newfag here, just started watching the old stuff and her voice makes me warm inside
Newfag here, just started watching the old stuff and her voice makes me warm inside
Other urls found in this thread:
Spoilers: she hits the wall HARD
I'd like to get inside her warm inside.
>not feet
What are you, a faggot?
she started off splattered on the wall tho
Threads like this are why she killed herself and Mike covered it up.
That's honestly sad
Don't get used to her.
Fucking Wisconsin.
What happened to her?
>irrelevant opinions about movies
>terrible attempts at making movies
>only famous for hating 3 movies a lot
>the voice and presentation is pretty good though
why do people watch all of their shit when only the plinkett reviews are entertaining.
1. Best Of The Worst
2. Plinkett
3. Re:View
4. Half in the Bag
5. Previously Recorded (the reviews not the stream)
6. Nerd Crew
I always thought she was cute as fuck, and really funny. No one could accuse her of being a radio hole.
went to live in a van down by the river
creepers on Sup Forums kept making creepy threads about her
i heard she got spooked by an internet stalker so not on camera anymore. sounded plausible.
Probably typical internet shit. Semi-attractive female in something people like, there's bound to be a few crazy creepers either sending sex shit or death threats.
My "review" of Reddit Letter Media
>posting in a friend simulator thread
>idolizing an aging group of youtube vloggers from Milwaukee
>he gives his real-life "friends" money every month
>an unemployed construction worker, the trick monkey fraud of the group. knows two tricks: forced laughter and becoming violent. brava, rich! brava!
>a failed viral marketer with an ugly wife and children with terrible names ('myson packard?'). he knows he's the least popular cast member and desperately tries to fit in by making fun of reddit on stream
>an over-the-hill "director" weighed down by his talentless friends. only makes "ironically bad" videos because they're immune to criticism. his latest production 'Space Cop' will expose him as a fraud and be a spiritual and economic disaster. he will eventually go the route of orson welles, balloon up to 500 pounds and die at the ripe age of 50.
>the curdling definition of a parasite. ditters on her phone while the men do all the hard work. got caught buying jewelry with actual Patreon money.
>the only cast member showing any self-improvement or growth. still has a long way to go, but has already outgrown RLM.
I like how Reddit Letter Media is a company founded upon criticism, insulting and berating others and their works, but HEAVEN FORBID that anyone criticize them! They'll even ban you from their stream if they catch a whiff of dissatisfaction. It's amazing how creatively lazy the group has become. They were better when they were a starving group. Now they can sit on their fat asses, drink beer and make fart jokes while you throw money at the screen. Amazing.
Genuine question, do you have a word document or notepad file where you save various pastas?
you mean a folder?
she's always been ugly
I used to but then my old computer was confiscated by the powers that be and I don't want to leave too much incriminating info on the library one I currently use.
You have some good taste.
I dont watch 5 or 6 at all not my thing. But i agree Botw is their best content.
wife tier
Nigga got google docs of tha shit.
Creepy internet people. You can hear her off screen in some newer BotWs.
Terrible standards my man.
>watch season 1
>mike is relatively thin
jay was the only one who came out alive. he actually looks better now
user what did you do
It amazes me that people still don't know about what happened to her
>season 1
Please tell me
t. newfags
Either he's making some kind of retarded injoke, or he's talking about the years HitB come out, as they're subdivided on the RLM site by year.
I haven't been to the main site in years
>watch the prequels
>mike is like half his current weight
Have I covered everything?
>God tier
Mr Plinkett 2008-2012
Mr Plinkett ads and trailers
Half in the Bag episodes 21
Best of the Worst 2013 and 2014 episodes
Commentary tracks
>Great tier
Half in the Bag episodes 1-20, 22-99
>Good tier
Behind the Scenes videos
Shorts and Weird Stuff
How Not to Make a Movie
>Okay tier
Nerd Crew
Current Year Plinkett
Current Year Half in the Bag
Feeding Frenzy
GMP-era stuff
>Shit tier
Space Cop
Gorilla Interrupted
The Recovered
Pre Rec (all of it)
Current Year Best of the Worst
Half in the Bag
anything else I've missed
She was talking about scoring some drugs accidently got picked up on mic during a twitch stream, then never saw her after that so I'm guessing Jay fired her
Really? Which ones?
Then why does she still help them with videos behind the scenes if she was "fired?"
I bought the recovered on that bizarre site, and it's worth it for the commentary.
Is there a commentary for Space Cop?
I couldn't tell you, but after she disappeared. It's small stuff like making a joke off camera in one episode.
Let me rearrange that list.
1. Best of the Worst
2. Re:View
3. Half in the Bag
4. Nerd Crew
5. Plinkett
5. Previously Recorded
Plinkett is highly overrated in my opinion even though it is good. The problem I have with it is that it's like their first video that really blew up and now normies treat it like the Plinkett channel.
