Who's the strongest actor?

Who's the strongest actor?

There are probably actors way stronger than these two guys, but I'm throwing them out as a start.

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Hafhor Bjornsson. There is literally no other correct answer.

Hafpor Julius Bjornsson


Eddie Hall should get into acting.

>I thought he'd stop after deadlifting literally half a metric tonne


Holy cringola. Why do weigtlifters always act like they're about to be dropped into a war zone or some shit. Like dude, you're just picking up a piece of fucking metal and putting it back down. Stop acting like you're a fucking God or something.

He's done something literally nobody in the history of the planet has done before


>Look bro, he's able to inject more steroids than everyone else! Isn't that so f*cking epic!?

Have you never done anything athletic and competitive? It get's the blood and morale flowing, dumbass.

>posts only women will understand


Strongest how? Gym muscles can lift heavy rocks? Fighting muscles? Or do you mean strength of heart and mind? Or strongest character? Clint Eastwood? James woods? Maybe the strongest animalistic survival urges when shtf be that person that can savagely and mercilessly kill/eat other people to survive? I vote Marky Mark for a cover all bet

So that's why you can't understand, you're looking from a position of someone who can't imagine putting the amount of work into your body required to be capable of those feats

Best bet is to avoid judging people by your own standards. It's difficult but once you manage you'll be better for it

Also, I know it's a blue board, but you won't get in trouble for saying "fucking", I promise

>implying it could be anyone other than Dwayne "the rocket" Johnson

i could beat this fat faggots ass, what is he like 5'9?

fucking manlet

this is Sup Forums, so no. other poster is a faggot who will never accomplish anything

Speak for yourself

But could he lift the log the mountain llifted and break a 10000 years old record?

This nigger right here really just censored himself on Sup Forums