Did white slave masters really dress their slaves up as qt maids?
Did white slave masters really dress their slaves up as qt maids?
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Do American Africans have issues knowing they are the product of verifiable rape?
half of asia, russia and finland is the product of rape too who cares
Too bad abortions didn't exist back then.
This. Mongols literally raped everyone
>ywn be raped by mongol warlord qt
If you could, would you?
Are slave master's human like you?
Yeah but these rapes are a little closer to home
that ain't qt.
I would fucking set it up like Front Innocent. Maid outfits that expose everything. I'd breed negros purely for beauty and size of tits and hips.
For the price of one french dress they probably could have bought ten slave girls. Good Irish ones as well.
Why would you waste your time trying to make her presentable if you're just going to fail due to her ethnicity?
everyone has rape in their ancestry
FYI: From DNA testing we know that most mulattos then, as mulattos are now, were the product of mudsharking. Lonely housewives getting bored while their husbands were out fighting Dutch cunts and Frenchies.
Except Jesus.
*citation needed
nah. God was raised by a single mother
>this xD
You're a redditor
In Egypt?
It's not rape if they wanted it.
It's well known that the masters favorite slave girls lived in the house because he wanted to keep them from the hard, exhausting labor, and house slaves were whipped far less.
A decent percentage of the masters were fucking their slaves, and a good amount probably didn't mind it either.
That's one example. He free'd the children he had with her.
Never actually been proven, could have been one of his relatives.
They did whatever the fuck they wanted. Blacks weren't people back then, they were things.
All the good looking black girls back then were total sex objects.
Yeah I wonder if slavers in both north and south America kept slaves exclusively for sex, can anyone provide some reading?
When the race war comes, I wanna be prepared, I've caught my eyes on a set of black teenager twins that moved down the street.
>I'd breed negros purely for beauty
lmao good luck
Wow a united states president statutory raped a 14 year old negress??
Naw, not really.
>I'd breed negros purely for beauty
It would take you 100 million years to accomplish your goal
Nigga, 30 year olds regularly married 16 year old girls in the 18th century.
Breeding would take a while, but I'd want to mix in Persian and Asian features.
>Few years ago didn't find black women attractive
>Nowadays only find black women attractive
Thanks for the boner OP
Thanks Jews, you're truly our greatest ally
really? only black chicks? theres some hot ones but theyre the least attractive race by far
home to you is far away in whogivesafuckland to someone else
No, his touched in the head cousin did.
If he could turn down Maria Cosway he could turn down a subhuman.
if I was a landlord in the 19th century could I have my own harem of african cuties?
>only find black women attractive
You mean black women with Europeans features like sharp angler noses, soft fair hair (weaves) and bleached skin. Basically a white women with a really good tan.
>Watching porn of black chicks targeted towards black men
Amateur mistake.
that's her natural hair btw
jezabel vessir is the hottest black pornstar
>Not diamond jackson
best black milf for sure
"Black women with 'white' features" is no different from "I like men with 'feminine' features". Stop being insecure and call a spade a spade.
Holy shit, the one on the left has a huge scar on her huge butt wtf
Whenever someone tells me that slavery was a mistake I show them Stacey Dash.
I can never settle on just one.
Holy shit, Bioware are going out of their way pushing their SJW bullshit if that's how Morrigan is going to look in the next Dragon Age
Unlike the fingol meme African Americans are on average 20% white. That's why you get lightskin looking niggas.
I would have done the same. Daily reminder if you don't have a black concubine you are shaming your ancestors
harley dean and julie kay are cuter
Personally, I like sheboons like Serena Williams
She got slashed by her pimp.
Any sensible slave master would have them in a constant cycle of breeding and working, so as to maximize the return on his investment. In just one generation you would have a small army of niglets toiling the fields, bringing back twice the yield of their parents.
Black people are disgusting. If I had slaves I'd probably make them wear bags over their heads and I'd wear a gasmask around them.
Would it have been okay to have white or asian slaves back then? What if I had nigs in the fields and hot slaves in my house.
You have to be 18 and older to post here
>Stop being insecure
Hey I'm not the one bleaching my skin and putting on weaves you stupid nig. That's you.
>"Black women with 'white' features" is no different from "I like men with 'feminine' features"
holy shit you are retarded
>but I like dressing them up and fucking them
It's like homophobes all secretly wanting to suck cock
>Hey I'm not the one bleaching my skin and putting on weaves you stupid nig. That's you.
Women of every race do the same shit. You just can't get over your racism.
Nearly all of modern Germany (besides the muslim part) is the product of Slavs raping Germans
Though in truth it wasn't rape, the German women gave themselves to the Russians willingly and in their shame their cucked husbands invented the myth of "muh rape"
I don't hate blacks, I hate niggers.
Niggers are the violent, shallow, grotesque form of black people. Much like how African's call African-American's "American niggers".
>I'm not the one bleaching my skin and putting on weaves
Doesn't describe the woman in the post you replied to. You're just insecure virgin and in denial.
>holy shit you are retarded
You're just butthurt because it's the truth. "T-they're not really black/men because I say so!" Keep lying to yourself for no logical reason.
based racemixing german women
>Nearly all of modern Germany
Eastern Germany.
of course they gave in willingly you could fuck prime german pussy for the price of a stick of butter and hershey bar in 1945
Most were arborted.
I'm 23 but sick burn I guess.
>German women gave themselves to the Russians willingly and in their shame their cucked husbands invented the myth of "muh rape"
TL:DR - Russian trying to make up excuses for why his country raping women was A-Okay.
Not true. It's ~30% are mixed and have on average 15-20% White DNA.
Slave fucking was not that common
>willingly gave themselves
"Twenty-two Hoeringstrasse. It's not been burned, just looted, rifled. A moaning by the walls, half muffled: the mother's wounded, half alive. The little daughter's on the mattress, dead. How many have been on it? A platoon, a company perhaps? A girl's been turned into a woman, a woman turned into a corpse. . . . The mother begs, "Soldier, kill me!""
Uhuh, sure Slav-Tyrone...
Germans got better than they deserve at the end of WW2.
so did the jews
Russians got better than they deserved during WW2.
lmao, nice try GIDF
>buttmad kraut-cucks
lmao, crying "muh rapes" may have bought you US welfare in the 50s but people are tired of it
>brutally murder millions of people in the worst ways imaginable for absolutely no reason
>lose the war
>ve dindu nuvvin'
lmao fucking krouts holy shit
nice fake pic
you'll tell me Dresden bombing was real next, I'm sure
>brutally murder millions of people in the worst ways imaginable for absolutely no reason
You talking about Russia, or Germany?
The Kraut is incapable of understanding actions have consequences. They'll invade you and kill millions, and yet cry as if the victim when the retaliation comes
It's a mentality of children. The same mentality that has them destroy Europe every few decades since the time of the Romans
Obviously Germany, when you're fighting in defense, for your life -- that's a reason. Germans have no-one to blame but themselves that they're all rape babies today, they started something they never should have.
I fucking hate Sup Forums
As expected of the master-race.
>when you're fighting in defense, for your life -- that's a reason.
Right, so what was the "reason" for the Red Terror and the Great Purge?
>Second kiss
Britcucks started WW1 and caused WW2.
lmaoing @germans expecting compassion for what they went through in WWII. the fucking irony.
for 99% of human history rape was how everyone had sex, consent has only been around in a blink of an eye, history wise
>communist rats thinking they're lives mattered
lmao, US should've finished the job that Germany wasn't able to finish.
exterminating krauts is an act of european self-defense.
u wot m8