More whitewashing? Should be Sinbad.
> white
Why can't they get someone who's actually buff?
Forget white privilege, there's some serious skeleton privilege going on here.
fuck off reddit
What the hell is this shit?
Isn't Shazam supposed to be a big guy?
How did this BossLogic art get so popular?
It's posted every time new rumors and castings are announced.
Levi is his middle name, you idiot
obviously he's going to undergo an intense gym routine before shooting faggot
What are you bleating about now, faggot?
>People can't bulk up
you can't cheat bone structure
>magical being
>costume has military grade armor plating
??? he's like a genie or some shit right?
> oh of course not. he's not Jewish at all. He's a very devout Christian!
Directed by the guy who made this
Christians using Jewish surnames to break into Hollywood. They flipped the script.
Awesome excited movie
>brown eyes
I don't know that much about Shazam, but shouldn't he be buffer?
In Europe everyone calls them mountain jews lol
Who will play young billy bason?
>inb4 Irish aren't White
I wanted cena but I am more excited about this
Shazam gets his powers from a literal wizard. He doesn’t need to be huge.
Venetians are Sea Jews
English are Island Jews
The Dutch might be swamp Jews.
Isn't he usually drawn as a massive body builder, even by comic book standards though?
This lanklet piece of shit is double dipping, he was already that faggot in Thor's crew in Thor 2. How is the mouse letting this happen?
Of course.
You and all the cena fans, leterally tought he was going to be shazam?
Damn you people, you have the shittiest taste i evered seen.
They start filming in February. He has time to gain some muscle
It's a comic book movie stop taking it seriously, user! It's just fun! I love MARVEL movies!
Fucking awful choice
DC doesn't know what the fuck they're doing
Sorry user, next time he will ask you what movie he works.
And , can i go to the bathroom, i need to go.
clever girl
Psyched about this casting, he's like 6'3 too, the JL is huge.
"I give you 5 seconds Gohan to either jump off or be thrown off by me"
It should have been Channing Tatum
Henry Cavill is 6'1 and he is superman. I dont think zachary would have a problem with his height.
Why the fucking armor parts? The guy is magic
He was going to portray gambit, right?
DC needs a Iron Man like character. . Looks wise
Lol he pulled a Whoopi Goldberg.
Shazam is a pure int mage. His muscles are merely a glamour.
Irish should be round up and shot.
>not Patrick Warburton
kys hollywood
>The white man with the Jew name is actually christian
>The Maori who made Ragnarok is actually a covert kike
They still going with The Rock for Black Adam, will he still be called Black?
The kid from Stranger Things I'll bet. He's already connected to WB through IT and he has his on star power now
>they're making it a quirky comedy of quips, tension negated by comedic relief, and forgettable lead
When did you realize DC deliberately bought Captain Marvel and Fawcett's properties specifically to shit all over them forever more for being more popular than Superman in the fifties?
>I don't know much about Batman but shouldn't he be buffer?
Yes. Black Manta is in Aquaman
>When did you realize DC deliberately bought Captain Marvel and Fawcett's properties specifically to shit all over them forever more for being more popular than
Never ? Because if they wanted to destroy Captain Marvel they would have just never used him until the point that he was as obscure as Stardust the Super Wizard
Germans are the white jews
I'm sorry are you from the past? He's 52. He would have been perfect 20 years
You don't destroy characters by allowing them to remain legendary pieces of history, you run them into the ground to ruin their legacy.
He'd already been beefy in roles before Batman. When has Levi ever looked beefy in anything ever? How much could he possibly pack on in a few months, and how much of that will he actually achieve? Not everyone has Bale's dedication.
But Shazam was originally played by Shaq
Well has more than a few months. I'm sure he can pack on the muscle. Loads of actors beef up for roles. DC is probably the best place to get jacked in Hollywood these days
Wait, that's not John Cena! The fuck is this shit?!
Learn how to spell before making fun of someone's taste, faggot.
They killed him off
You are oblivious to the fact that actors use steroids to bulk up for roles.
It's not gimmicky trash I can tell you that
You are retarded and fail to make any kind of sense. Kill yourself.
Shazam is just the hero right? Who's gonna be the kid?
Wasn't Dwayne the Rock Johnson the main character or is he playing Black Adam?
Yeah and it's a big contract issue to go over to DC films from any Marvel one (Fox, Disney or Sony) unless your character died or was a small role that got dropped shortly afterwards
>Actors don't use roids
Yeah just like gal gadot
Black Adam
Its different for women and you know it is
Men and women are held to different standards with this shit
Inb4 he now gains 50lbs of lean muscle in 3 months by doing some light swimming and crunches
Sucks but he's probably a bit too old. He should voice Mr Mind or Tawky
>A bit
By the time the film comes out he will be 54
Who will play Tawky or Mary Marvel ?
That was Kazaam ya simp!
Idris Elba
too goofy
we are making a cinematic masterpiece equall to the rest of the DCEU so go back to your funny books kiddo
I don't care about his buffness, that'll probably be fixed with steroids, bodysuits and CGI. But that motherfucker just doesn't have the Captain Marvel Chin, or face shape, goddammit. He looks more like Billy Batson all grown up, rather than powered up.
My brain is full of fuck
he's a sandnigger alright
>He looks more like Billy Batson all grown up, rather than powered up.
maybe that's what the story is about, billy travelling in time to a future where he had powers or switching bodies with another in another multiverse where he has these powers and the wizard just enables these.
Director said it was going to be bright and colorful. So Talky could fit but probably too many characters to introduce in one movie
Beefing up was never mandatory for actors. One of the extreme rare cases was Mark Hamill, or the 300 movie. Both Hugh Jackman and Bates did physical transformations for their roles on their own initiative. The credit goes all to them.
Producers just don't care because they usually do a lot of fixer ups in post editing.
godawful casting as usual from DC
Why though?
>tfw he has to be shopped to hell and back to make him fit for the role
Sup Forums's ideal Shazam!
>John Cena as Shazam
>The Rock as Black Adam
>Jacob Tremblay as Billy Batson
>Directed by Robert Zemeckis
Well played, my fellow white man.
I'd prefer someone like Brad bird directing but Annabel was a solid horror movie for the most part.
Maybe LuLu will be Mary Marvel
>Capt marvel fights black Adam
>hero fights his opposite
Come on. Give us Dr Sivana or Mr Mind
(Clint Howard as Sivana obviously)
what did Hollywood mean by this?
>not Sam raimi directing
>not Hulk Hogan as Wizard Shazam
He looks like a weasel. I have doubts roids will fix his face. He's supposed to look like a superhero and act like a child. Not look like a fink-like queer and act like a manchild. Though the guy that plays the new Tick looks like a fink too and he's amazing regardless.
lol white people.
>ethnicity - a bunch of nationalities
fucking lol.
Guess my ethnicity is Louisiana, Mississipi, New York, Illinois and Ohio.
Literally just put down white. Stop all this "Actually, I'm 1/25th German-Irish on my Grandmother's aunt's side"