Is it possible that he was wrong?
Is it possible that he was wrong?
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With what movie
super mario 3 is kino, how is he wrong about that?
He's not the most annoying person to wear that shirt.
he looks like one of the rapists from robocop
He's wrong about everything. May I remind you fucks of his Film Buff's Bucket List?
Super Mario 3 was great so fuck him
>Dick Suckmann
You keep using that word
With regards to what?
Sounds like you need to get Stuckmannized!
No because I will
And yeah these are all supposed to be films from the 2000s
Chris Stuckmann is the greatest director of his generation and is never wrong about anything.
No supposed to be about it, they are.
is this bait?
literally this is the kinda shit me and buddy would shoot when we were 11 to try to be edgy and badass. I remember thinking, "we're too young it's not realistic enough. If we had older actors it would look cooler" boy was i wrong
Best of the worst when?
I know he gets alot if shit but I unironically want his life...minus the autism of course
What? About Thor 2?
It would actually be nice if he guest starred on BotW and shitting on his own movie.
he really loves Tom Cruise. he probably tells people during parties how "some" people say he looks like Tom Cruise.
dude super mario 3 t shirt im a nerd lmao bazinga!!!
>and shitting on his own movie.
he can't. he'll probably start sobbing when Mike starts shitting on it.
at best a pleb
at worst a shill
Chris, why so far?
hisfw all the lads in this picture have BLACKED his wife when he was stuckmanizing youtube with his reviews.
This. He (ironically) has no ability to take criticism of laugh at himself. Also, the comedy skits he sometimes does are always awful so I don't see him appearing on rlm. Having said that, I should clarify that I do regularly watch his videos. I do think he generally has good taste.
>I do think he generally has good taste.
He might have gone too far in a few places.
No idea how such an overly sensitive beta got such a hot wife.
all of them
Maybe you’re wrong
no that's not possible he knows everything there is to know about movies
he already had a sob after they called him a prick on Re;View
Do you think they’ll ever forgive him?
Simple Lesions
Super Mario Bros 3 was kino but I still disagree with most of his cuck views.
Type 2 diabetes.
wow it's garbage
I like a decent number of those but the idea of them being a bucket list is just retarded