Is Batman the most interesting character in all of fiction?

Is Batman the most interesting character in all of fiction?

no. that title goes to my dick :D


He's not even the most interesting character in his own universe.

>all of fiction
you high.

Tho, i recently thought aboutwhy i like batman; it's not yhe character of his, its the absolute grim and crazy gothem and its villains. Prolly has something to do with me having an awesome riddler action figure in my childhood, too.
Grotesque batman chatacters are this cool borderline between reality and pure fiction. Every other suoerhero i know has some normal city/setting to it; and gotham is like this batshit fun circus.

This. Batman has by far the best villains of any hero.


Haven't read the comics, but from what I've seen in movies, he seems a bit one-dimensional.


The Punisher



Hamlet says hi


Nope. Spider-Man and Flash have better

>Every other suoerhero i know has some normal city/setting to it

You must not know that many superheroes or you just didn't think about it for more than two minutes. To many Marvel heroes are in New York though

typingv isqhard

>I have mommy issues and I’m too lazy to avenge my fathers death

Fuck off lit

The Molecule Man

Not a theory not an opinion

>One dimensional character
>interesting character

I changed my answer to The Molecule Man

if you genuinely believe this you must seriously fucking retarded

Hamlet is a whiny, pontificating, depressed little bitch. His stepfather literally kills and cucks his dad, taking the throne from him in the process, and Hamlet doesn't even have the balls to do anything about it when he has the chance because Claudius just happens to be praying at the time.

>Ooooooh, conscience does make cowards of us all! He's trying to repent for his sins!

Fuck that. Batman literally becomes a badass vigilante motherfucker who devotes his entire life to fucking people like his parent's killer the fuck up. Claudius would be swallowing his teeth if Batman and Hamlet switched places. Shakespeare is a hack, by the way.

So did The Punisher except he's more interesting.

I like how Magneto is neither good nor evil, yet has very clear objectives.

name a more interesting character then

Does the Punisher have a remote control metal boomerang? Yeah, didn't fucking think so.

Batman spends his days fucking supermodels and his nights fucking criminals up. The Punisher spends half his time cry-wanking into his edgy skull t-shirts. That's the best he could come up with? A skull? What did he image search the word "scary" and leave it at that? Batman is so cool his entire vigilante identity is based around a traumatic childhood event about bats. Most people don't even find bats scary, so he makes bats scary. Checkmate.

Murder isn't evil? I believe he named his group the Brotherhood of EVIL Mutants

The Punisher had an entire ongoing comic series just about his fucking weapons.

He only does so to prevent another genocide.

True punishing is his life.

John Constantine could be interesting assuming DC gets it together

>Muh guns
Another great example of creativity from the Punisher i.e walking talking bitch boy mcgee. Guns! Who would have thought of using a gun as a weapon? Where DOES he come up with his ideas?

Jesus Christ: The Son of God

>as interesting as Lucifer
Nah mate

Good point

Lucifer is a poor man's Ross from Friends

>multiple conflicting canons
>spergs out randomly
>gets killed off, deus ex machina to bring him back for a post credits scene

The whole spinoff was a travesty with none of the edge or violence of the original. Why the fuck would they retcon a character who was notoriously no-bullshit allowed who literally commits mass genocide of the human race apart from a handful of people just because they pissed him off a bit to be forgiving and gracious? Makes zero sense. They pissed on the memory of a much better text.

>everyone having a good time and actually working hard
>Jesus kicks over everyone's work and starts shrieking about where his dad works.
Was Jesus autistic?

>Most interesting

Please kys
My vote goes either to Sherlock Holmes, or Jesus
>Inb4 fedora meme
Jesus is a historical person but his story is highly fictionised

>mainly relates to his disciples by telling them about other stories he has heard (muh parables) rather than just speaking to them like a regular human being

Definitely on the spectrum.

>metal boomerang
>fucking supermodels

so deep


Fucking hell I really hope you don't go around thinking that being "deep" makes you an interesting person. What a joke. Do you honestly think a deep and meaningful conversation is more interesting than plummeting towards the earth at terminal velocity to save someone's life? Which do you think would have your heart racing faster than the speed of light? A conversation about Satre? A wordy academic breakdown of neo-existentialist tendencies in the age of late capitalism? Fucking OFF yourself.


>Is Batman the most interesting character in all of fiction?
>in all of fiction

Yep OP, not since the epic of Odysseus or the saga of King Arthur, has a more interesting character been created. The tragedy of Othello? The steadfast courage of Samwise Gamgee? All pale in comparison to Batman.

Hell, compare pic related to the greatest Romantic painters, and I think you'll see who the winner is.

Jesus, Muhammad or Satan





nostalgia tier:


honorable mentions tier:

the phantom


I don't know. Is he?

trash opinion, get a better one.

Batman is the most reddit fictional character of all time

>comparing a goatfucking complete degenerate to those two

You know you need to kill yourself

Captain Nemo is, brainlet.

Never noticed his nails before, gross


can you expand on that, got me curious

jesus christ no.

Read 20000 leagues under the sea.


one of the most ineresting for sure... even if it depends on the author... certainly btas batman was not as interesting as nolan's batman or bvs batman but you get the point

He has the most interesting backstory of any superhero, for sure.

I hate how the movies seem to downplay his character though.

Jews and Jewboos just combined all the cool stuff from the people's surrounding themselves stories. Like the Persians (who enslaved them for a century) and their Good/Evil opposing forces and a world that would end in fire, and punishment by ever lasting fire.