because she's a Warrior of the Wind, user.
The manga was so much better. Most people who've seen the movie don't even realize it exists.
Oh-Baba, I'm Torumekia.
that's ashitaka u fukin retard
Eh, I ended up liking the broad mythic strokes the film told its story in more. The Manga got sort of bogged down in itself.
Um, you don't get to bring Ohmu.
Miyazaki is a pleb-tier Japanese director.
What did miyazaki mean by this?
REMINDER that jj ripped off the opening scene of nausicaa in TFA
Crashing this plane... WITH NO SURVIVORS!
It's amazing how the Japanese manged to do strong female character without shoving it down your face like Americans do
I've seen the movie in theaters and I own the collector's edition of the manga. They're both good but the manga's story is a lot more mature. The movie is for younger kids when it all comes down to it.
Sure, but I don't think that's something that can be applied in a discussion of quality. They have different intents and in my opinion the film delivered more within the framework it set up for itself than the manga.
Not that the manga is bad or anything, though.
Nausicaa is OBJECTIVELY the greatest animated film of all time.
>inb4 mangafags come bitch at me
Yes the manga is amazing.
giv kushana gf
And what makes it better than, let's say, Princess Mononoke?
better aesthetic
better soundtrack
interesting setting and world
better climax and ending
Mononoke is still god-tier though along with Laputa.
Well she's waiting...
Play dom-jot, human?
Nausicaa is one of the weaker Miyazaki movies but also one of the more imaginative ones.
Best Miyazaki movie coming through
i 100% agree with you, i however am partial to warriors of the wind over nausicaa, being its been a part of my life as much as star wars and x-men comics since i can ever remember, but an user convinced me to watch the dvd a month or 2 ago, and i like it almost as much as the american cut from the 80s
>is one of the weaker Miyazaki movies
i will fucking fight you nibba
what's different about it anyway, is it like a whole robotech situation?
>i however am partial to warriors of the wind over nausicaa
i tried to find this online just to see how bad it was but i was never able to. maybe thats a good thing
This is objectively the best. There's no denying that characters in Ghibli films tend to be bland and have no personality. Miyazaki took an already established franchise with the best characters in all of anime and made a Ghibli style movie out of it. He did water down the characters a little but but not enough to the level as all his other characters. Not only that but the music was done by Yuji Ohno who is much much better than Joe Hisaishi who only knows how to create one decent song for each film he does. The soundtrack for Cagliostro is God tier and every single piece is simply brilliant.
the biggest difference really are the voice actors and the characters names. like nausicaa is called zandra, her uncle is lord yappa, the villager who pilots the plane is axle. ive seen the american version 100s of times, and seeing the dvd version with new names and voice actors just took some getting used to. and its about 10 min shorter, but the scenes that are missing arent a huge deal, except the scene in the dvd where you see nausicaas lab where shes trying to figure stuff out isnt in the american version, and that seemed like something pretty important. also the box art had things on it that werent in the movie like dr.doom, a pegasus, dune guy riding the monster etc..
>best miyazaki movie
Castle of Cagliostro is great, but Porco Rosso is his best.
Mah nigga.
I cannot stand people who choose to watch old dubs due to nostalgia. They are horrendous and many times fuck with the source material. The acting is almost always bad and the voices don'[t really fit the characters. I've met someone who did this with Akira and Vampire Hunter D. Whenever something is re-dubbed, that is the version you watch unless your a purist who'd rather watch it in the original weeb language which can sometimes be good.
Pure airplane porn.
Somehow this is the only Ghibli movie I haven't seen.
I can never enjoy the movie because of how fucking insanely amazing the Manga is and the movie doesn't even come close to matching it.
the MASTER Anno has been given a green light to adapt the Nausicaa manga after Rebuild finishes so we may get a good nausicaa movie yet..
those dogfights, man.
Pig movie cannot compare.
yeah. Cagliostgro is is best movie.
I personally think most of his tv work is even better, but Cagliostro is the perfect encapsulation of his movie greatness without the flaws (ecological faggotry and oriental penchant for sentimentality)
is reading subtitles really such a problem
I got to see this in the theaters last month, totally worth it. Absolutely amazing on the big screen.
>tfw no Tiger Covered in Mud anime adaptation
>the MASTER Anno has been given a green light to adapt the Nausicaa manga after Rebuild finishes so we may get a good nausicaa movie yet..
for fucks sake this is the one thing i didnt want to happen
honestly i dont watch cartoons, warriors of the wind is the only one i do, so i dont know what a good voice actor vs a bad one is, but ive never noticed a problem with the voice actors in the old dub. and its not that i dont like the new dub, its just that something ive been familiar with for 20 years has just been changed, and the change isnt bad, its just different and takes some time to get used to. its not like i saw warriors of the wind when i was 15 and fell in love with it, my dad bought it in the 80's and its literally something that has just always been for me
No but you shouldn't have to look at subtitles when you have a film that's so beautifully animated. It just ruins the entire look when half the time you cant fully focus on the expressions and the background art when you're literally staring at words on the bottom of the screen.
Because for all she knows, there are toxic spores everywhere.
he's so far up his own ass at this point we'll never get it
or maybe his less talented son will try to do it.
is this really a problem for people
like nigga just move away from the screen
did you see it sub or dub? The sub version is amazing. For some reason they went with the mediocre dub from the mid 90's where they didn't even call the character Lupin. It was such a shame they didn't use the far superior dub that had Solid Snake voicing Lupin. I wanna know who was the tard that made that decision.
if you can't see the entire image while also keeping the subtitles legible either fix your setup or like, learn to read dude
That doesn't make any sense.
