Back and to the left. Back and to the left.
Back and to the left. Back and to the left
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who was in the wrong here
most kino gore clip imho
That is one magic loogie
It's been confirmed that the first shot was from a police officer on the bridge who was also shot and killed by ruby 45 minutes later.
>[citation needed]
Stabilized unedited Zapruder film for anyone who cares.
Looks consistent with two shots from the book depository to me
Great movie, horrible research. Almost nothing in it was accurate.
That being said, before his nerves fired it was forward and to the right.
don't you mean 3 shots?
Going off of this I'm with his head clearly jerks forward before going back. Am I missing something with the "back and to the left" meme?
It's completely made up bullshit but still a powerful film nonetheless. It might be the greatest propaganda film ever made.
So why did Oswald get assassinated?
me on the left
He knew too much
Because Ruby was upset he killed JFK?
It's from the film "JFK", and is supposed to "prove" that the head shot came from the front.
>who was in the wrong here
william greer is suspiciously blacked out or not visible in every single photo
One shot missed and wasn't on camera. Official story is two shots struck the president. Both autopsy and film agree.
It's just a meme. This film is more universally misunderstood than Eraserhead.
Do people actually believe that movie? Half of it was blatant bullshit
I don't buy that.
JFK's security for choosing a convertible.
Yes. There were conspiracy theories almost as soon as the event happened.
They slowly died out as fewer and fewer people believed them.
Then this movie came out, which merged all of the various theories into a single film theory.
The film did a lot to raise a new generations of conspiracy theorists. You can usually spot them by the way they quote things in the movie without knowing the background of the things they're trying to talk about.
what film?
It was the Jews wasn't it?
did we learn nothing from franz ferdinand?
According to the JFK documents yes actually
to the shill itt, why didn't Oswald take the infinitely easier shot when the motorcade was approaching the depository?
>Jack Rubinstein
of course
Back and to the left would mean that it was coming from in front of him and to the right doesn't it?
Water drain confirmed?
why would he throw his life away for that purpose?
Ruby (Rubenstein) had been contacted by Mossad and was posing as their interpreter while they posed as Israeli media. Ruby was sent to kill Oswald so Oswald couldn't expose how he knew when and where to shoot JFK, which would subsequently expose Sam Bloom the person who had planned the dangerous parade route and made sure it had been posted in the news. Mossad agents had injected Ruby with a radioactive isotope which quickly caused cancer to metastasize. All of this was due to JFK's opposition to the Israeli nuclear weapons program.
actually the JFK documents has a series of people investigated, one of which was a Cuban right-wing nationalist claiming he could get backing from the Jewish mafia to kill Kennedy. The guy was released and nothing ever came of it.
ofc, even the SLIGHTEST mention of Jews in one of these thousands of documents means they're 100% responsible.
that's some genius plot. And it all went off without a hitch. Jews truly are the Master Race
isn't the point of a parade to be public?
you can tell by the exit wound that a faggot tranny with no hair was behind this
>Ruby was arrested immediately after the shooting, and he told several witnesses that he had been distraught over President Kennedy's death and had helped the city of Dallas "redeem" itself in the eyes of the public, and that Oswald's death would spare "…Mrs. Kennedy the discomfiture of coming back to trial."
>Two months after Oswald's death, Ruby broke into tears at his bond hearing, as he talked to reporters regarding the assassination of President Kennedy. His voice breaking, Ruby said that he could not understand "how a great man like that could be lost."
>she climbs on the back of the car and grabs a piece of his brain
Jackie... oh Jackie...
>why did Oswald get assassinated?
> Jack Ruby
> Jack Rubenstein
> Rubenstein
Yeah, I don't believe any of that bullshit. The guy was a scumbag and all of a sudden he's some redeeming hero? No.
Obvious bs
Why call yourself "Ruby" when your name is actually Rubenstein?
>I don't believe actual evidence so I can peddle my conspiracy BS
>Yeah, I don't believe any of that bullshit. The guy was a scumbag and all of a sudden he's some redeeming hero? No
this makes the most sense...
t. Larry Shalom Mon-Chaim Al-Dezra Silverstein
You knew Ruby?
Yes, but it was Bloom who made sure it was posted in the Dallas Morning News and elsewhere, likewise he set it up along a dangerous, exposed route that the Secret Service clashed with him on.
