It's exactly 2:53.
Twin Peaks /tpg/
Kyle Mac deserves a fucking enemy for his performance. The Return was the best and most fresh piece of television in a long time.
David Lunch lol
Do you think Mark Frost would weep if he knew that we had consistent /tpg/ threads every single day from May to October 26th. His book comes out and people suddenly stop making these threads.
Season 4 when?
I tried watching Stranger Things 2 and I felt my brain just melting away doing it, it made me appreciate the supernatural elements of The Return so much more, while it may have initially felt like the FBI storyline was a little hamfisted, it is still refreshing and original in its own right.
and with this I know that The Last Jedi will be good.
>palm trees in South Dakota
i-is this what LYNCHing feels like?
Detective Mackley?
I miss you guys its not fair
Fuck Mark Frost
the FBI storyline was one of the best parts, only plebs thought otherwise.
>gordon cole awkwardly raising his arms in the air on the zoom out
it was great.
I don't know, what makes it a pleb thing to dislike it? It's by far the most conventional of the storylines, a lot of it amounts to little more than expository dialogue fleshing out the lore. I'll say there's a lot of great scenes in there, but feels like after Part 11 they had very little left to do with those characters so literally they spend the rest of the season in that hotel room where nothing happens.
Say one nice thing about Mark Frost
If you guys could fuck off back to your facebook group, that'd be great.
>haven't made any webms since my gf found out and shamed me for them
bad feels bros. s4 when?
why'd she shame you for it?
I love watching /tpg/ die its slow cancerous death
we're on Sup Forums
on Sup Forums
can't really blame her, especially with how sexual twin peaks can be. bitches get jealous way too easily.
WHOA those fuckin eyebrows
still best donna
Frost is responsible for all of the real-world occult and paranormal lore in the series and it wouldn't be what it is without him.
she has also never seen twin peaks, so i guess something like webm related could be a bit disturbing
What a joke of a series and a fanbase lol
DOguei go on road trip
>user gets tfd early
>starts spoiling shit
>first interesting thing to happen on /tpg/ in months
>thread disappears without reaching bump limit and nobody makes a new one
>user disappears
So this is what getting lynched feels like
user is dead.
need to rewatch season 3 in full- pure kino bliss
I also remember the time spent together with the good friends at /tpg/ while it was airing
does anybody remembers vedderposting? eh eh those were the times.
Do you see cream corn on that plate?
you're a pleb, retard.
only a few fbi scenes towards the end were lore dump- redeemed by the unconventional finale
Only two days before the WINDOMINATION
Want to have babies with
>gordon pretending not to hear albert and getting BTFO
>that smoking scene
>albert getting lynched
>lynched getting lynched
>not where it counts
the fbi stuff was hilarious
My biggest problem with the FBI storyline is that it was ultimately pretty pointless. It all leads up to the Twin Peaks sheriff station where the top 10 anime fights battle happens, RealCoop says hi to Gordon (doesn't even acknowledge albert wtf), and goes away with Diane to ruin everything. What did the FBI contribute to the overall story?
And the only reason I'm a bit upset about it is because it was my favourite storyline, along with the Mitchum brothers.
Laura, NO!!!
Why did Audrey marry a dwarf?
is Rian Johnson patrician?
I'm glad to see Dougie Jones celebrated and embraced, even if it was a very divisive character. It feels like a really iconic chapter to the Twin Peaks saga now, it is definitely one of my favorite things about the show
I'm about to see S3. What should i expect?
Because she was a beta womanlet
All the qts became milfs
Was Diane really a tulpa that Agent Cooper made?
Diane was the tape recorder
In season 3 she's presented as a real person.
Coop has autism
Why was this season so bad, guys?
What did anything contribute? Most of it was pointless, narrative purpose didn't matter. Also Coop didn't go ruin everything
>new season introduces a bunch of new characters and storylines
>none of them go anywhere
pure kino with a generous side serving of filler sequences\plotlines (still kino filler plotlines)
the fbi sequences were entertainment on their own right. They glued everything together because their purpose was to try and make sense of everything.
>Laura Palmer’s underage pussy was so good that Bryson became a tranny
Was Mr.Jackpot evil at the end?
Was Diane a real person?
Dougie got home and was good
What about Philip Jeffries?
Why are the bearded men electrocuting?
What the fuck was up with Audrey and that accountant?
>boi-oi-oing sound effects and audience hollering any time Sheryl Lee bounced around on screen
Really Lynch?
>laugh track when Cooper asked "What is your name?"
felt tasteless
>The Return was the best and most fresh piece of television in a long time.
about the finale - what is Coop's "original plan"?
>Coop goes back in time to save Laura
>preventing her from being killed by taking her to the portal to take her "home"
what was the plan here? take her through the portal in the woods to the red room? so she has to sit around in there for all eternity? or would she have been put back into the golden orb?
and what is the "two worlds plan"?
>original plan fails, Laura gets taken by Judy
>Laura is put into parallel world (?)
