was good or not.
Sup Forums hates Homecoming for example but I felt it was a really well done movie. Good on the first go, rewatchable.
>why it ate drain boy without scaring him
It did scare him though, with the dead zombie kids. Weren't you paying attention?
No billy's brother. The copout answer is he's scared of clowns. But it adds to my other point of the kids never feeling like theyre in real danger as Penniwise takes 20 seconds to unhinge his jaw even though he's been shown to do it instantly.
It's all about the fear. Fear makes things tastier haven't you read Toriko?
We could say that original kid is the first meal after waking so he's quick about it sure. Doesn't really help the movie in my eyes though.
>if you remove the stupid clown and just make Henry the antagonist we could have had a solid movie
What a waste.
I'm really sorry you never had a girlfriend in high school.