If you can't read the subtitles and also keep the rest of the movie in your field of view, you're probably jamming your eyeballs a few inches away from the screen.
Unless you are the world's fasted reader, constantly switching back and forth is between words and screen is a hassle. You can't look at the image and somehow be able to read the subtitles out of the corner of your eye. You're not giving your full attention to what's on the screen by doing that and you're lying if you say that you are. It's really not that big of a deal but it is less efficient .
>Goro directing another movie
Dear lord why must we suffer so
I saw the subtitle version. It's the same one that Netflix was using when they had it. Wasn't the same version that I had downloaded though, so there were some things left out and what not.
maybe you just have dyslexia
most anime subtitles have like a max of 10 words, which for any normal adult should be readable within a second
its literally just reading
>world's fasted reader
a native speaker or even someone with an acceptable level of fluency shouldn't need to devote time, attention or focus to reading a single line to the point that it distracts from their ability to absorb the shot.
All these points are objectively wrong
And they are ironically what SJWs would call more oppressed women because Jap men (when they actually have a spine) prefer their women in traditional roles.
Pic related is another manga/anime with a ton of strong female characters also written by a woman.
I posted best girl btw.
>not Olivier
>being a femdom cuckold
Imagine being this much of a faggot.
>not fucking doms into subs
nibba pls
It's nice when a female character is "strong" but in an authentically female way, instead of just being acting exactly like a Mary sue knock-off copy of a man.
Anno's obsessed with Nausicaa and he worked on the original film. A full manga adaptation would be amazing. Of course he'll never finish Rebuild so it'll never happen.
You're a literal idiot
this is the best news I've heard all day
Am I the only one who thought she was't wearing pants?
If it adheres strictly to the source material it would be fine but I haven't seen something directed by anno that wasn't full of sexual elements and scantily-clad females. Nausicaa is pretty pure and non-sexual like most miyazaki works and I would hate for that to be butchered and him write in something retarded like a lesbian relationship between Nausicaa and Kushana.
dont get your hopes up, it's pretty old news as far as i know
>I haven't seen something directed by anno that wasn't full of sexual elements and scantily-clad females.
Shin Godzilla
anno gravitates towards psychosexual themes in his heavier works and goofy cheesecake in the lighter ones (and sometimes both), but he doesn't really shoehorn them in. take karekano for example
>Shin Godzilla
is that good? the constant shitposting about the fake eyes or some shit turned me off from it.
>letting shitposting genuinely sway your opinion
why do people do this?
well the shot did look pretty fucking bad
is that the animu where the boy and girl have a crush on eachother and find out that they're brother and sister but still date?
no it's the one about the vain girl, mostly noteworthy for how experimental the production got (relative to the source material)
It's pretty intense compared to the movie. Spoilers for moviefags:
-Yupa dies
-Teto dies
-Kushana is a fully sympathetic and progressive character
-Nausicaa is the one to use the god warrior and she kills a ton of people with it
-She also literally wipes out what's left of the real human race
-The people in the story aren't real humans
-There's a third country who cause even more trouble
-Also hippies living the forest who Nausicaa fucks off with at the end
-The god warriors are actually intelligent judges of humanity's sins
-Genetically engineered monster soldiers everywhere
It's about four times the length of the movie if you try to add everything up.
Nausicaa had nude scenes in the manga. She has a nick rack.
That whole anime was a shitshow. Anno was fired and the project ran out of money. It wasn't supposed go be avant garde.
The manga is pretty bad too. I think nostalgia keeps people from realizing how painfully average it really is, and the characters just get dumber as it goes on.
What's wrong with that?
they had already started playing with still photographs and live-action footage long before there was significant friction with the mangaka or financial pressure, it's the same kind of visual storytelling techniques you can see him use in almost all of his projects.
Another mediocre Miyazaki movie.
>Nausicaa had nude scenes in the manga.
yeah they were tasteful and non-sexual
my point still stands
>Ending outta nowhere
It's shit
he's actually a genius of animated film making
Royal space force is better
ending battle scene is kino
Honneamise is a great movie but I'd have a hard time calling it better than Nausicaa. It's pretty uneven. The launch scene is ultimate anime kino though.
The fat king is /ourguy/
>subfags defend having to switch your eyes from the action to tiny words on the bottom of the screen
>muh purity
>doesn't just learn the language and watch it without words on the bottom like intended by the creative team
Whispers of the Heart is the eternal GOAT
One of the biggest tragedies in anime is how the director died before he did anything else of note. He was being groomed to replace Miyazaki.
the country road singing scene with the cast is one of the best scenes ive ever seen in an anime
its so fucking good i can watch that scene all day long even though it makes me a bit sad
This, learning to listen to Japanese is easy as fuck.
No script, word order is a simple sov, and pronunciation is simple to hear.
>wasting your time by learning a language that has no practical use in your life
for what reason?
>wasting your time
>on Sup Forums
Maybe you should see the movie, it looks fucking awesome for the most part.
Sup Forums doesn't require effort while learning a language does
lazy fuck
you can get e-peen points and have dumb EOP's sucking your dick by translating shit for them
>not wanting to waste effort by learning a language that has absolutely no practical use in my daily life when i can put that effort in actually worthwhile projects makes me a lazy fuck
>browsing Sup Forums