>yfw you realize this movie wasn't about non-conformity, or socialist idealism, or personal strength
>but it was actually a literal warning to the system about what will happen if it keeps up what it's doing
Yfw you realize this movie wasn't about non-conformity, or socialist idealism, or personal strength
Other urls found in this thread:
>no diversity
There is literally no movie more for edgy faggots than fight club
>implying the movie wasnt literal
He had a magic handsome man inside of him all along
>"what WILL happen"
Was this literally the only song that the movie could've ended to?
Edgy if your literally a woman
Its actually virgin vs chad:the motion picture
>it actually wasn't that either though
It was about boys becoming men. The fight club was their self-made rite of passage in a society where men don't have any and remain children forever.
>tfw you realize this movie isn't about a critique of PC culture, or anarchy terrorism, or the modern zeitgeist
>but it was actually a literal movie about guys who like to beat each other up for fun
>yfw it's more relevant than ever
>mfw fight club predicted the alt right
>baby realizes existence is a prison
The movie is objectively, implicitly, and explicitly about the never ending masculinity crisis that started after our two devastating world wars and will continue until extreme radicalization occurs, ostensibly starting the process over again
bugmen hate it
>yfw you realise why lift when it's all about the face?
Only if you make it one, desu
>tfw Sup Forums told me antinatalism was a meme
>have a gut reaction of disgust whenever I think about having children
Pretty true, am 400lbs, god tier face, have to uninstall dating apps because of all the matches
Pic related, this was a week night
No it was about a guy that was bi polar.
I just discovered what antinatalism is.
Can't believe there are virgins out there that have attributed a negative perception to birth. Are you two really that angry for never having been laid?
>Plenty of fish
Looks like Plenty of WHALES, amirite?
It's not a prison if you can choose to leave whenever you want.
you are being bamboozled by your biological machine sir. existence is a raw deal. all sentient life must be exterminated.
>existence is a raw deal
Quit bitching you autistic wizard and quit crying because "tfw no gf"
Christians believe in the abomination that is original sin. Why burden a baby with it?
brush up on some schopenhauer kid, the amount of suffering in the world outweighs the amount of happiness
im not actually an antinatalist, i just find the philosophy interesting although flawed
Considering I'm a whale myself, at least for time being, I would say I'm in my element.
More like plenty of bitches that think just because they have a hole they should be treated like a queen
Sure the movie might have been something relatable to what you said, but the book was about coming out as gay.
it was about accepting that you're gay
tell me why you want to have children
tell us how its flawd
It predicted MGTOW, not the alt right
Most men look pretty decent if they get in good shape with a low body fat %. Women are the ones one got the raw deal as no amount of weight loss will fix most of them.
It was about gay sex, you mong.
>virgin vs chad
but in an internal way.
A man wanting to become more of a man,'s will never understand.
haha your are a fatty and can't talk to people irl.
They're both results from the same forces depicted in Fight Club. MGTOW is just more focused on the sexual/relational side while the alt-right is more about politics and society. Both are driven by young disaffected white men feeling (justifiably) that society doesn't care about them and trying to find meaning in a world that largely shuns traditional masculinity.
Happiness is a state of mind. You cannot measure and compare disease and crime and call it suffering while striking out any possibility of positivity/optimism, just as you cannot measure wealth and order and call it happiness or satisfaction with ones life. Like-wise, you cannot measure happiness as being equal to that of suffering. I would gladly go through the pain and suffering and humiliation of my formative years (0-24) just to experience the past year and a half that I've been with in my relationship every time.
As for philosophy, very few Enlightenment era philosophers did the west any good. A bunch of dour assholes.
>as no amount of weight loss will fix most of them.
In fact, women with a body fat percentage lower than 17% encounter a lot of fertility issues.
Women were meant for carrying fat.
Well blacks and Muslims are allowed to do whatever they want because they're oppressed
>the amount of suffering in the world outweighs the amount of happiness
Eh, you're full of shit. There's beauty in pain, grief, depression, and suffering. That's where I get most of my inspiration for writing from, like-wise with many artists that's also the case.
Suffering is just as important as happiness. Schopenhauer a shit.
If only becoming /fit/ would make you a Chad
How do we solve the lowtest numale epidemic?
>Well blacks ... are allowed to do whatever they want because they're oppressed
Lol. They either conform with white America or they live in urban ghettos murdering each other at third world nation rates. Sure, the handful that make it into higher education get a free pass, but they'll be ostracized all the same if they don't conform.
> Muslims are allowed to do whatever they want because they're oppressed
Maybe in Europe. Here in the U.S. they're too busy being "randomly" searched by the authorities to do whatever they want.
Kill them, let the high-test individual reproduce. Weak men make hard times. Hard times make hard men.
They'll be out-bred.
That's the supertext.
Subtext is that's something used to manipulate men.
People are in pain and don't want to continue in pain so they do whatever they can to minimize this pain. That's the foundation of nearly everything you do in your entire life. Fuck off with your relativist bullshit
>People are in pain and don't want to continue in pain so they do whatever they can to minimize this pain
Is that why there's literal people who fetishize pain?
Fucking dumbass. Fuck off with your retarded objectivist bullshit.
>arguing about emotion and feeling
>"fuck off with your relativist bullshit"
wew, never go full retard
One of the biggest industries in sex is BDSM material. Whips, chains, anal beads, etc.
One of the best selling genre's of fiction are tragedies, which is based upon the paradoxical concept of the suffering evoking feelings of catharsis/pleasure in the audience.
One of the biggest forms of fictional entertainment in general is drama, which is a sub-genre of the tragedy.
You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Like what was stated before, you cannot measure and quantify suffering and directly contrast it with pleasure/happiness, because both overlap. They are both a requirement in life.
And don't forget the social network, he literally predicted facebook.
this movie isnt "deep" you retard
its literally about gay sex
just hardcore raw dog anonymous gay sex
not memeing
if you think theres some substance to this than you are a pretentious brainlet
Pleb tier is thinking that Project Mayhem was a good thing.
Patrician tier is realizing that the movie ended just before things would have gotten really "interesting", and that in real life this populist revolution would likely have led to mass chaos, economic collapse, and the eventual rise of a new elite as bad as or worse than the previous one, or even a murderous totalitarian regime.
Sounds like we're ripe for a sequel desu
>masochists disprove our universal aversion to suffering
unbelievable, what a retarded argument
I'd love to see a movie with an anti-populist theme that avoids simplistic anti-Trump sort of narratives and explores the similarities between populist far left movements, populist far right movements, and Islamic fundamentalist movements.
Get cracking on the script senpai
why do people over think fight club?
It's not overthinking. The movie legitimately invites multiple interpretations.
Hmm... it's not my forte, but maybe I will.
>Weak men make hard times. Hard times make hard men
lol hivemind
because I can baptize him and clean him of said sin? your argument was pretty fucking retarded
No it isn't you tard. The entire movie is blatantly about how fragile masculinity is cancer and causes men to lose their shit for slight injustices against them any no one else.