/trek/: Challenger Class Edition
/trek/: Challenger Class Edition
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Was he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?
2nd for pope cummies
Can holographic cakes satisfy his hunger?
The ONLY reference to holo-sex before DS9
is this the face of a man who can ever satisfy his eternal hunger?
Explain this only using in-universe reasons
If you can't you have to admit Star Trek is a trash series
This breaks Rodenberry's rules about nacelle placement
the holodeck projects very slightly outside the doorway
>Rodenberry's rules
Who gives a shit what he thinks. Gene L. Coon is the one who really created the Star Trek universe. All Roddenberry did was pitch a Twilight Show ripoff wrapped around Forbidden Planet.
The doors open. The stuff is getting projected out the door. What's so hard to understand?
I stopped watching DS9 for Voyager awhile ago (big mistake, yeah, yeah, I know) and I'm trying to remember what episode I left it on. The last ones I remember are Jake Sisko committing his life trying to pull his dad out of some cross dimensional field and the one where Sisko's dad (I assume, the gumbo man) gets all pissy about having to do a blood test during war time even though it's the only defense against a race of super beings.
>implying anything could ever satisfy his hunger
Wesley triggered Third Impact and they are turning into LCL.
the one with Sisko and Jake is probably The Visitor. Try from there.
different ship desu
Even in season 3 he was fat as fuck
What do youse guys think of the constellation class
Yeah good point. Now, you say "B...but that's just a simulation in a simulation."
there's no such thing as holographic food that you can eat
>It was an overworked, underpowered vessel, always on the verge of flying apart at the seams.
Buried Age series starring a Young Picard?
>Jr. Science Officer Ensign Kat Janeway, ready to serve!
Would definitely watch a young Picard show, as long as it wasn't filled with politicized sjw bs.
A young Picard show would be boring.
We already know the highlights of his early career.
Yes there is. It uses the same principle of energy to matter to synthesize effectively real objects.
>sends his first officer to his death on away mission
>had already fucked Beverly behind his back and was Wesley's real father
>hates kids
Show would be based as fuck
Par le bon Christ.
You had the chance to use French Canadian swearing and you missed it
The more you know who
Can someone edit the subtitles to say "lipid deposits" instead of "sexual organs"?
a true space chad
what is the correct way to say it, pour l'amour de Dieu
What exactly did Picard do to get to be captain of the Enterprise btw?
He had to eat out Netchaev every night for a Yridian week.
lose his hair
the more common way, at least in baguettestan, is "Nom de Dieu" wich could be roughly translated by Name of God
>Become acting captain of Stargazer
>Lose first officer
>Ruin first contact with antagonistic race
>Lose ship
I wonder how much Vulcans were influenced by Elves from Tolkien.
In TOS they were supposed to just be "Green martian men" but they couldn't get make up that looked like pic related essentially, so they just went with the brows, greenish huge makeup and ears. People at the time also didn't think "elf" they thought "Demon" apparently evangelicals threw a fucking hissyfit over spock looking like he did.
Dress like a hillbilly, and get a little drunk
Then find a English to French dictionary and just read off translations of religions terms
>Osti de Crissss de Tabarnak, cibooooooooooire
Reminder Dukat did nothing wrong except when he accidentally got himself stuck on the station while the boobytraps were going off because someone in the Obsidian Order went over his head and impanted an overriding command. He couldn't have known that. And when he tried to screw over a rival politician by separating that politician from his son, but then he accidentally left a trail of clues and Garak caught him, and maybe that one time he accidentally got that chick pregnant, and when his whole life was ruined when he forgot that the prophets were omnipotent beings inside the wormhole, and one time he tried to convince Sisko that he was perfectly sane, and went about this task by talking to imaginary tulpas, also the whole becoming Space Satan thing might have been ill advised. Also Kira's mom. He fucked her.
Okay, i don't speak it well at all. Thanks
that ship is some orville tier shit
Is any Human even able to make the Vulcan greeting spontaneously? I can't do it without using my other hand and adjusting the fingers manually.
It doesn't seem possible.
It's not immoral to fuck someone's mother.
>this is bait
yeah so it's not holographic it's replicated retard
Pour l'amour de Dieu isn't incorrect by any mean it's just more of a sustained language expression, in everyday life you'll just ear more of nom de dieu if you ever get to france.
>Doesn't remember who assigned Picard to the Enterprise
It's nice to meet new fans
France swears are stupid.
