"He killed millions..."

>"He killed millions..."
>"...To save billions"

Other urls found in this thread:


Inspector Marlott wouldn't approve

>He killed millions...
>...To make billions

(insert any billionaire's picture here

Are you talking about Hitler or Quentin?

really weird line to end schindlers list with, not sure what spielberg was thinking

He was good friends with Raimi at the time. It really was a different time.

>"Life is like a game, there could be many players..."
>"...If you don't play with them, they'll play with you."

>this guy's a ghost
>he's got no girlfriend, no house, he doesn't even have a degree

>What about the welfare records, have you checked there?

That's racist.

>not even a speeding ticket!

Who did Bill Gates kill?

Steve Jobs

Who did Steve Jobs kill?


The same as any other billionaire

Why do people think Gates and Buffett are some innocent old men? Are you that fucking gullible?

The guy has literal TEAMS of people shilling for him online.

You're a retard. You don't get to be worth 80 billion dollars (more than some countries entire GDP) by being a good, friendly, "harmless" guy who pretends to like what you like

>you just don't get it do you ?

>I got this.

fun fact: a million seconds is only 3 hours. a billion seconds is 3 trillion years.

the moer u know

child workers

He did nothing wrong.



>he killed 6 millions
>to save 7 billions

>It's ok to end any amount of lives without their consent to save a bunch of lives
What did leftists mean by this?

>modern medicine violate the NAP

Must be a nice delusional spot you've carved out pretending you have no ambiguity to deal with.

>My life is a joke

I'm pretty sure he was a faggot.
