23andme commercial
The FDA is a fucking joke for crippling 23andme.
Only dumb corporate fascists support the FDA.
inb4 muh thalidomide
>my test results come back
>90% european, mostly british
>10% Japanese
Im a pale as fuck white guy with bright red hair and freckles, so i think something went wrong here.
Are you an orphan or something? How else could you not know that you're 10% Japanese?
Protip: It's bullshit.
>look white
>get DNA test
>14% Native American
Free college here I come!
can anyone explain for the non ameriburgers?
you don't know how genetics work m8
10% is fucking nothing
disgusting. this is the kind of rootless mongrel (((they))) want to create and rule over.
Stop having white children
More like diddle her booty. Amirite
wtf is this mongrel
I think your mums a slut.
Mine came back exactly as I expecterd baserd on my family history.
10% is a Great Grandparent. Feasible he might not know.
There are mixed people who are very beautiful, so I don't see why progs seemingly insist on trotting out the worst examples they can find.
>Take DNA test
>Comes back that you're 50% an inferior race
>Nevermind - You are 100% YOU! (i.e., Nicole)
>lol dude you fell in love with someone who is also white? PART OF THE PROBLEM YOU SUCK
>haha you fell in love with a cute brown girl? pat of the problem cause you're white you racist fuck!!!
Imagine if you actually gave a single fuck about these kinds of people's opinions. You'd never win.
show low confidence region
So how does it feel being a nigger
Race to the bottom. Get very familiar with that phrase.
i dont understand any of this. you people are fucked.
you from a port town?
one of your ancestors was a hooker
Because most of the halp groups have been mapped its pretty easy to test someones's ancestry with saliva.
In the US there's several companies advertising this.
And because in the US everyone is from somewhere else and a lot of that history has been lost with time or family name changes people want to know.
OP's pic is basically you shouldn't breed with mud people.
>tfw the le 56% meme is true
Why am I fucked because you don't understand the marketing of a multi-national corporation?
I'm not sure how repartations work in this case. Can I sue because one sidfe of my family was raped by Snow Niggers, or do I get sued because one side was rapist Snow Niggers?
I hope the U.N. sets up a tribunal to get to the bottom of this.
>tfw honorary Finngolian
This lady looks like a fucking nightmare.
where are you from?
Should I sudoku?
>mfw tri racial from Brazil
>mfw studied in public shitty brazilian schools all my life
>mfw im still smarter than most muricans with a 120 IQ
Life would be really easy if i hadnt been born in such a shitty part of the country.
Anw, dna tests dont mean shit. I dont even know why you care, since you are what you are.
>with a 120 IQ
>posts that pic
It makes sense
still dont know what the fuck this thread is about, or what service is that. why would genetic mapping would be so important to the common joe and why does it need to be advertised like a new soda or car? americans are insane.
What's with all the Potatos
I expected my wife to come back 90% Slav
She was 20% Jewish, 30% Eastern European...and 50% fucking Irish.
What the goddamn fuck are the Potato Niggers up to?
You should feel bad,
You have only 1% of the greater intelligence gene. Aka ashkenazi jews.
Not every American is a disgusting mix-raced mong.
Still haven't figured out where that 1/3 irish came from. I've mapped a massive shitton of my family tree. Almost 1,000 entries and still can't find the Mulligans and Allister.
So you're basically full Indian?
South Asian is a pretty big group, I mean the Aryan North and Darvidian South are different races, not to mention ethnicity.
>tfw it launchedf in Australia
>tfw everyone is excited to find out if they are part Japanese, African, Arab
>"You are a diverse mix of Irish and British"
...And thus the novelty wore off immediately.
99% of "Australians" will have the same results as me.
The best part is the sheer amount of "Muh Aboriginal Ancestry" cunts getting absolutely btfo
>b-but my grandad said his m-mum was part Aboriginal
>m-muh ancestral l-land
>The 0.2 percent ashkenazi just to salt the wounds
>tfw black, Jew, Native American, and Mongolian
Reparations when
Far away.
