Remember when actors were supposed to be attractive?
Remember when actors were supposed to be attractive?
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Boyega isn't unattractive
Tran is horrific looking though
He looks like a racist caricature dude, and he has the hips of a fucking woman.
And I am sure OP has never complained about a movie not being realistic.
I thought they were supposed to be good at acting.
Said the drumpfkin
He looks like a gorilla
Boyega's based af though
said the hilldog
>Boyega isn't unattractive
He looks like a genetic experiment to fuse gorilla and human. He literally looks simian.
You mean "white?"
He looks like a fully nigged out version of Denzel Washington without any of the acting talent.
I voted for drumpf but changed my ways. It's not too late for you drumpfy
Remember when actors used to be good at acting... and ALSO extremely attractive?
>Being so autistic that you get triggered by seeing people in movies or tv who don't share your same skin pigmentation or facial structure
>Boyega isn't unattractive
>thinking they didn't choose the ugliest Asian available for the part
I literally don't understand.
There are lots of handsome black men and super attractive asian girls that could have played these parts.
Instead they cast Gorrila McNostrils and Flatface McFatty.
Boyega leg looks like a gorilla. If a white dude drew that face people would assume it was racist.
Tran just needs to lose some god damn weight.
Nigga please.
No one at that age looks good, you 12 year old faggot.
thats an easy decision
theres this thing called marketing research and this other thing called capitalism that involves selling to the most people by choosing specific traits and tropes when making something
ans their research says casting them would make good sales and oh shit they did
If you can suck hard enough, you don't have to be attractive. Also you can complain later for money and attention.
Why do all fat asian women look like Bobby Lee in drag
hello john
Did JJ stick his dick nose up Boyega's nostril?
have you seen the hips of the dude
he is thicccc
It's the ugliest cast in the history for a major motion non-art picture like The Force Awakens.
Daisy Xenoteeth
Boyega Gorilla
Kylo Ren Pale Goblin looking freak
Han and Leia looked like three thousand year old mummys
Phasma of Tarth
and now Fat Asian Uggo
You can't tell me this shit aint deliberate. They could have cast anyone.
The only handsome one was Poe.
and how does that make you feel user?
Even from a virtuous standpoint, Tran was a perfect casting choice for fans to cosplay as. Fat girl? Rose. Woman of color? Rose. Asian man? Ironic Rose.
Yeah I have access to a little marketing research data myself. Actually it's an aggregate of all the marketing research ever done in human history.
I'll briefly summarize it for you; people like looking at attractive people that they would like to have sex with on tv, at the movies and in commercials.
Disappointed. Tired. Disgusted.
Also a little hungry but I think that's because I'm thinking about what to order in not because of this discussion.
most people who watch star wars dont have the physique to cosplay as someone atractive
having not so attractive people in the movie makes it easier for the manchild to proyect himself in it
trust me not all cosplayers are models most of them are fat or in bad shape
And Jews like pushing agendas.
Which is why they hire a fat Asian. And the most gorilla looking nig nog they could find.
Actors were never supposed to be attractive, amerilard. They are supposed to be talented and creative or at least charismatic. Boyega might be ugly, but at least he's fun to watch.
fat unattractive women don't want to cosplay as fat unattractive women. If they did Ursula or the matchmaker from Mulan would be Disney's best selling costumes.
You cant refute him looking like a caricature or having hips like a woman. You have to resort to baseless insults.
Not it didn't you faggot. There is literally no metric in existence that suggests casting ugly people makes movies sell more.
A hollywood tier nigger and chink would have been fine with most people. This looks like cosplay.
>Boyega leg looks like a gorilla. If a white dude drew that face people would assume it was racist.
Seriously. Imagine going to a police sketch artists and having to describe him if he had robbed you.
>How's this look sir?
>Well, uh, the nostrils are not right
>What should I change
>Well, um. they were, you know w-wider
>Wider? Wider than THIS?
>Yeah, they were uh, kind of like um... I mean I don't know if I can say this. I'm... I'm not a racist. I voted for Hillary
>Please sir just describe it as best you can
>Well he looked more like a gorilla!
You'd probably get thrown in jail for a hate crime at the station.
I feel bad for him. He seems like he could've been a nice guy if not for hollywood
also beauty standards are the result of a particular ist or ism depending on the context
People want resemble the character they are displaying you nitwit
>Tran just needs to lose some god damn weight.
Also: a better haircut.
>jews pushing bm/af instead of bm/wf
works for me
>Remember when actors were supposed to be attractive?
Ever seen a Spielberg movie? They're always full of hideous people.
They won't dare have them have any romantic interest, they would one hundred percent lose China.
They want to ideally. More importantly they want to dress up like their favorite character.
>Please watch
>Caring about Viet jungle niggers.
