youre all a bunch of posers on here.
Youre all a bunch of posers on here
>Brade Lunner
>has to watch a film three times to understand it
Literally /ourguy/
horey shet
You're a tasteless entry level drone that will never understand cinema on a genuine level. Like a woman but in a male
>watching movies one time
Name your top 10 movies made since 1980
that some shit a poser would say
Koji has the auts, just like us. Bless him.
Why wasn't the horse a unicorn? Missed an opportunity to tie it to the first one there.
kojikoji has great taste
>in a male
Proof that Sup Forums contrarianism is literally autism
because there were six wooden animals
>Ryan Gosling isn't in Death Stranding
you know if kojibo could get him in he would
It was a unicorn with its horn broken off
not only that but three times in 24 hours. The movie just came out over there in Japan yesterday
deepest lore
what? What does it mean?
>he was in the theater for 9 hours
Dedication like that will get you somewhere
unicorn scenes aren't canon, m8
has she gone nude what or what
ive been waiting a millennia
Maybe he just really liked it you retard memespewing chucklefuck. I understood it the first time I watched but that didn't stop me from going to see it a second, third and fourth time.
But her name is spelled Rachael.
>horse in hand
>3rd time
Well, shit.
There was an aardvark too
Kojima is the biggest pleb ever
But is a Joi or a Luv fag?
>go see a special cut of Blade Runner 2049 with Kojima
>private screening room
>curtains open
>this plays:
All the surface level praise makes sense now
it's fucking Sup Forumsedditors
someone ask him who is the /bestgirl/
United autists. The collective IQ of those 2 must be greater than 400.
He enjoys everything, he's not afraid of it, he's not some pseudo-intellectual Sup Forums poster that doesn't know anything about filmmaking except namedropping talentless obscure directors. He's actually made shit and met people in the industry
>Creator of Sons of Liberty
>A pleb
>I'll call them Sup Forums or Reddit, that'll get them for sure!
It's clearly Joi, how is that even a question? Luv was a fucking cunt. What the FUCK was her problem?
i saw good burger 8 times when i was a kid because i kept having to go with different kids
it got better every time
dude metal gear solid is one of the most patrician video games of all time
Buleido Lunnah
This. His disciplines make posts like but they NEVER discuss anything beyond pleb shit. It's a buzzphrase they use to save face
>He enjoys everything, he's not afraid of it
Wow, he has no discernible taste whatsoever? He just likes everything? What a claim. No wonder he's so good at writing a narrative! I always wondered.
you are retarded
>His disciplines
Top kekerino
this is why I take notes
he is legit tho
not only he have a mancrush on the goose
but he also loves american scifi to the bone actually hideo comes from hideo the tub grown ninja in neuromancer
But he likes assassin cunts, or so I've gotten from his games
Why is Kojima such a slut? He changes husbandos more often than he changes socks
honestly i want to eat this girl's ass
youre one of those people who thinks just because something is popular its automatically pleb. wrong again idiot lol.
Fuck you kojima, you talentless hack, get away from my movies.
Kojima is too thick to understand good movies judging by his terrible stories in his games.
>3 times
Fucking casual.
I thought all the nerds loved Blade Runner. Why is it doing so shit at the box office?
get this hack off my screen
the guy uses his company's allowance to fulfill his fantasy of hanging out with celebs
im glad Konami almost killed his career and i cant wait to see his next game flop (if hes ever going to release it)
Kojima is a pretentious idiot. Let MGS V stand as testament to that.
>watching a movie to 'get it' and not for the feels
>youre one of those people who thinks just because something is popular its automatically pleb
Are you one of those people who doesn't understand the direct correlation between popularity and lack of quality? A huge number of films in the film industry are currently built around a model pandering to the lowest common denominator to maximise profits. This is common knowledge. Sure, once in a blue moon something genuinely good will be very popular, but as far as your average popular movie goes, it isn't just trash, it was fucking specifically and meticulously designed to be trash. You'd have to be the worst kind of naive dumbass to not realise this.
It's easy to watch some pretentious ""art""house drivel and think you're hot shit, lets see you try to make something
Kojima has made something
>x is bad because too many people liked it
The kind of nerds that like it are a minority
Bureido Runatsu!
you also lack reading comprehension and critical thinking apparently. basically common sense lol. have fun in life idiot.
>You are not allowed to criticize someone without making something yourself
Guess that puts all critics out of work.
Kojima is a hack.
That's what you thought I just said? You're retarded. Don't have opinions.
do people in other boards accuse people of being Sup Forums?
>with my horse in my hand
Kojima is basically like the "geeks" of today who buy merchandise to prove that they are geeks.
Yes, whenever someone is obnoxiously stupid he's usually told to go back to Sup Forums
Not really. Sup Forums has no culture of its own to spread. Cunts luke Sup Forums and Sup Forums do.
When they post something foot fetish or axilla related.
Yeah, footfags and pedos
Bane posters and people who use the word "kino"
umm no sweetie. baneposting is universal across the entire mongolian throat-singing forum
Sup Forums pls leaf
He say you bwade runnah!
I was literally repeating that in my head after I watched 2049 even though that line was from the original
Nerds don't go out so they won't see it until they can pirate it.
>in IRC and ask if anyone has seen Blade Runner yet
>1 person replies that yes and it was really good
>5 people reply that they heard it was good but haven't seen it yet
>1 replies that they forgot to watch it earlier and now that it is not screening on the good screen they are going to wait to pirate the bluray
pretty sure its because the movie theater experience isnt worth the money now.
>have to leave house and drive and park and shit
>$25 for ticket, popcorn, and 2 hours of movie
>just wait for it to pirate so you can watch in your comfy home on 64" tv
I mean, you're not wrong. I haven't seen it yet either because I am waiting for it to come up on my favourite private trackers :^)
I might go see it if it turns into a meetup with some mates otherwise not worth it, I dislike seeing films on the cinema vs at home. Much less comfy.
cinemas great with the sound and darkness and big screen, but im poor and dont feel like driving for 30 mins lol.
I dislike the sound at most cinemas, the bass is too high or something. Simultaneously it is too loud and hurts my ears but also I find it difficult to hear any dialogue. There are also no subtitles.
And I swear half the time the projector is incorrectly focussed because the image is never as sharp as I can get at home.
i've been seeing come quality webms around. is there a hq rip out there?
no, just promotional material that included scenes. Some was only released for China
>Luv "Fire again" scene:
>Joi sex scene and Joi intro scene:
>Luv featurette:
there are some other character featurettes and promo vids floating around youtube, I think I saw the scene with Deckard running for his car and K smashing himself through the wall somewhere.
>that one shitty fucking cam upload
why the fuck is that the only one that exists? i remember watching a Logan cam bootleg that looked/sounded like 90% HD. why tf cant someone else do that?
the poster is way cooler in Pantsu letters
ah. i saw the chinese and figured they'd leaked it already.
You literally posted the one picture of luv that can persuade me she's best girl.
No woman has ever looked cooler than she does in that scene.
hes a pleb but at least he liked something good.