ITT: GOAT Sup Forums scenes

ITT: GOAT Sup Forums scenes

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This is how you start a Punisher comic

Is that Flash?


I love Odyssey.

Remember the Butlering.

Damn right.

Its Funny cause off all Flash´s daddy issues.

It's Neal Adams at his finest

Pretty much the best thing ever


>These will never happen in the MCU.

The Coming of the Supermen is also inane and amazing.

Are Neal Adams story too insanes to be adapted into animation?. I gladly pay for an animated movie of Batman Odyssey or Coming of the Supermen

The whole scene was pure kino.

I wish you shills would fucking die in a fire.


Superman never seen a dick so big in his life.

>not knowing how rad the inhumans were before Marvel started pushing them

I know DC loves their monkeys, but why is that chimpanzee dressed up like Huntress?

In the story, they go into the dinosaur world underneath Arkham Asylum, and there's Neanderthal versions of superheroes down there.

You can't make this stuff up.

The fuck is wrong with you?



I just thought it was bad art and was being a smartass about it.

I still don't get that issue. Ruben Blades looks exactly like the Riddler. Batman rips out his mask and the face underneath it is exactly the same sans the hat. That's frankly the strangest part of Odyssey for me. Who the hell is Ruben Blades?

Actually it's a civilization liviving in the deep of the Earth. You see, Neal Adams is an avid believed of the hollow Earth stuff


I have no idea, but there's a Reuben Irons in the story too. I THINK theyre the same person though?

wait, is that Medusa's real form?

New rules?

>ITT: GOAT Sup Forums scenes
>Posts comic panel

>tfw you try to meme an author but get counter-memed by comic book writing

I'm not sure but I think it's Champion. He use to be some unstoppable elder one until he was jobbed over and over again.

Or he could just like The Warlord, also by DC comics. The guy's inkwork looks amazingly like Mike Grell's.

Can an entire issue be considered a Sup Forums GOAT?

Because Mighty Thor 339 has to be one of the greatest single issues of a cape comic ever made.

And if an entire single issue isn't allowed, then the scene where Bill gets Stormbreaker and pic related happens.

I don't see your point. A scene can be in written form or image form. Post some cartoon stuff if that's what irks you.

>a dick
has arrived.


>there's nothing worth saving here
This shit gets me every fucking time.

Posting Odyssey is practically cheating.

Injustice is like the broken clock of comics. I don't know how else to describe it.

It's pretty good.

the funny thing. Adams made the whole story, for that panel, where Robin is scared of guns. That was the POINT of the story, that the guns are evil

this. fuck shithumans

they were meh. I didn't like how op BB was even then




I love that page

The inhumans were cool as tyrannical space kings,as regular mutates tryin to replace the x men..nah






I was attempting for once to read Odyssey, but:
#1 Ridiculous facial expressions
I appreciate the details and effort which was put on those, but dear God, many panels are just reaction image material. Furthermore, it was more distracting than story itself.
#2 Batman going nuts
Just what is happening with him? He is supposed to be coolheaded, master-plan, non-lethal vigilante. Instead I see Batman going on verge of killing guys, taking bullets like sponge absorbs water.
#3 Bizarre stories

I'm pretty sure I have wrong mindset here or not knowing what Neil Adams had in mind.
Care someone to explain it?

You're just too weak to stand Odyssey, that book is not made for simple mortals, so I understand

You ever watch a b horror movie, like Astro Zombies or Gingerdead Man? The appeal of these types of stories are that they're so bad they're good.

I thought the same.
>You'll never outmeme Neal Adams in your life.

I own Batman Odyssey in hardcover and have read it three times, and I still have no idea what the fuck it's about.

I hate the neverending stream of liveaction Batman but


if they made Odyssey it would be glorious


Superman is like Jesus Christ to me, but god damn is this not the most righteous beatdown ever in comics. Maybe it's because this is due punishment for losing his way.


If you went into it expecting a coherent and well-told story, you did approach it with the wrong mindset. Odyssey is batshit insane. Nobody knows what the fuck was going through Neal Adams' mind, but it's entertaining to see the madness he came up with anyway.

Why haven't they released an "Odyssey" line yet for Adams? I want to see what kind of batshit insane stuff he could come up with for Green Lantern or Flash.

> Skurge stood alone at Gjallerbru

>I'm pretty sure I have wrong mindset here
You grew up never reading Golden or Silver Age comics. I actually feel sad for you, not as an insult but just because you only know "comics should be realistic" which is still historically a sliver of the medium's history.

Injustice is the perfect example of stupidity crossing the line so many times that it becomes amazing. Peoples' reaction to the first big twist with Joker getting a hole punched through him was something else.

>Peoples' reaction to the first big twist with Joker getting a hole punched through him was something else
Because Sup Forumsirgins never read Kingdom Come or any other non-adapted capestuff.

Beta Ray Thor is being followed around by Skrull acolytes who believe him to be a deity and he has done his best to dissuade them of this, finally leaving them in a state of despair.

I sometimes wonder if Odin wished Bill were his son instead of the two fuckups he got.

And what thread with The Butlering would be complete without its Marvelous counterpart

I wish Neal Adams was my dad

Then life would make so much more sense

The Coming of the Supermen, also written by Neal Adams, should scratch that itch for more ridiculous, off the wall insanity

That's what I'm saying. We've got the 2 big guns of the League in their crazy adventures. I want to see what else he can think of.