Had Oswald said "I knew where to shoot him thanks to the posted parade route (thanks to Sam Bloom, who is a Jew and was a vocal Zionist) and had a great shot (thanks to Sam Bloom's route), it might have been traced back to him. At least that is my theory. It is possible Mossad had been posing as KGB encouraging him as well.
Just look up how Jack Ruby died and how he was linked to Bloom.
As far as the movie JFK goes-
>Production company
>Le Studio Canal+
>Regency Enterprises
>Alcor Films
>Regency Enterprises (commonly referred to as Regency onscreen) is an American entertainment company formed by Arnon Milchan
>Arnon Milchan (Hebrew: ארנון מילצ'ן; December 6, 1944) is an Israeli billionaire businessman who has produced over 130 full-length motion pictures.[2] Milchan, the owner of New Regency Films, was an Israeli intelligence operative from the mid-1960s to the mid-1980s.[3][4]
Again, from a production standpoint, the film "JFK" was one of the best of the decade, possibly one of the best of the generation.
But it's fiction.
>Ruby's words
>actual evidence
get fucked
Lyndon B. Johnson for partaking in a coup d'état
a radioactive isotope wouldn't give you lung cancer, it'd give you lymphoma or leukemia. If they tried to infect him with chemicals that'd give him lung cancer it'd have taken decades for him to get it.
Rafael Cruz
What gets people about the JFK shooting is that in their minds, it is inconceivable to them that the world's most powerful person could be killed by someone who was essentially a bottom-of-the-barrel, mentally-deranged loser. It's more comforting to think up of a million different secret cabals carefully planning the whole event + world domination, instead of a much scarier realization that there are no secret cabals.
So mindless speculation of Jews is more reliable than court testimony? weird
Do you know what motivated reasoning is?
>Dallas Deputy Sheriff Al Maddox claimed: "Ruby told me, he said, 'Well, they injected me for a cold.' He said it was cancer cells. That's what he told me, Ruby did. I said you don't believe that bullshit. He said, 'I damn sure do!' [Then] one day when I started to leave, Ruby shook hands with me and I could feel a piece of paper in his palm… [In this note] he said it was a conspiracy and he said … if you will keep your eyes open and your mouth shut, you're gonna learn a lot. And that was the last letter I ever got from him."[75] Not long before Ruby died, according to an article in the London Sunday Times, he told psychiatrist Werner Teuter that the assassination was "an act of overthrowing the government" and that he knew "who had President Kennedy killed." He added: "I am doomed. I do not want to die. But I am not insane. I was framed to kill Oswald."[75][76][77]
The Times Herald printed the exact route on the front page 4 days before he arrived in dallas.
How does that fit in with your theory?
Oswald defected the the Soviet Union during a tour of duty in the marine corps, then repatriated without prosecution or fanfare. This suggests, like many defectors, he was a CIA asset who failed to gather intelligence.
Later he worked for Hoover's FBI as informant against the CIA. He infiltrated the secret training camps training Cuban immigrants to overthrow Castro. This was documented and is part of the Warren Commission papers.
Kennedy was against the overthrow of Castro and told the CIA "no" many times. The CIA went ahead and tried to invade Cuba anyway. They had their paramilitary on the beach at the Bay of Pigs when they told Kennedy "hey we went ahead with the invasion anyway. it's happening right now. have the USAF send us some air support." Kennedy told them to fuck off and let their people die at the hands of the Cuban regulars.
{Speculation starts}
The CIA took this as a betrayal and now had a grudge against JFK.
The CIA also took Oswald's infiltration of their camps as a betrayal and had a grudge against him, too.
The CIA threatened Oswald, then promised to bring him back into the fold if he assassinated Kennedy for them. Oswald was a fool but fancied himself a spy. He gladly accepted.
After the shooting he fled the depository and found there was no getaway car waiting for him. He realized he'd been set up and panicked. He fled on foot, shot a cop, then went to ground in a kinoplex.
In this scenario he was both the assassin AND a patsy.
It explains why he figured out he was the patsy so quickly. If he was a random guy he would have been confused for days. It also explains why he didn't arrange his own transport and had no escape plan. It also explains how he knew where the motorcade would be diverted at the last minute many months in advance. It also explains why he needed to be murdered immediately. He could finger nearly everyone.