They still need someone to do the crappy jobs off camera and it's easier than hiring someone else I guess
Yes there is as Space Cop commentary, I guess "commentary tracks" covers them, but I was specifically referring to the commentaries they do for other films on their bandcamp page:
>The problem I have with it is that it's like their first video that really blew up and now normies treat it like the Plinkett channel.
They don't do that since 2014 or 2015 when they stopped making Plinkett videos for ages, the only Plinkett reviews they've released since 2012 have been TFA and Ghostbusters, really BotW and HitB have become the flagship series
Her and Mike are still together too, it would be awkward to kick out his girlfriend.
I actually prefer the star trek plinkets to the star wars ones though
Yeah those are great. I like that they don't have the increasingly longer skits like the star wars ones do too.
RLM's biggest flaw is the fact that they lack a strong 4th man. Jack is just terrible, and Beardfat is only good on Re:View.
Collin is pretty decent, but now he's lumped together with Jim, who is just boring.
Only the AotC review has the annoying skits, RotS cuts them all out and saves them for a seperate video at the end that you can skip.
They don't need a 4th man, it can just be Jay + Mike + Rich with the occaisional guest sometimes.
4th man should just be a guest spot. Len K isn't amazingly charismatic, but he's got really neat knowledge about a lot of shitty movies. Max Landis is a tool most of the time, but I liked him on RLM. I wish they could net some more guests.
Why is it when I smile for the photo I always end up looking like Mike here?
>normies treat it like the plinkett channel
Some of us have been here from before YouTube when all they had was plinkett videos
Fat neck, probably
And their shitty movies, don't forget their shitty movies
Dead inside
Jack's grown on me
Jim's fucking hilarious
Jack and Bearfat are their friends, they aren't just going to say, "You can't be on the show anymore, because people on Sup Forums dislike you."
They even make jokes about Jack and Beardfat being rating drops, like that fake BotW with the IceCream man, and in explaining what Re:View would be like after Tremors.
>mfw not a SINGLE pathetic RLM fanboy KEK drone has EVER successfully refuted this devastatingly accurate "review", especially the last paragraph
Think I’ve read it in some other thread, valuable opinion.
They were behind the scenes or in just background roles for years before BotW started, I think Beardfat just made like one appearance on HitB and AIDSMoby was Mailman Tommy and a couple of other background characters, I don't know why that had to change for BotW.
Pro tip: you don't hit the wall like that if you're not a fat slob who eats too much.
>When her heavenly laugh penetrates your ears.
women always hit the wall to some extent even if they're relatively attractive, just look at Current Year Marzgirl.
>oink oink oink
seen Halle Berry recently?
>Previously Recorded
I thought I was cynical about video games, but jesus, some of Rich's opinions are ridiculous.
favorite episode:
>just look at Current Year Marzgirl
show her without a ton of makeup and then I might listen.
What did she mean by this?
>30+ year old woman still trying to look and act like a teenager
embarassing d e s u
I know they were working together since before BotW. Hell, Jack appeared in the Episode I Plinkett, with a hilarious balding hairdo.
They probably made BotW so they could make more videos faster, and they use more people so it wasn't just Mike, Rich and Jay on screen.
yes but i find that amusing/entertaining. But fuck jack sucks at games and is so bad at almost everything they play. aids moby.
Jesus Christ did she melt?
she's financially secured so she can become a full-tier slob, or something like that
i always found her to be a insufferable cunt with terrible opinions on all the videos shes on. no idea why people care what she looks like.
>samefagging this hard
P-p-please pay a-a-attention to my p-p-post
I hate how AIDSMoby tries to portray himself as "le hardcore old school gamer!!!" but then you watch him try to play anything and he can barely fucking move.
Also Rich sucks shit too, he has 1000+ hours on Xcom but still nearly died to six sectoids on the first, as well as being a salty manbaby who will actually start screaming when he gets upset or chat prove him wrong about something.
Woah, expensive looking gold necklace
OP here
every time she laughs I feel like everything is gonna be ok
What Hell hath man wrought?
rich does say he sucks though and is entertaining mostly when he spazzes out.
I feel bad for jay. He's the only one with any real interest in cinema but they always pull him down shaming his "artsy-fartsy" taste
>i-its all acting, i swear
sorry Rich, you're not fooling anyone.
>terrible opinions
isn't she only in BOTW? how can you have a bad opinion in that
Seriously, what went wrong?
Patton Oswalt
you missed game station
He clicks pretty well with Beardfat, and their Re:Views are great.
Mike just likes genre stuff, that's his passion. He just wants fun SciFi with characters and stories that aren't completely awful.
Its funny how in the BR2049 review he had to admit that his "I don't care about anything" attitude in videos is just an act and he's not much of an edgelord in real life.