Go to Quebec for for real profanity
How so?
If you try to do it, your outer fingers don't line up, you will always need your other hand to line up your fingers.
Please show me a video/web.m where humans do it on the spot.
nah I can do it bro
You've just gotta practise, I can do it easily without having to manually manipulate them.
>using anything from ENT to establish canon
Nimoy learned it in temple, opening his eyes during part of a ceromony where you're supposed to keep them shut. He assumed you were being a typical Sup Forums poster calling anyone who could do it Jewish, and thus, anyone Jewish not human.
> Jean Simmons was on Star Trek
I had completely forgotten!!!!!?!???
Guys and Dolls, Spartacus, she did it all
I'm actually certain there is a strong connection there. Star Trek growing out of the hippie movment in the 60s which was highly influenced by LotR.
There's also the parallel between them that Tolkien's elves are meant to be an idealised version of humans, an ideal for humans to aspire to. The same seems pretty true of Vulcans, super logical, rational, non-religous smart guys who persue progress
I've been doing it since childhood, it isn't that difficult
It's always nice to meet new fans.
Why yes that is a Nebula class, and I am happy to see you
He should have had Scotty beaming out the food from his stomach.
Troi had way too much authority
No, Bashir actually touched Quark's vagina.
I don't think Gene or others were really inspired by Tolkien, while it gained popularity in the hippie movement, I doubt the people involved with Star Trek in the beginning (starting in 64) would have been aware of it until much later, since they weren't exactly the dropout-hippie types, that Tolkien appealed to at that time, I think Star Trek came too early to be really influenced by it, and in the 50 year mission, I haven't read about any admitted influence yet (although I haven't finished it yet)
>makes out with fat Riker
>won't make out with a chick
What did she mean by this?
If Bashir was a Khan why was he always getting his ass kicked??
Beverly "Rick Berman" Crusher ain't no homosexual, lad.
>Be the Virgin Khan
>Hold hands of muh beloved wife til death
>Be the Chad Kirk
>Seed the galaxy.
Meanwhile Frakes wanted Soren to be played by a dude
the first season of TNG is reallllllllly problematic. for space socialists from the future they sure are racist and sexist and homophobic and misogynist.
season 1 had 2 men in skirts
I know
There's also the episode where Wesley is still wet when he gets off the holodeck
Im rewatching Season 1/2 TNG right now
Sometimes I just like taking in the shitty episodes with really bad quality sets and film
Its weird how different it looks to the rest of the 90s Trek
>mfw Wesley breaks the one law in that one society and it's only because he refuses to chad up and fuck someone
replicated water
we've been over this
the forcefields wouldn't be able to act fast enough if people were drowning
safety protocols are clearly on in that episode
wrong, the computer is faster than you could possibly imagine. in what world would a forcefield be slower than the action of drowning? forcefields are neatly instantaneous energy.
the enterprise computers have to run trillions of processes per second
if something goes wrong the holodeck is one of the first things to lose funcitonality
a bunch of replicated water floating around in there because of a power failure will drown people
this is an oversight on the part of the writers
>Challengers Class
Was it autism?
yes, because the safety protocols were turned off
energy can do anything matter can do, they're equivalent, you know
so what was the oversight of the writers?
in Encounter at Farpoint Wesley is wet when eh leaves the holodeck
he shouldn't be, the water is holographic/photonic
When it comes to water, why not just replicate it?
I mean when humans swim, they often swallow the water
just admit that you're wrong
even if the water were replicated (it isn't) why is it still there when wes leaves the holodeck? isn't it a terrible waste?
Because it's messy
>isn't it a terrible waste?
No, waste of that small magnitude is no concern when water is probably the absolute easiest thing for them to replicate.
If the water isn't replicated why the fuck would it stick into his clothes and stay absorbed onto his skin and hair? It wouldn't. There isn't a single instance you can cite of anybody ever getting wet from holographic water because it doesn't happen. Any time somebody gets wet from water it is replicated.
>It's a "Chuck's wife has gone missing again so he lashes out at Janeway" episode
>There isn't a single instance you can cite of anybody ever getting wet from holographic water because it doesn't happen. Any time somebody gets wet from water it is replicated.
so why do they call it a holodeck?
>constantly project holographic water onto somebody and into their clothes and hair for the entire duration that they are "wet" mere microns from their skin in real-time
>replicate water once
Which is the bigger waste?