The /orville/ general

Quality thread starter image edition.

Old thread:


I've got a silly question.
Is it just me, or does the Orville, with its ring engines look like a really old paperclip that's been holding together a thick bunch of files for a long time? I've had to do a lot of archiving old useless paperwork for scanning, and the way they bend with pressure and age made me think of the ship. I'm not trying to shittalk it, but it would be funny to learn if the inspirationi behind the show's ship design was actually an old paperclip.

I think the show saves money by using the mess hall from the ship as the actual mess hall for the film crew.
If that's true, then that's pretty neat.

See the design is starting to grow on me, but one thing still bugs me; that middle ring.
The top ring flows nicely into the main hull.
The bottom ring is attached to it's pelvis looking structure.
But the middle ring just attaches to to the top ring partway through where it curves upwards.
Maybe it's supposed to be that the middle ring has to look like it attaches to the hull and the second ring that grows out of it, but I just don't see that.
I wish it had some better way to be attached to the rest.

Is Bortus supposed to be the "Worf" of the show? Or are the Krill the equivalent of the Klingons?

It seems to me like in a way, both species are "klingon-like" in some ways.

Just saw episode 7.
>hot native girl with no bra in bed at the end and nipples and areoles clearly on display
>hating on plebbit
>carefully darting around issues of racism by having black guy getting arrested by other black guys and being hit on by a white girl
Fair enough
>white girl immediately turned off by him getting downvoted
Well played Seth
>shitting all over retarded online video trends
Is there anything this show can do to fuck up how great it is?

It's more like two different ships meet at the middle. The top two rings attach to the front/top of the ship, and the bottom ring attaches to the bottom/back. I have no idea if the bottom detaches or something, but if I was making it a toy or model I'd just have the top slot into the bottom.

They're both a bit Klingon-like, I guess. Bortus is definitely the Worf of the Orville's senior officers, whether Moclans are a Klingon analog or not.

Krill are space Muslims/religious fanatics.
Seth is a staunt atheist
Bortus has worfs personality but isn't the tough combat guy

So somehow the critic score for the Orville managed to drop -even lower-.
It used to be 20%.
I guess the latest episode rustled their jimmies since all these people do is write clickbait articles.

>Seth "Christianity repressed science" MacFarlane's main antagonist race are deeply religious

There are no Klingons in The Orville. The Orville is not Star Trek.

But you DO know that if we did get rid of religion the world would be such a better and more wonderful place.

Religion is nothing more than a form of practice, mindlessly following some other faggot's made up dogma, going through the motions said faggot dictates to you, like wearing a special hat, killing unbelievers, or mutilating baby genitalia, and thinking it is the will of God.

Having a belief in God, or faith in God, is an entirely different thing, and has nothing whatsoever to do with "religion".

having belief = good
applying belief = bad
according to brainlets like you

baby genital mutilator detected

Galatians 5:6

>Implying it isn't heavily inspired on Star Trek, being practically a rip-off parody of it

>quoting the bible
oh shit nigger what are you doing

Not "implying" anything of the kind. Explicitly stating that The Orville is not Star Trek, because it isn't. The Orville is the creation of Seth MacFarlane, not Gene Roddenberry. The Orville exists in an entirely different imaginary universe, with an entirely different imaginary space organization, operating an entirely different fleet of spaceships, powered by an entirely different engine design, featuring entirely different races of aliens than are found in Star Trek. The only thing The Orville has in common with Star Trek is that it is a futuristic space adventure series, and that is a concept that existed long before Star Trek. The Orville is actually better than Star Trek. The Orville is NOT Star Trek, and never will be. Get over it.