Only Asian Americans see Asia as a collective identity
Literally looks like an irl A. Wyatt Man caricature. Belongs in this vid;
I know right?
Harison, plz...
No homo tho.
Christ. If you think China is going to be okay with a black guy/asian woman romance in their movies you really don't know anything at all about China. It doesn't matter if she's not Chinese. They had to remove Boyega from most of the marketing as it was just for being black in the first movie.
Shame about the whole nigger thing.
>People want resemble the character they are displaying you nitwit
No, only miserable, entitled, narcissists with victim complexes want to see that. Normal people aren't so insecure that they cry after seeing attractive people on screen.
>actors were never supposed to be attractive
Can't get much more retarded than this folks.
>Gorilla McNostrils and Flatface McFatty
That's not what happened at all. You are truly retarded aren't you? How are you allowed to use a computer? Where are your handlers, you fucking retard?
>boyega isn't unattractive
He is
>That's not what happened at all
Not him but, are you retarded? It was all over every major news outlet.
Worship of attractive people is one of the worst things about western civilization. If you're going to be rich and famous, you should have to at least earn it by doing something exceptional.
I'm afraid you are the one who is confused sir;
Does it cause a lot of cognitive dissonance for racists that the most racist countries have very low intelligence and standard of living and are often flat out barbaric?
They just cry when they see unattractive people on screen?
>the most racist countries have very low intelligence and standard of living and are often flat out barbaric?
So you're saying blacks are the most racist people on earth? Okay.
Or there just aren't many Chinese and black Indians you lame-O
>Does it cause a lot of cognitive dissonance for racists that the most racist countries have very low intelligence
Uh... what?
This guy just keeps shooting himself in the foot lmao.
IQ was invented before coloreds were allowed to be educated
Its getting crazy how insane drmpftards are getting, the election of their fuhrer in chief seems to embolden these racists. White people are L I T E R A L L Y programmed to be racist from birth, it is science. Thankfully the people rocking the media are making white power less a reality, but with these racists who knows what they'll try next, maybe a whites only channe or white only movie awardsl or some other racist shit.
reminder that the ugly frumpy chink was in one of the worst ads ever made:
The answer is apparently yes
>IQ was invented
Not sure if master troll, or actually a room temperature IQ nigger, but this thread is great! Keep em coming!
IQ tests are specifically meant to measure intelligence potential regardless of the education level of the individual being tested.
They very obviously don't succeed at that though. IQ tests have many questions which are far easier for people who have been exposed to their like before.
It's because of SJWs who get butthurt and jealous over seeing attractive people in front of cameras. These are the same people that make shit like Planet Fitness a thing, where "normal people" can go without having to see actually fit people who make fatties feel bad just with their presence.
Look at how all the right people (Vice, Vox, Huffpost, etc) are bitching about Blade Runner 2049 having too many good-looking women.
This. They also complain that Black Panther, a movie about a black superhero set in Africa, has too many blacks. And when you mention it to them they start talking about libtards for some reason.
>Morgan Freeman
>old Nicholson
>old Di Niro
>They also complain that Black Panther, a movie about a black superhero set in Africa, has too many blacks.
Liar. The complaint is that the scum media touts it as an achievement of glorious diversity.
Far better than people like you who mysteriously want to suck the collective dicks of good looking people, as if they aren't pampered enough by society already. Anything that fucks over people with model looks is justice.
Are you fucking dense? This is merely pointing out the hypocrisy of how white movies need to be diversified but all-black movies are perfectly okay.
People are too stupid to realize a movie about Africa should only have Africans. Africa is a BLACK continent, so any movie about it will trigger racists.
Top 10 highest grossing actors in 2016:
>Dwayne Johnson - attractive
>Jackie Chan - Bit old but still handsome
>Matt Damon - attractive
>Tom Cruise - attractive
>Ben Affleck - attractive
>Johnny Depp - he used to be attractive at least
>Chris Hemsworth - attractive
>Chris Pratt - attractive
OP makes no sense
Remember when you weren't a triggered, crying, alt-right pussy?
Yeah, me neither.
She's cute as hell shut up.
>old actors are unattractive
Except there are hundreds of all white movies every year. And Black Panther does have a few whites.
i agree, based China
He is ugly
Lance is a good looking black man.
Fuck you. I'm sick of attractive people in /r9k/-themed movies.
Danny DeVito is one handsome motherfucker indeed
>700 results
yeah i remember
What, this image?
>someone discussed one of the most culturally and scientifically influential periodicals on Sup Forums 700 times
Now why would you find that maniacally funny moderator? I think you're inability to accept the reality of it all isn't funny but sad. Sad!
>alt right
The fuck are you talking about? Did you reply in the wrong thread?
What kind of dumbass moderator links a post pointing out it is bait AFTER they deleted it?