Who is right? What is the greatest challenge an actor could ever face?
Also, are there even any male actors who have had to do scenes where they were raped besides Ian McShane?
Who is right? What is the greatest challenge an actor could ever face?
Also, are there even any male actors who have had to do scenes where they were raped besides Ian McShane?
When was he raped? Deadwood? I didn't get far it was too shit
Kissing a guy - actual kiss
Rape - pretend
dumb bitch
>Ben Al Fleck
How drunk are you?
Ian mcshane you stupid fuck....
>ultra liberal affleck
>saying that
God damn this whore is retarded
Edward Norton. Tim Robbins.
>Ian mcshane you cocksucka....
You had a perfect opportunity and you fucked it up.
>are there even any male actors who have had to do scenes where they were raped besides Ian McShane?
Explain. How does Ian Mcshane come into this? This has nothing to do with Deadwood.
Affleck? Do you mean Buttman?
I'm asking in what show or movie did Ian mcshane get raped in
It has to be that kid from Boyhood having to dance like a monkey for 12 years. I would have probably killed myself halfway into that run.
oh the horror
can't we just go back to the days where if you grab a woman's ass unwarranted you get a slap to the face and that was the end of it?
ive had my inner thigh rubbed, my crotch grabbed, ass grabbed, arms felt, whatever. never once did i feel the need to call the person out who did it even if it was unwarranted.
OP mentions that McShane was raped in a movie
it wasnt deadwood google says American horror story
What the hell do actresses know about challenges?
Who the fuck is Ian Mcshane?
me cocksucker
A great actor that only plebs are unfamiliar with.
playing a jewish nazi pedophile who only has a thing for black 10 yearolds who has to keep the ovens clean and running while dealing with the death of his dog and parrot
I remember my high school he at the time saying it's just head it's not even that bad.
Should have realized what she meant.
>ive had my inner thigh rubbed, my crotch grabbed, ass grabbed, arms felt, whatever. never once did i feel the need to call the person out who did it even if it was unwarranted.
Of course not. Dad would kick you out of the house.
>greatest challenge an actor could ever face
Crying while eating.
Try it.
>rape - pretend
good goy
>Who the fuck is Ian Mcshane?
Hugo Weaving pulled it off.
what film?
He did, but 20 years ago though when he was about to make Chasing Amy and Kevin Smith told him he'd have to kiss Jason Lee.
Hacksaw Ridge.
What is even up with Evan Rachel Wood that she seeks out a comment from 20 years ago and gets butthurt about it?
Try Sexy Beast. Or maybe that was consensual? Fuck, break out the canned peaches.
That scene where ed norton drops the soap in American History X
Easy to do.
>Wakeen Feenicks as Mel Gibson's son
wow, pretty stellar casting from a hack director
Did he kiss Jason Lee in that? I remember he tried to set up a threeway and they shot him down
If your method it's pretty doable.
Ned Beatty?
Smith was doing some press for a 20th anniversary screening of it and mentioned that story.
Fuck you so much right now. I swear to god m8.
It's his brother you moron.
>playing pretend is "challenging"
Fucking actors man.
It's not easy as a real person in real life.
Ed Norton
That doesn't look like River Phoenix at all.
if rape scenes are the hardest things that actresses can face, then the majority of B-movie actresses must be extremely good at their jobs to constantly have to endure it
>faking you were raped
>harder then having to actually kiss another man when you are straight
Give me a fucking break. Women are a fucking joke.
Here's your answer
What's so hard about kissing a man, regardless of sexuality? It takes like two seconds to do. Men are the real joke.
Do straight men cringe?
Seems pretty faggy to me.
Especially when you brag about your ability to cringe.
Why is it that when a woman accuses a white, rich, successful man of rape his career and life are pretty much over whatever the outcome of an investigation might be but when a woman accuses a brown, rich, successful man of rape with evidence on camera and in form of dna his career and life are left unchanged?
Cringe as an adjective is a really dumb word that people will suddenly stop using as an adjective when they realize it sounds as embarrassing as "fail."
>Accidentally tripped and penetrated
Just like my japanese cartoons.