>Coop and Diane move into parallel world to do what exactly??
>have awkward sex, Diane leaves, Coop becomes asshole (diner scene)
>Coop takes Laura to her house to see her mom (?)
>plan fails as mom isn't there, only other people and Judy who fucks shit up (?)
ok so what was the "two worlds plan"? to go into the other world and take Laura to her old house and mother? So now "home" literally means her old home instead of the red room / lodge / orb? Even if her mom was in that house, what would that have accomplished?
Dougie is my spirit animal
Cooper at that point knew who Sarah had become, he was taking her there for a confrontation. "It's in our house now", *distorted vinyl crackling intensifies*.
Lynch was just making a bunch of shit up and shooting it, it was Lynch's Scribble Pad - The Series
That's Inland Empire, you brainlet.
>ywn shitpost for hours on end after watching an episode ever again
>ywn experience /tpg/'s episode 8 shitstorm for the first time
Feels bad man
but that confrontation is just Laura screaming and Judy murdering her and Cooper?
That final moment is meant to be personally interpreted. I believe the house going out of power is basically the dream shutting off again, followed by Laura and Cooper being thrown back to the red room destined to repeat the cycle forever in order to contain Judy to the 430 reality/Odessa and keep her from corrupting the real world.
How come Jaques is still alive in season 3?
See the closing credits, fuckball
I was feeling inspired, remnants of /tpg/, and made a sega genesis cover of the Twin Peaks theme. How'd I do?
ok I like the idea but it begs some questions:
what hints towards Coop and Laura repeating the cycle?
what indicates that Judy can be trapped like this at all?
probably related to this: what are the two birds in this plan (with one stone)?
finally, can you work the original series and fwwm plot into this, i.e. coop saying "don't take the ring, laura", laura getting the ring from one armed man, apparently so she gets killed by bob instead of posessed by bob
>what hints towards Coop and Laura repeating the cycle?
The fact that the final shot of the series, and probably Twin Peaks, are both of them back in the Red Room, right where they started.
Also, in terms of repeating the cycle: the final episode was Cooper repeating now for the third time, the "essence" of Twin Peaks: find Laura and try to save her (or find out what happened, or whatnot). The final episode was a distillation of the core of Twin Peaks (a microcosm of the series), which is Cooper trying to save/search for Laura.
original series: Cooper wanders through many dead ends and red herrings, learning about Laura's life before intuiting the secret of Laura's death
The Return 1-17: Cooper is zapped back to the real world as a catatonic Dougie, before intuiting his forgotten purpose - which is not to stop the doppelganger - which is getting to Diane and going through the basement room in the Great Northern to find Laura
Season 3 ep18: Cooper and Diane travel to an alternate reality/dream/new narrative to find Laura/Carrie and bring her home
Here guys, made this webm. I'm sure someone else had this, but meh.
>some are murdered
>some are left barely alive
>some do just go nowhere
Such is life
This sucks
not him
I can see what Lynch/Frost were trying to simulate, in that in real life you have a lot of stories that sound interesting or you get invested in but never have closure. However I can't say that that makes for particularly satisfying television. It's one of the things i'm ultimately disappointed in the season for, and hope -but sincerely doubt, lol- that the extra features on the blu-ray set (or the book, ha) can fill me in on.
I’m fairly certain all the features are just behind the scenes stuff, not deleted scenes
The book has a lot of answers though from what I’ve seen but a lot of people probably won’t like that it’s not from Lynch
>no more posting picture after picture of /ourguy/ kyle and /ourgal/ sheryl
It hurts user, it hurts
>but a lot of people probably won’t like that it’s not from Lynch
I guess, but people on this board just like to conveniently (and wrongly) blame Mark Frost for every thing they don't like about TP old and new, which is just fanboyism to be ignored.
>he hasnt seen ray donovan
Is Final Dossier out? How is it?
it's out on Halloween. A few preview pages were posted a few days ago, and it has some interesting stuff that kinda fills you in on some of the story gaps in the show. I only saw a snippet of a page but it was talking iirc of Ben Horne committing Audrey.
>he gets upset seeing brothers of all types coming to know and love Twin Peaks and Sheryl Lee
A sad, sad man is you.
>dude on the right’s shirt
Based nigs.
What the FUCK was his problem?
I know this is the Twin Peaks general and not the Lynch general exactly, but I found this cool behind the scenes from Mulholland Drive and I figured some of you might like it
Also here are some cute screenshots from the trio. Too lazy to edit them together/make reaction images out of them but I'm sure someone will
fwwm donna > show donna
I so wish someone could have went up to that guy who played the director with a tweezers and plucked out that gross unibrow he was trying to grow.
the original series had that too though
Yeah I feel like people understate the amount of open-ended stuff in the original show. Maybe just because it was cancelled though
It's 10:10AM on February 16th.
>However I can't say that that makes for particularly satisfying television. It's one of the things i'm ultimately disappointed in the season fo
you should say that (first sentence) and you shouldn't be disappointed (second=)