Because we have this thing called disposable income. And while a trip to a theme park would be cool, to some people knowing where their ancestry is from is also neat.
Are you autistic? Do you want me to try and explain further?
My Wife is 22% Ashkenazi.
But she's also 3% African.
Not sure if I should breed. Especially if Le Alt-Right takers over. They already said the Irish can only do manual labor and all the good jobs will be reseved for 100% Pure Bavarian Phenotype.
>>m-muh ancestral l-land
>>M-muh dole
>to some people knowing where their ancestry is from is also neat.
you could ask granma? are you telling me you are all rape babies and bastard sons with no traceable history?
Because a sizable amount of the colonizers in America were Irish/ Scottish, which explains why blacks always have around 30 percent irish/ or scottish dna.
Alot of people who think of themselves as english americans are usually scots-irish
Yeah I was pissed as hell they didn't break it down further and because 23andme is now using some newer chip the raw data is basically unreadable by third party services for now.
As far as I know my family is fully North-West Indian (Rajasthan and Uttarakhand).
Thats no the reason you shouldnt breed.
You shouldnt breed because youre a fucking retarded if you care about this shit this much.
And how the fuck is she only 3% african?
Doesnt make much sense because people didnt do interracial shit a century ago.
Catholicism, makes people shit out kids really fast
Right. But I can't find a single Irish person in my family tree. And I've gone back to 19th great-Grand-whatever. The only thing I can think of is the tricky paddy bastards changed their name when they got to america.
diaspora stronk
The thread is 100% Sup Forums related. It's about DNA kits. The service shows you what race/ethnicity you are. You spit in a tube, send it off to Mormon Land, they tell you what you are and then they creepily keep your DNA on file. The FBI is buttmad because they can't serve warrants on them.
>Important to the common joe
Curiosity. Or maybe he wants to start an extremist political party. Who knows or cares.
>why does it need to be advertisedf like a new soda or car
So people will buy it, I guess?
>americans are insane.
It's an international organization. It's very popular in Europe too.
Ancestry/Family Trees/Lineage Tracking has been hugely popular across the planet since forever...I'm not sure what's insane about that.
If you're still confused - the AncestryDNA one links to your records/family tree. So you can find long lost cousins etc etc.
Although more than a few people have found long lost relatives they didn't know they had because they didn't know their mother was a slut.
probably, being catholic was always looked down on so most paddies anglicized their names, which is actually where a lot of common names like smith come from.
Lmao are you fucking retarded? You think everyone's grandparents somehow know your entire bloodline and lineage? Get real.
>you could ask granma?
>TFW my Grandparents are either senile or dead and most of my family are assholes so anything I know about my ancestry I know from my mother
It ain't always easy user.
23andme isn't in Australia, what. We have to use the international version.
This. If we DNA tested welfare recipients we'd clean out half of the people on the roles.
>Yeah, but, see, my """cousin""" Noongah vouches for me. I'm 100% verified 5% First Nations and shit.
I bet shes a jew
>What the goddamn fuck are the Potato Niggers up to?
Fucking. You should try it sometime.
>are you telling me you are all rape babies and bastard sons with no traceable history?
I'm in my 20s and only one of my grandparents is alive. Not sure what I would do if I got curious in my 30s or 40s.
There was also a time in the US many immigrants hide their national origins. Got new family names. While now every white person claims to have some Amerindian in them, historically they would have hid it. and that info wouldn't have been passed down.
Also not sure how people would know the ancestry of their anyone more than 3 or 4 generations back.
But anyways, you answered my question. You're autistic. I don't have a gold star to give you today for all those amazing questions. But keep at it, Sport.
im probably 80 percent white and at least 15 percent native american
even though Im half kike, most of my family is from Ireland and when im there every person worships me like a god because their little christcuck handbook told them to.
when will based Putin finally nuke America? The joke has gone too far now
So it is autism. Good luck with that user.
is this service also available in europe?