I haven't said a single thing about Jews, you fucking retard.
What's going on just before his head explodes?
Jackie is the shooter
So the CIA can't even keep their own assets under control.
This. It's just can't be possible that JFK got taken down by an unhinged, communist wannabe loser with a rifle. There HAS to be some grand conspiracy.
You don't get lung cancer from that kind of "injected cancer cells" (wtf?)
he didn't wanted to be seen is one of the reasons. another one is that he was a fucking coward who couldn't shoot jfk in the face.
he got shot. not in the head.
It fits, I only mentioned the Dallas Morning News due to it's prevalency.
>The means by which the Dallas elite gained control of JFK's Dallas trip agenda is interesting. Since JFK's Dallas trip was officially designated as "non political" —in contrast to other Texas stops such as Houston and Austin which were designated as "political" —the private entities paying for the Dallas trip gained control of the planning (taking it out of the hands of the JFK -controlled Democratic National Committee). The CC designated a "host committee." The chairman was Dallas Jewish leader and public relations man, Sam Bloom, the CC's longtime executive director, and —in retrospect —one of the least known but most pivotal figures in world history.
>There was an immediate confrontation between Bloom, representing the Dallas elite, and Jerry Bruno, JFK's veteran advance man. Bruno wanted the president to speak at the Women's Building, but the rulers of Dallas insisted JFK speak at the Trade Mart. Although Bruno fought long and hard, after much pressure, the Dallas elite prevailed, causing the JFK loyalist to comment that "this was one of the few fights like this that I had lost. On things like this my judgment was usually taken. This time it wasn't." By forcing JFK to speak at the Trade Mart, the Dallas elite positioned the JFK motorcade to take the now infamous "dog -leg" turn into what was a classically sniper-friendly "kill zone" on Elm Street just below the Texas School Book Depository (TSBD), from where it later was claimed the alleged assassin, TSBD employee Lee Harvey Oswald, red the fatal shots. The spot was also in easy range of the "grassy knoll" and the nearby Dal-Tex Building, where assassination researchers believe snipers were located. Had JFK's advance man prevailed —as he usually did —JFK (on his way to the preferred location) would have traveled two blocks fart her away from the TSBD —out of the kill zone—at a greater speed.
You can she the first lady drop the gun after he shoots him in the back.
Jackie is whispering.... NO ONE fucks with a Bouvier and gets away with it.
No, it's the obvious lies and blatant obfuscation. Just look at what's happening in todays political arena.
not that surprising desu
he got shot in the neck.
>Oswald defected the the Soviet Union during a tour of duty in the marine corps
Didn't even read the rest. Oswald had already been discharged when he emigrated to Russia.
noooooooooooo *bursts into coins*
No, BUT you can be injected with or exposed to an isotope, Polonium-210, which can cause cancer.
This has always been my reasoning as well. Of course there's no way to ever really prove it and probably never will be.
This seems plausible.
It always is
>Although the Secret Service objected (for security reasons) to the publication of JFK's motorcade route, Bloom (the point man for the Dallas elite) nonetheless made sure a map of the route was repeatedly published in Dallas papers. Thus, later, when the "patsy" was in custody, there was a plausible explanation as to how he knew JFK would pass by his workplace. That an assassin quite probably fired on JFK from the Dal-Tex Building is most relevant in the context of an Israeli connection. Co-owned by David Weisblat, a major financial backer of the Israeli lobby's Anti-Defamation League, Dal-Tex housed, on different floors, a number of firms that utilized the telephone number of Morty Freedman, an attorney, garment manufacturer, and activist in Jewish affairs. Since JFK was working to stop Israel's nuclear arms program—which received smuggled uranium from U.S. sources—it is notable that one Dal-Tex firm linked to Freedman was the Dallas Uranium & Oil Company. It is also intriguing that one of Freedman's Dal-Tex business partners was Abe Zapruder, the Jewish dress manufacturer who filmed the assassination and profited immensely. Today there are some who now believe Zapruder had advance knowledge of the assassination.
