Man the FUCK up and name your favourite movie

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Blade Runner


i don't care bout the atheist critics backlash.

>those accents
how the fuck can people take this seriously?

>favorite movie


I'm also a fan of high fantasy

What a shit movie, you have shit taste


i WILL not hesitate to report any antisemitismc posts ITT.

Dont test me bucko, I don't think you want to meet the devil tonight

the fifth element.



As much as I’ve been conditioned to not pick any one SINGLE movie as a favourite, if push came to shove this would be it for me. It’s just a PERFECT movie. Not perfect in the technical sense, but perfect in the way you’re not left wanting too much more.

>memorable dialogue
>killer soundtrack
>iconic mise-en-scene

Could go on and on, but instead dubs get and I ditch thread and go watch this. now.


Lord of the Rings Trilogy (idgaf if its 3 movies it counts as 1)


Salieri is Wojak, Mozart is Pepe
>What's that, wagie? You've been working hard on a piece to impress the Emperor? Let me just instantly improve that

>OP is mad that his b8 thread didn't turn into a b8 thread

Pulp Fiction. Aliens is a close second.

Everyone flag this video for hate speech