I'm pissed the terrorists didn't burn Jew York Shitty to the ground.
Do you not grasp how DNA works?
She's got 3% African, like a lot of Ashkenazi Kikes do, because her people migrated out of the Levant/North Africa into Europe. She's got 20% Jew becauser Jews migrated into Europe and didn't mix as much as others. They just fucked other Jews. So it's really cloistered.
She's not even "Jewish" - no one in her family is a praciticing Jew, she has only one known Jewish relative (a grandparent). But he was Straight Outta Poland, so he was like 90% Jewish or whatever.
The cool creepy shit is that it can pinpoint geographic locations where you have the strongest matches. For both of us it wasn't that a big deal, becauser we have detailed family records - but they were spot on in the location they identified. Could be handy for people who didn't have autistic families.
its the same here, nobody wants to be white so they start making up shit that theyre a quarter apache or something. Id be cool if I were part native american, but if I were even 1% abo id probably off myself so fucking fast.
Dude...the gas petrol station is right across the street. Drink up.
News at 10, all potatoes are dirty race mixers.
Irish are like the French, they'll fuck anything that moves.
>120 IQ
online test don't count user, you got rused
>33 million Irish descendents currently living in the US
>barely lifted a finger to help their ancestral country break free from the UK, which was only achieved through hard work, politics, and terrorism at home
>6 million Jews currently residing in the US
>has secured over 100 billion in aid to Israel since it's inception (not accounting for covert and overt wars for Israeli interests)
Numbers don't count for shit (unless counting dollars)
yes goy... give up your dna.. nothing can go wrong.
what's that? no... we would never use that information to start culling white people hehe...
I dont have a single recorded Irish person in my family, going back hundreds of years. I'm 50% Irish. It's because pretty much all of the South West of England was settled by the same folks who settled Ireland.
I'm 50% Irish, but my "Genetic Community" is South Walers.
every1 shits on 23andme but mine in accurate.
>people didnt do interracial shit a century ago.
the only thing in a DNA test that would upset me is if i had nigger or australian aboriginal.
I used AncestryDNA.
I didn't bother with 23AndMe since Australia banned them exporting the Health Test component. Which is fucked. So Ancestry is better becauser it ties in with records and stuff.
>barely lifted a finger to help their ancestral country break free from the UK
Most of North Ireland wanted to remain in the UK. Deal with it paddy.
>want to try one of these services out because I'm curious about my bloodline
>I'm a 27 year old warehouse worker that's going to community college, nothing special at all
>but I see shit like this and get paranoid
Are you Australian?
>and at least 15 percent Native American
Trust me, you're not.
Everyone thinks they're 15% something excotic or native. But you're probably just 15% potato instead.
>yes goy... give up your dna.. nothing can go wrong.
Did you realize that the company is based in Utah and pretty much entirely run by those religion DLC payers the Mormons?
>tfw I was guilt tripped into taking a dna test with everyone in my family after my dad got cancer.
I still feel this will come back to bite me in the ass.
How would that be any different from the census?
for some reason ancestry lumps scots and welsh under "irish". Its retarded but whatever
>I still feel this will come back to bite me in the ass.
Is there a version of this that's unregulated and will give you the whole scary truth?
>European jewish
what does that even mean? Its like calling someone an Africasian. You can't be two ethnicities at the same time.
Weirdly it's ther mormons that stores all this shit.
I understand why they have a (literal) mountain full of records on Mormon ancestry...why they want our ancestry I don't know.
Mormons are overrepresented in the FBI and CIA too...
1. There isn't one company, there's a few in the US
2. A lot of good companies were originally owned by whites until later being bought by Jews.
what do you think guys?
prolly because he's afraid dad will find out some of his siblings are actually his sons and daughters too,.
post your nose!
My god, an entire family tree of whores.