>Once the accused assassin was in custody, it was----you guessed it —Sam Bloom, who had earlier maneuvered JFK into the kill zone, who pressured Elgin Crull, the city manager, to in turn pressure Dallas Police Chief Jesse Curry into making Oswald accessible to the press and to move him publicly from the Dallas police station to the city jail. Thus, the situation was in place for Jack Ruby to move in for the kill. There are several sources, including Dallas FBI agent James Hosty, who stated Bloom and his backers were the forces behind this. When the police searched Ruby's home, they found a slip of paper with Bloom's name, address and telephone number on it.
Yes, I'm sure the CIA would have sent a mentally unstable highschool dropout to infiltrate the Soviet Union
>What gets people about the JFK shooting is that in their minds, it is inconceivable to them that the world's most powerful person could be killed by someone who was essentially a bottom-of-the-barrel, mentally-deranged loser. It's more comforting to think up of a million different secret cabals carefully planning the whole event + world domination, instead of a much scarier realization that there are no secret cabals.
This, but also Ruby then killing Oswald is unbelievably suspicious. If Oswald had lived, been prosecuted, and executed, the conspiracy theories would be much much smaller.
What a vague non-reply.
>obvious lies and obfuscation
This doesn't change the actual facts of the case. People can invent a million different reasons for their own motives or the motives for others, but sometimes Occam's Razor is useful to cut through the fat. People can believe their own conspiracy theories too (very often), and become unreliable witnesses in their own right.
If there were a lot of conflicting stories on the ground, I don't know if you appreciate the chaos and confusion at the scene of the assassination. A regular murder creates a million different testimonies. Multiply that for a death of a world leader. People talking out their ass, others trying to cover their own asses, and some trying to take advantage of the situation creates a situation where lies and misinformation spreads, but this doesn't point to anything remarkable other than the usual instincts of people in crisis mode. The Warren Commission, when heads had cooled (bad joke), was able to start to sort out the facts from the fiction.
>just look at the political arena today
People looking for conspiracies will invent them in every corner of government and society. If it's not the Masons, it's the Jesuits. If it's not the Jesuits, it's the Jews. If it's not the Jews, it's the Deep State. Different name, same idea. It's always some shadowy group that is paradoxically identifiable in everything they do, but unable to leave a trace when it really matters.
Again, the scary truth of the world is that there are no secret societies. There are millions of different groups each clawing for a piece of the pie. Some have more money and influence than others. Most of what we think of as secret cabals are the result of corruption, nepotism, and short-sighted decision-making. The sad truth is that we are monumentally stupid and greedy as a species, and are not really designed for generations-long conspiracy.
Yes, cancer. There are thousands of kinds of cancer. Ruby died of LUNG cancer which no injection can cause.
Ruby smoked like a chimney his whole life. He was smoking right before he shot Oswald.
They'd disavow knowledge.
He is crazy, right?
Hypersensivity about "the jews" is usually a sign you're talking to a Jew.
I'll just leave this here
He attempted suicide within a week of arriving
driver put on his mixtape and jfk's getting ready for the beat to drop.
Ruby walked into the Dallas Police garage a few minutes before they brought Oswald out. They were scheduled to transfer him hours earlier. He shot Oswald because he didn't like the smug look on his face. Ruby carried a revolver with him everywhere he went.
The director's cut is superior
>itt: plebs who know nothing of the no-bullet theory
do you see a bullet in the footage? exactly. There wasn't a second shooter, there wasn't even a single shooter. JFK's head just fucking did that on it's own.
He knew too much.
Is there a link to the source this is from? I google searched the pic and it only leads back to Sup Forums
Sup Forums makes a lot of stuff up and has fabricated many an "infograph", so I'd like the actual link.
This, or he was distracted by nervousness.
Well the Marine Corps gave him a security clearance to work on U2 tracking radar. He wasn't all that crazy.
You see, I used to think that it was suspicious, until I started thinking to myself what can compel someone to kill another person. Sadly, not much.
In the weird, paranoia-fueled aftermath of the shooting, as the grief started to set in, I am sure a few unhinged people got violent. This happens in far less trying circumstances. Ruby happened to be the guy at the right place and time (and again, before the hyper-anal security we have now). He was a small-time crook, who wanted to "avenge" the president. He probably thought he'd be a hero too. He just turns into another bizarre twist in the whole story. Several people tried to assassinate President Garfield's assassin (without success, though he was eventually hanged), but no one brings that up as some shadow conspiracy of railroad barons trying to stop a potential reformer.