>no one like's Winston
>he turned up super late in joining the team
>he's not funny
>he's not even a scientist
Black Venkman WTF!
They originally wanted Eddie Murphy for the roll of Winston. when they couldn't get him the roles were rewritten to give him a smaller part. Ernie Hudson got kinda screwed by the rewrites.
hes a racist
Winston was my favorite as a kid.
White guy born in 85 here.
81 here. I liked Winston. He was just regular dude doing whatever for a pay check
Reminder based Ernie was the only one who was initially against Fembusters.
Murray refused to do a cameo until Sony started looking for a way to sue him for it.
To be fair Bill was against anything new ghostbusters
He also had the most credibility when it came to talking to Mayor. Arguably he had some of the most credibility
ay yo dum i hat dis lil nigga, always runnin his mouf n shieet
winston is the shit yo, he's the normal one
>movie has actual respectable black character
>why would I want to be a character that actually makes sense
>let me just cause all this drama with my friends like a stereotypical nigger
Bravo netflix.
Was Mike, dare I say it, /RACISTASFUCK/????
>just assuming your black friend will be Winston
I mean wow.
what a fag
I have zero respect for anyone who watches Stranger Things
You need to start respecting yourself more. Remember you're the only friend you have.
I don't watch Stranger Things though.
Either way, it still applies.
they should have had them all be Venkman
i actually hated mike this season
lucas was great, dustin was great, fucking will was great and all he did was scream and cry for 9 episodes
mike was a fucking HORRIBLE pain in the ass to sit through.
This show is so fucking gay.
I went to a shrink to try and get diagnosed with adhd and he starts out by asking me a series of questions.
"Have you lost interest in things lately?"
"user I'm seeing depression here."
YES I've lost interest in television shows and movies - things I used to enjoy, because they all fucking blow now.
Fuck you doc just give me some adderall like I wanted.
kek I can relate to this 100%, sam exact thing happened to me. But I seriously do wonder if maybe it's not that everything sucks but that it's simply something wrong with ME.
Why? I thought he was done well. Like he's clearly still sad about Eleven and that's influenced everything since then. But he's a kid, so he can't even understand why he feels so shitty and hates Max.
If this were the actual 80s the black kid would be dressed as the black character and be okay with it. He would also give legit reasons why the black guy was badass. Does the story actually take place in 2017?
Fuck off facists. Black characters have always been racist stereotypes, it is on us to do better.
If you haven't seen it then why even comment? seems like a waste of time.
I refer to people who actively watch it. Not people who saw it and dropped it.
Everything he said was right.
Zedmoore was always a lame character, he doesn't even feel like a real part of the group. He's just like this hired help they bring in at the last minute. You could write him out of the movie without really losing much.
Why is he complaining about a 30 year old movie though? I mean yes I know the show takes place 30 years ago but it doesn't sound clever and it doesn't seem to be relevant social commentary. Or is the kid from the future? Or are they trying to make him appear like he's ahead of his time?
I thought you just said that you understood the show was set in the eighties?
What did he say that sounded so "ahead of his time?"
I don't understand your complaint.
I don't imagine a kid in the 80's complaining about a black character not being progressive enough.
He didn't say anything about the character not being "progessive." Are we talking about the same show?
He was complaining that winston was a lame character who nobody would want to be, and gave valid reasons why not.
Do they say anything about female ghostbusters?
If they didn't they missed a chance but if they did it would probably be totally cheap and lame.
it takes place in the 80s
he shoulda been the nigger ghostbuster and stop complaining
They didn't mention it, but I almost feel that the "black venkman" gag was sort of tongue-in-cheek way of making fun of the Ghostbusters remake a couple years ago and the social politics that surrounded it.
What? They're a bunch of nerdy science kids. Of course he'd rather be the scientist than the black guy.
all the kids except for toothless, the negro, and Max were annoying queers
Winston was a great character. Fuck this stupid show.
>He's just like this hired help
That's his appeal you fucking dipshit
If you're a kid you think he's dumb, he has the least personality of the group.
He would only be your favorite if you were a boring faggot who self inserted as the straight man which no normal kid would do.
literally the shittiest of taste. just want a romcom
He was better than Ray. No one wanted to be a fattie